IIS driver for SAM.
This file defines a useful set of functions for the IIS on SAM devices.
Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.
void | iis_clear_status (struct iis_dev_inst *const dev_inst, iis_interrupt_source_t source) |
| Clear the IIS status value. More...
void | iis_disable (struct iis_dev_inst *const dev_inst) |
| Disable the IIS module. More...
static void | iis_disable_clocks (struct iis_dev_inst *dev_inst) |
| Disable the clocks for the IIS module. More...
void | iis_disable_interrupt (struct iis_dev_inst *const dev_inst, iis_interrupt_source_t source) |
| Disable the specified interrput sources. More...
static void | iis_disable_reception (struct iis_dev_inst *dev_inst) |
| Disable the IIS module in reception. More...
static void | iis_disable_transmission (struct iis_dev_inst *dev_inst) |
| Disable the IIS module in transmission. More...
void | iis_enable (struct iis_dev_inst *const dev_inst) |
| Enable the IIS module. More...
static void | iis_enable_clocks (struct iis_dev_inst *dev_inst) |
| Enable the clocks for the IIS module. More...
void | iis_enable_interrupt (struct iis_dev_inst *const dev_inst, iis_interrupt_source_t source) |
| Enable the specified interrput sources. More...
static void | iis_enable_reception (struct iis_dev_inst *dev_inst) |
| Enable the IIS module in reception. More...
static void | iis_enable_transmission (struct iis_dev_inst *dev_inst) |
| Enable the IIS module in transmission. More...
static void | iis_get_config_defaults (struct iis_config *const cfg) |
| Get the default IIS module configuration: Data format: 32 bits Slot length: 32 bits Sample frequecny ratio: 1024 Tx channel: Stereo Rx channel: Stereo DMA for Tx: 1 DMA channel for 1 IIS Tx channel DMA for Rx: 1 DMA channel for 1 IIS Rx channel Loopback: No Master: Yes. More...
static uint32_t | iis_get_interrupt_mask (struct iis_dev_inst *const dev_inst) |
| Get the IIS interrupts mask value. More...
static uint32_t | iis_get_status (struct iis_dev_inst *dev_inst) |
| Get the IIS status value. More...
enum status_code | iis_init (struct iis_dev_inst *const dev_inst, Iisc *iisc, struct iis_config *const cfg) |
| Initialize and configure the IIS module. More...
enum status_code | iis_read (struct iis_dev_inst *dev_inst, uint32_t *data) |
| Read a single message of data. More...
static void | iis_reset (struct iis_dev_inst *dev_inst) |
| Resets the IIS module. More...
void | iis_set_callback (struct iis_dev_inst *const dev_inst, iis_interrupt_source_t source, iis_callback_t callback, uint8_t irq_level) |
| Set callback for IIS. More...
enum status_code | iis_write (struct iis_dev_inst *dev_inst, uint32_t data) |
| Write a single message of data. More...