Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

Union of pointers to constant 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers.

#include <compiler.h>

Data Fields

const S16s16ptr
const S32s32ptr
const S64s64ptr
const S8s8ptr
const U16u16ptr
const U32u32ptr
const U64u64ptr
const U8u8ptr

const S16* UnionCPtr::s16ptr
const S32* UnionCPtr::s32ptr
const S64* UnionCPtr::s64ptr
const S8* UnionCPtr::s8ptr
const U16* UnionCPtr::u16ptr
const U32* UnionCPtr::u32ptr
const U64* UnionCPtr::u64ptr
const U8* UnionCPtr::u8ptr