abdacb.c | ABDAC driver for SAM |
abdacb.h | ABDAC driver for SAM |
abdacb_example.c | Audio Bitstream DAC Example for SAM4L |
acifc.c | Analog Comparator interface driver for SAM4L |
acifc.h | SAM4L Analog Comparator Interface Driver |
acifc_example.c | SAM4L Analog Comparator Interfacer (ACIFC) example |
acifc_example.h | SAM4L Analog Comparator Interfacer (ACIFC) example |
adcife.c | Analog-to-Digital Converter interface driver for SAM4L |
adcife.h | Analog-to-Digital Converter driver for SAM4L |
adcife_example.c | Analog-to-Digital Converter Interface Example for SAM4L |
adcife_wm_example.c | ADCIFE Window Monitor example for SAM4L |
aesa.c | AES software driver for SAM |
aesa.h | AES software driver for SAM |
aesa_example.c | AES example for SAM |
AltBlckQ.c | |
AltBlckQ.h | |
AltBlock.c | |
AltBlock.h | |
AltPollQ.c | |
AltPollQ.h | |
AltQTest.c | |
AltQTest.h | |
src/include/lwip/api.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/api.h | |
api_decoder.c | Decodes comman byte stream into respective api's |
api_encoder.c | Encodes mac api's to comman byte stream |
src/api/api_lib.c | Sequential API External module |
dev/src/api/api_lib.c | Sequential API External module |
src/api/api_msg.c | Sequential API Internal module |
dev/src/api/api_msg.c | Sequential API Internal module |
src/include/lwip/api_msg.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/api_msg.h | |
api_parser.c | RF4CE API parser |
avr2025_mac/addons/api_parser/inc/api_parser.h | |
avr2102_rf4control/addons/api_parser/api_parser.h | |
app.c | Application layer for low power and full features demo initialization |
app.h | Application layer for low power and full features demo initialization |
avr2025_mac/apps/tal/performance_analyzer/inc/app_config.h | |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/serial_if/no_bcn_rfd/host/app_config.h | |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/nwk/serial_if/ncp/app_config.h | |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/serial_if/no_bcn_ffd/ncp/app_config.h | |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/zrc/single_button_ctr/ncp/app_config.h | |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/beacon/coord/ncp/app_config.h | |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/zrc/serial_if/tgt/ncp/app_config.h | |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/no_beacon/coord/host/app_config.h | |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/zrc/single_button_ctr/host/app_config.h | |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/serial_if/bcn_ffd/host/app_config.h | |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/serial_if/no_bcn_rfd/ncp/app_config.h | |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/no_beacon/dev/ncp/app_config.h | |
avr2025_mac/apps/tal/performance_analyzer_2/inc/app_config.h | |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/no_beacon_sleep/app_config.h | |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/serial_if/bcn_rfd/host/app_config.h | |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/zrc/serial_if/tgt/host/app_config.h | |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/serial_if/no_bcn_ffd/host/app_config.h | |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/serial_if/bcn_ffd/ncp/app_config.h | |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/zrc/serial_if/ctr/host/app_config.h | |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/beacon/dev/ncp/app_config.h | |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/no_beacon/dev/host/app_config.h | |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/no_beacon/coord/ncp/app_config.h | |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/beacon/dev/host/app_config.h | |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/zrc/terminal_tgt/app_config.h | |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/zrc/serial_if/ctr/ncp/app_config.h | |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/nwk/serial_if/host/app_config.h | |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/beacon/coord/host/app_config.h | |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/serial_if/bcn_rfd/ncp/app_config.h | |
inc/app_frame_format.h | |
2/inc/app_frame_format.h | |
inc/app_init.h | |
2/inc/app_init.h | |
inc/app_peer_search.h | |
2/inc/app_peer_search.h | |
inc/app_per_mode.h | |
2/inc/app_per_mode.h | |
inc/app_range_mode.h | |
2/inc/app_range_mode.h | |
no_beacon/dev/app_security.c | |
no_beacon/coord/app_security.c | This module configures the MAC Beacon Security |
beacon/dev/app_security.c | |
beacon/coord/app_security.c | This module configures the MAC Beacon Security |
src/include/lwip/arch.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/arch.h | |
arm_class_marks_example_f32.c | |
arm_convolution_example_f32.c | |
arm_dotproduct_example_f32.c | |
arm_fft_bin_data.c | |
arm_fft_bin_example_f32.c | |
arm_fir_data.c | |
arm_fir_example_f32.c | |
arm_graphic_equalizer_data.c | |
arm_graphic_equalizer_example_q31.c | |
arm_matrix_example_f32.c | |
arm_signal_converge_data.c | |
arm_signal_converge_example_f32.c | |
arm_sin_cos_example_f32.c | |
arm_variance_example_f32.c | |
ascii_anim1.h | Ascii Animation File 1 |
ascii_anim2.h | Ascii Animation File 2 |
ast.c | SAM Asynchronous Timer (AST) driver |
ast.h | SAM Asynchronous Timer (AST) driver |
ast_example1.c | SAM Asynchronous Timer (AST) example 1 |
ast_example1.h | SAM Asynchronous Timer (AST) Example 1 Calendar Mode |
ast_example2.c | SAM Asynchronous Timer (AST) example 2 alarm wakeup |
ast_example2.h | SAM Asynchronous Timer (AST) example 2 alarm wakeup |
at25dfx.c | Management of the AT25DFx SerialFlash driver through SPI |
at25dfx.h | API driver for AT25DFx SerialFlash component |
at25dfx_example.c | AT25DFx SerialFlash Component Example |
at25dfx_hal_spi.c | Connection of the AT25DFx SerialFlash to SPI interface driver |
at25dfx_hal_spi.h | Connection of the AT25DFx SerialFlash to SPI interface driver |
at45dbx.c | Management of the AT45DBX data flash driver through SPI |
at45dbx.h | Management of the AT45DBX DataFlash component |
at45dbx_hal_spi.h | Connection of the AT45DBX DataFlash to SPI interface driver |
at45dbx_mem.c | CTRL_ACCESS interface for the AT45DBX data flash driver |
at45dbx_mem.h | CTRL_ACCESS interface for the AT45DBX data flash driver |
avr2025_mac/source/tal/at86rf212/inc/at86rf212.h | |
avr2130_lwmesh/source/phy/at86rf212/inc/at86rf212.h | |
avr2025_mac/source/tal/at86rf212b/inc/at86rf212b.h | |
avr2130_lwmesh/source/phy/at86rf212b/inc/at86rf212b.h | |
at86rf215.h | File contains register and command defines specific for RF215 |
avr2025_mac/source/tal/at86rf231/inc/at86rf231.h | |
avr2130_lwmesh/source/phy/at86rf231/inc/at86rf231.h | |
at86rf232.h | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
avr2025_mac/source/tal/at86rf233/inc/at86rf233.h | |
avr2130_lwmesh/source/phy/at86rf233/inc/at86rf233.h | |
autoip.c | AutoIP Automatic LinkLocal IP Configuration |
autoip.h | AutoIP Automatic LinkLocal IP Configuration |
avr2025_mac.h | Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
no_beacon/dev/beacon_app.h | |
no_beacon/coord/beacon_app.h | These are application-specific resources which are used in the example application of the coordinator in addition to the underlaying stack |
beacon/dev/beacon_app.h | |
beacon/coord/beacon_app.h | These are application-specific resources which are used in the example application of the coordinator in addition to the underlaying stack |
BitBangSPI_Master.c | This file contains the BitBangSPI public API that can be used to transfer data from a Touch Device to QTouch Studio using the QT600 USB Bridge |
BitBangSPI_Master.h | |
BlockQ.c | |
BlockQ.h | |
blocktim.c | |
blocktim.h | |
bmm.c | This file implements the functions for initializing buffer module, allocating and freeing up buffers |
board.h | Standard board header file |
bpm.c | BPM driver |
bpm.h | BPM driver |
bpm_example.c | BPM example |
c42364a.h | Management of C42364A LCD Glass component |
c42364a_example.c | C42364A LCD Glass component example for SAM |
c42364a_lcdca.c | Management of C42364A LCD Glass component |
c42364a_segmap.h | Default configuration of C42364A LCD Segment Map |
c42412a.h | Management of C42412A LCD Glass component |
c42412a_example.c | C42412A LCD Glass component example for SAM |
c42412a_lcdca.c | Management of C42412A LCD Glass component |
c42412a_segmap.h | Default configuration of C42412A LCD Segment Map |
sam/include/arch/cc.h | LwIP abstraction layer for SAM |
dev/sam/include/arch/cc.h | LwIP abstraction layer for SAM |
clock_example1_sam.c | Clock system example 1 |
clock_example2_sam4l.c | Clock system example 2 |
clock_example3_sam4l.c | Clock system example 3 |
commands.c | WSNDemo command handler implementation |
commands.h | WSNDemo command handler interface |
common_hw_timer.h | Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
common_sw_timer.c | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
common_sw_timer.h | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
compiler.h | Commonly used includes, types and macros |
comtest.c | |
comtest.h | |
comtest2.h | |
services/usb/class/composite/host/example2/conf_access.h | Memory access control configuration |
services/usb/class/msc/host/example2/conf_access.h | Memory access control configuration |
components/memory/sd_mmc/example2/conf_access.h | Memory access control configuration file |
conf_board.h | Board configuration |
avr2025_mac/apps/tal/performance_analyzer/conf_common_sw_timer.h | USART Serial configuration |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/nwk/serial_if/ncp/conf_common_sw_timer.h | USART Serial configuration |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/zrc/single_button_ctr/ncp/conf_common_sw_timer.h | USART Serial configuration |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/beacon/coord/ncp/conf_common_sw_timer.h | USART Serial configuration |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/zrc/serial_if/tgt/ncp/conf_common_sw_timer.h | USART Serial configuration |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/no_beacon/coord/host/conf_common_sw_timer.h | USART Serial configuration |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/zrc/single_button_ctr/host/conf_common_sw_timer.h | USART Serial configuration |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/no_beacon/dev/ncp/conf_common_sw_timer.h | USART Serial configuration |
avr2025_mac/apps/tal/performance_analyzer_2/conf_common_sw_timer.h | SW Timer Configuration |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/no_beacon_sleep/conf_common_sw_timer.h | USART Serial configuration |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/zrc/serial_if/tgt/host/conf_common_sw_timer.h | USART Serial configuration |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/zrc/serial_if/ctr/host/conf_common_sw_timer.h | USART Serial configuration |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/beacon/dev/ncp/conf_common_sw_timer.h | USART Serial configuration |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/no_beacon/dev/host/conf_common_sw_timer.h | USART Serial configuration |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/no_beacon/coord/ncp/conf_common_sw_timer.h | USART Serial configuration |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/serial_if/conf_common_sw_timer.h | USART Serial configuration |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/beacon/dev/host/conf_common_sw_timer.h | USART Serial configuration |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/zrc/terminal_tgt/conf_common_sw_timer.h | USART Serial configuration |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/zrc/serial_if/ctr/ncp/conf_common_sw_timer.h | USART Serial configuration |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/nwk/serial_if/host/conf_common_sw_timer.h | USART Serial configuration |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/beacon/coord/host/conf_common_sw_timer.h | USART Serial configuration |
services/usb/class/composite/host/example2/conf_fatfs.h | FATFS configuration file |
services/usb/class/msc/host/example2/conf_fatfs.h | FATFS configuration file |
components/memory/sd_mmc/example2/conf_fatfs.h | FATFS configuration file |
conf_pal.h | Platform Abstraction Layer configuration |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/nwk/serial_if/ncp/conf_trx_access.h | Common TRX Access Configuration |
avr2130_lwmesh/apps/PeertoPeer/conf_trx_access.h | Common TRX Access Configuration |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/serial_if/no_bcn_ffd/ncp/conf_trx_access.h | Common TRX Access Configuration |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/zrc/single_button_ctr/ncp/conf_trx_access.h | Common TRX Access Configuration |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/beacon/coord/ncp/conf_trx_access.h | Common TRX Access Configuration |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/zrc/serial_if/tgt/ncp/conf_trx_access.h | Common TRX Access Configuration |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/serial_if/no_bcn_rfd/ncp/conf_trx_access.h | Common TRX Access Configuration |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/no_beacon/dev/ncp/conf_trx_access.h | Common TRX Access Configuration |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/no_beacon_sleep/conf_trx_access.h | Common TRX Access Configuration |
avr2130_lwmesh/apps/EdDemo/conf_trx_access.h | Common TRX Access Configuration |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/serial_if/bcn_ffd/ncp/conf_trx_access.h | Common TRX Access Configuration |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/beacon/dev/ncp/conf_trx_access.h | Common TRX Access Configuration |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/no_beacon/coord/ncp/conf_trx_access.h | Common TRX Access Configuration |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/zrc/terminal_tgt/conf_trx_access.h | Common TRX Access Configuration |
avr2102_rf4control/apps/zrc/serial_if/ctr/ncp/conf_trx_access.h | Common TRX Access Configuration |
avr2025_mac/apps/mac/serial_if/bcn_rfd/ncp/conf_trx_access.h | Common TRX Access Configuration |
msc/device/example/conf_usb.h | USB configuration file |
phdc/device/example/conf_usb.h | USB configuration file |
hid/device/kbd/unit_tests/conf_usb.h | USB configuration file |
cdc/device/unit_tests/conf_usb.h | USB configuration file |
composite/device/example1/conf_usb.h | USB configuration file |
hid/device/mouse/example/conf_usb.h | USB configuration file |
vendor/device/example/conf_usb.h | USB configuration file |
composite/device/example4/conf_usb.h | USB configuration file |
hid/device/mouse/unit_tests/conf_usb.h | USB configuration file |
composite/device/example3/conf_usb.h | USB configuration file |
cdc/device/example/conf_usb.h | USB configuration file for CDC application |
hid/dual/mouse/example/conf_usb.h | USB device configuration file |
msc/device/unit_tests/conf_usb.h | USB configuration file |
hid/device/kbd/example/conf_usb.h | USB configuration file |
hid/device/generic/example/conf_usb.h | USB configuration file |
class/composite/host/example2/conf_usb_host.h | USB host configuration file |
class/msc/host/example2/conf_usb_host.h | USB host configuration file |
class/cdc/host/example/conf_usb_host.h | USB host configuration file |
class/vendor/host/example/conf_usb_host.h | USB host configuration file |
class/hid/host/mouse/example/conf_usb_host.h | USB host configuration file |
uhc/unit_tests/target/conf_usb_host.h | USB host configuration file |
class/hid/dual/mouse/example/conf_usb_host.h | USB host configuration file |
PeertoPeer/config.h | |
EdDemo/config.h | |
wsndemo/config.h | |
countsem.c | |
countsem.h | |
crccu.c | Cyclic Redundancy Check Calculation Unit (CRCCU) driver for SAM |
crccu.h | Cyclic Redundancy Check Calculation Unit (CRCCU) driver for SAM |
crccu_example_flashcalw.c | Cyclic Redundancy Check Calculation Unit (CRCCU) example for SAM |
crflash.c | |
crflash.h | |
crhook.c | |
crhook.h | |
freertos-7.0.0/source/croutine.c | |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/croutine.c | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/croutine.c | |
freertos-7.3.0/source/include/croutine.h | |
freertos-7.0.0/source/include/croutine.h | |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/include/croutine.h | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/include/croutine.h | |
ctrl_access.c | |
ctrl_access.h | |
cycle_counter.c | ARM functions for busy-wait delay loops |
cycle_counter.h | ARM functions for busy-wait delay loops |
dacc.c | Digital-to-Analog Converter Controller (DACC) driver for SAM |
dacc.h | Digital-to-Analog Converter Controller (DACC) driver for SAM |
death.c | |
death.h | |
src/include/lwip/debug.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/debug.h | |
src/core/def.c | Common functions used throughout the stack |
dev/src/core/def.c | Common functions used throughout the stack |
src/include/lwip/def.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/def.h | |
delay.h | Common Delay Service |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/include/deprecated_definitions.h | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/include/deprecated_definitions.h | |
dfll.c | Chip-specific DFLL implementation |
sam4l/dfll.h | Chip-specific DFLL definitions |
dfll.h | DFLL management |
src/core/dhcp.c | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol client |
dev/src/core/dhcp.c | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol client |
src/include/lwip/dhcp.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/dhcp.h | |
dhcp6.c | DHCPv6 |
dhcp6.h | IPv6 address autoconfiguration as per RFC 4862 |
diskio.c | Implementation of low level disk I/O module skeleton for FatFS |
diskio.h | |
src/core/dns.c | DNS - host name to IP address resolver |
dev/src/core/dns.c | DNS - host name to IP address resolver |
src/include/lwip/dns.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/dns.h | |
arm_class_marks_example/documentation.h | Documentation entry point |
arm_fft_bin_example/documentation.h | Documentation entry point |
arm_sin_cos_example/documentation.h | Documentation entry point |
arm_convolution_example/documentation.h | Documentation entry point |
arm_fir_example/documentation.h | Documentation entry point |
arm_dotproduct_example/documentation.h | Documentation entry point |
arm_signal_converge_example/documentation.h | Documentation entry point |
arm_matrix_example/documentation.h | Documentation entry point |
arm_variance_example/documentation.h | Documentation entry point |
arm_graphic_equalizer_example/documentation.h | Documentation entry point |
doxygen_master_mainpage.h | |
dynamic.c | |
dynamic.h | |
ecc-sw.c | Hamming ECC software implementation |
ecc-sw.h | Hamming ECC software implementation |
EdDemo.c | Energy Detection Demo application implementation |
eic.c | EIC driver for SAM |
eic.h | EIC driver for SAM |
eic_example.c | External Interrupt Controller Example for SAM4L |
src/api/err.c | Error Management module |
dev/src/api/err.c | Error Management module |
src/include/lwip/err.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/err.h | |
etharp.c | Address Resolution Protocol module for IP over Ethernet |
src/include/netif/etharp.h | |
dev/src/include/netif/etharp.h | |
ethernetif.c | Ethernet Interface Skeleton |
ethip6.c | Ethernet output for IPv6 |
ethip6.h | Ethernet output for IPv6 |
event.c | Event Manager |
event.h | Event Manager |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/event_groups.c | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/event_groups.c | |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/include/event_groups.h | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/include/event_groups.h | |
events.c | SAM4L Peripheral Event Controller (PEVC) Driver |
events.h | SAM4L Peripheral Event Controller (PEVC) Driver |
events_example1.c | SAM Peripheral Event Controller (PEVC) example 1 |
events_example1.h | SAM Peripheral Event Controller (PEVC) example 1 |
events_example2.c | SAM Peripheral Event Controller (PEVC) example 2 |
events_example2.h | SAM Peripheral Event Controller (PEVC) example 2 |
example2/example.c | SD/MMC card example with FatFs |
example1/example.c | SD/MMC card example |
fattime_ast.c | Implementation of low level disk I/O module skeleton for FatFS |
ff.c | |
ff.h | |
ffconf.h | |
fifo.c | This file controls the software FIFO management |
fifo.h | This file controls the software FIFO management |
fileIO.h | |
flash.c | |
flash.h | |
flashcalw.c | FlashCALW driver for SAM4L |
flashcalw.h | FlashCALW driver for SAM4L |
flashcalw_example1.c | FLASHCALW example1 for SAM |
flashcalw_example2.c | FLASHCALW example2 for SAM |
flashcalw_example3.c | FLASHCALW example3 for SAM |
flop.c | |
flop.h | |
font.c | SSD1306 fonts |
font.h | SSD1306 fonts |
freertos-7.3.0/source/include/FreeRTOS.h | |
freertos-7.0.0/source/include/FreeRTOS.h | |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/include/FreeRTOS.h | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/include/FreeRTOS.h | |
FreeRTOS_CLI.c | |
FreeRTOS_CLI.h | |
freqm.c | Frequency Meter driver for SAM4L |
freqm.h | Frequency Meter driver for SAM4L |
freqm_example.c | Frequency Meter Example for SAM4L |
gdp.h | API for ZID profile |
gdp_config.h | |
genclk.h | Generic clock management |
sam4l/genclk.h | Chip-specific generic clock management |
GenQTest.c | |
GenQTest.h | |
gfx_ili9325_ftm280c34d.c | Graphic service settings for the FTM280C34D panel using the ILI9325 display controller |
gfx_ili9325_ftm280c34d.h | Graphic service settings for the FTM280C34D panel using the ILI9325 display controller |
gfx_ili93xx.c | Graphic service settings for the LCD panel using the ILI93XX display controller |
gfx_ili93xx.h | Graphic service settings for the LCD panel using the ILI93XX display controller |
gfx_ili9488_90_00028_a0.c | Graphic service settings for the 90-00028-A0 panel using the ILI9488 display controller |
gfx_ili9488_90_00028_a0.h | Graphic library configured for the 90-00028-A0 LCD panel using the ILI9488 display controller |
gloc.c | Glue Logic driver for SAM |
gloc.h | Glue Logic driver for SAM |
gpio.c | GPIO driver |
gpio.h | SAM GPIO driver |
gpio_example.c | GPIO interrupt example |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/portable/MemMang/heap_1.c | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/portable/MemMang/heap_1.c | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/portable/MemMang/heap_2.c | |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/portable/MemMang/heap_2.c | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/portable/MemMang/heap_3.c | |
freertos-7.0.0/source/portable/memmang/heap_3.c | |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/portable/MemMang/heap_3.c | |
freertos-7.3.0/source/portable/memmang/heap_4.c | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/portable/MemMang/heap_4.c | |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/portable/MemMang/heap_4.c | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/portable/MemMang/heap_5.c | |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/portable/MemMang/heap_5.c | |
hmatrixb.c | HMATRIX driver for SAM |
hmatrixb.h | HMATRIX driver for SAM |
hmatrixb_example.c | HMATRIX example for SAM |
hw_timer.c | Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
hw_timer.h | Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
hx8347a.c | API driver for HX8347A TFT display component |
hx8347a.h | API driver for HX8347A TFT display component |
icmp.c | ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol |
icmp.h | |
icmp6.c | IPv6 version of ICMP, as per RFC 4443 |
icmp6.h | IPv6 version of ICMP, as per RFC 4443 |
ieee11073_skeleton.c | Sample of IEE11073 Communication Model |
ieee11073_skeleton.h | Sample of IEE11073 Communication Model |
ieee_154g.h | This header holds all IEEE 802.15.4g-2012 constants and attribute identifiers |
ieee_const.h | This header holds all IEEE 802.15.4-2006 constants and attribute identifiers |
igmp.c | IGMP - Internet Group Management Protocol |
igmp.h | |
iisc.c | IIS driver for SAM |
iisc.h | IIS driver for SAM |
ili9325.c | API driver for ILI9325 TFT display component |
ili9325.h | API driver for ILI9325 TFT display component |
ili9325_regs.h | Registers definition for ili9325 TFT display component |
ili9341_regs.h | Registers definition for ili9341 TFT display component |
ili93xx.c | API driver for ILI93XX TFT display component |
ili93xx.h | API driver for ili93xx TFT display component |
inet.h | |
inet6.c | INET v6 addresses |
inet6.h | INET v6 addresses |
inet_chksum.c | Incluse internet checksum functions |
inet_chksum.h | |
init.c | Modules initialization |
src/include/lwip/init.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/init.h | |
src/init_state.c | |
2/src/init_state.c | |
integer.c | |
fatfs/fatfs-r0.09/src/integer.h | |
freertos/demo/common/include/integer.h | |
interrupt.h | Global interrupt management for 8- and 32-bit AVR |
interrupt_sam_nvic.c | Global interrupt management for SAM D20, SAM3 and SAM4 (NVIC based) |
interrupt_sam_nvic.h | Global interrupt management for SAM D20, SAM3 and SAM4 (NVIC based) |
IntQueue.h | |
io.h | Arch file for SAM |
ioport.h | Common IOPORT service main header file for AVR, UC3 and ARM architectures |
ioport_example1.c | Common IOPORT service example 1 |
ioport_example2.c | Common IOPORT service example 2 |
ioport_example3.c | Common IOPORT service example 3 |
ioport_gpio.h | SAM architecture specific IOPORT service implementation header file |
ip.h | |
ip4.c | This is the IPv4 layer implementation for incoming and outgoing IP traffic |
ip4.h | |
ip4_addr.c | This is the IPv4 address tools implementation |
ip4_addr.h | |
ip6.c | IPv6 layer |
ip6.h | IPv6 layer |
ip6_addr.c | IPv6 addresses |
ip6_addr.h | IPv6 addresses |
ip6_frag.c | IPv6 fragmentation and reassembly |
ip6_frag.h | IPv6 fragmentation and reassembly |
ip_addr.h | |
ip_frag.c | This is the IPv4 packet segmentation and reassembly implementation |
ip_frag.h | |
ncp/keyboard.h | Keyboard driver |
host/keyboard.h | Keyboard driver |
lcdca.c | SAM4L Liquid Crystal Display driver (LCDCA) |
lcdca.h | SAM4L Liquid Crystal Display driver (LCDCA) |
lcdca_example.c | SAM4L LCDCA example |
lcdca_example.h | SAM4L LCDCA example |
freertos-7.3.0/source/list.c | |
freertos-7.0.0/source/list.c | |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/list.c | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/list.c | |
freertos-7.3.0/source/include/list.h | |
freertos-7.0.0/source/include/list.h | |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/include/list.h | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/include/list.h | |
lwip_init.c | Modules initialization |
lwip_timers_141.c | Stack-internal timers implementation |
mac.c | This module runs the MAC scheduler |
mac.h | Provides MAC API to access MAC Layer functionality |
mac_api.c | This file contains MAC API functions |
mac_api.h | MAC API for IEEE 802.15.4-2006 |
mac_associate.c | Implements the functionality required for Association |
mac_beacon.c | Implements the building of beacon frames and initiates transmission via CSMA-CA after reception of a beacon request frame in a nonbeacon-enabled PAN |
mac_build_config.h | This header file declares macros for various build configurations |
mac_callback_wrapper.c | Wrapper code for MAC callback functions |
mac_config.h | These are all timer IDs which are used in MAC |
mac_data_extract_mhr.c | Implements common functionality for MAC |
mac_data_ind.c | Implements incoming frame handling in the MAC |
mac_data_req.c | Implements data request related functions |
mac_data_structures.h | This file contains MAC related data structures, types and enums |
mac_disassociate.c | Implements the MLME-DISASSOCIATION functionality |
mac_dispatcher.c | Dispatches the events by decoding the message type |
mac_gts.c | This file implements GTS feature for MAC |
mac_internal.h | Declares MAC internal functions, globals, and macros |
mac_mcps_data.c | Handles MCPS related primitives and frames |
mac_misc.c | This file implements miscellaneous MAC sublayer components |
mac_msg_const.h | This file defines all message constants |
mac_msg_type_data_ind.h | This file defines all message structures for the MAC |
mac_msg_types.h | This file defines all message structures for the MAC |
mac_orphan.c | Implements orphan scan related functionalities on the parent side |
mac_pib.c | Implements the MAC PIB attribute handling |
mac_poll.c | Implements the MLME-POLL.request handling |
mac_process_beacon_frame.c | Implements the processing of a received beacon frame |
mac_process_tal_tx_frame_status.c | Processes the TAL tx frame status received on the frame transmission |
mac_rx_enable.c | Implements the MLME-RX-ENABLE functionality |
mac_scan.c | |
mac_security.c | Handles MAC security |
mac_security.h | Declares MAC security related functions, globals, and macros |
mac_start.c | This file implements the MLME-START.request (MAC layer management entity) entry points |
mac_sync.c | Implements the MLME-SYNC.request |
mac_tx_coord_realignment_command.c | Implements the coordinator realignment command |
mac_user_build_config.h | This header file declares macros for various build configurations |
common/services/usb/class/msc/device/example/main.c | Main functions for MSC example |
common/services/usb/class/phdc/device/example/main.c | Main functions |
thirdparty/wireless/avr2025_mac/apps/tal/performance_analyzer_2/main.c | |
common/services/usb/class/composite/host/example2/main.c | Main functions for USB host mass storage and mouse composite example |
sam/applications/sam4l_qtouch_demo/main.c | Low Power and QTouch Demo for SAM4L |
thirdparty/wireless/avr2025_mac/apps/mac/no_beacon/dev/main.c | |
common/services/usb/class/msc/host/example2/main.c | Main functions for USB host mass storage example |
common/services/usb/class/composite/device/example1/main.c | Main functions for USB composite example |
thirdparty/wireless/avr2025_mac/apps/tal/performance_analyzer/main.c | |
common/services/usb/class/cdc/host/example/main.c | Main functions for USB host mass storage example |
common/services/usb/class/hid/device/mouse/example/main.c | Main functions for Mouse example |
thirdparty/wireless/avr2025_mac/apps/mac/no_beacon_sleep/main.c | |
thirdparty/freertos/demo/sam_example/main.c | FreeRTOS configuration |
thirdparty/wireless/avr2130_lwmesh/apps/wsndemo/main.c | |
common/services/usb/class/vendor/device/example/main.c | Main functions for USB Device vendor example |
common/services/usb/class/vendor/host/example/main.c | Main functions for USB host vendor example |
sam/applications/sam4l_host_msc_aes_bootloader/firmware_generator/main.c | Application to generate firmware for USB Host Mass Storage Bootloader |
common/services/usb/class/composite/device/example4/main.c | Main functions for USB composite example |
thirdparty/wireless/avr2025_mac/apps/mac/no_beacon/coord/main.c | |
sam/applications/sam4l_host_msc_aes_bootloader/bootloader/main.c | SAM4L USB Host Mass Storage Bootloader Application with CRC Check and AES decryption support |
thirdparty/wireless/avr2102_rf4control/apps/nwk/serial_if/main.c | |
common/services/usb/class/hid/host/mouse/example/main.c | Main functions for USB host mouse example |
thirdparty/wireless/avr2025_mac/apps/mac/serial_if/main.c | |
common/services/usb/class/composite/device/example3/main.c | Main functions for USB composite example |
thirdparty/wireless/avr2025_mac/apps/mac/beacon/dev/main.c | |
sam/utils/cmsis/cm4_cmsis_example/main.c | CMSIS Example |
thirdparty/wireless/avr2025_mac/apps/mac/beacon/coord/main.c | |
thirdparty/wireless/addons/serial_bridge/example/main.c | |
common/services/usb/class/cdc/device/example/main.c | CDC Application Main functions |
common/services/usb/class/hid/dual/mouse/example/main.c | Main functions for USB device and host (dual rual) mouse example |
thirdparty/wireless/avr2102_rf4control/apps/zrc/terminal_tgt/main.c | |
common/services/usb/class/hid/device/kbd/example/main.c | Main functions for Keyboard example |
thirdparty/wireless/avr2102_rf4control/apps/zrc/single_button_ctr/main.c | |
thirdparty/qtouch/devspecific/sam4/sam4l/examples/main.c | SAM4L QTouch Example |
thirdparty/wireless/avr2102_rf4control/apps/zrc/serial_if/main.c | |
common/services/usb/class/hid/device/generic/example/main.c | Main functions for Generic example |
common/services/usb/class/msc/device/example/main.h | Declaration of main function used by MSC example |
common/services/usb/class/phdc/device/example/main.h | Declaration of main function used by PHDC example |
common/services/usb/class/composite/host/example2/main.h | Declaration of main function used by example |
common/services/usb/class/msc/host/example2/main.h | Declaration of main function used by example |
common/services/usb/class/composite/device/example1/main.h | Declaration of main function used by Composite example 1 |
common/services/usb/class/cdc/host/example/main.h | Declaration of main function used by example |
common/services/usb/class/hid/device/mouse/example/main.h | Declaration of main function used by HID mouse example |
common/services/usb/class/vendor/device/example/main.h | Declaration of main function used by example |
common/services/usb/class/vendor/host/example/main.h | Declaration of main function used by example |
sam/applications/sam4l_host_msc_aes_bootloader/firmware_generator/main.h | Declaration of main function used by example |
common/services/usb/class/composite/device/example4/main.h | Declaration of main function used by Composite example 4 |
sam/applications/sam4l_host_msc_aes_bootloader/bootloader/main.h | Declaration of main function used by example |
common/services/usb/class/hid/host/mouse/example/main.h | Declaration of main function used by example |
common/services/usb/class/composite/device/example3/main.h | Declaration of main function used by Composite example 3 |
common/services/usb/class/cdc/device/example/main.h | Main functions |
common/services/usb/class/hid/dual/mouse/example/main.h | Declaration of main function used by example |
common/services/usb/class/hid/device/kbd/example/main.h | Declaration of main function used by HID keyboard example |
common/services/usb/class/hid/device/generic/example/main.h | Declaration of main function used by HID generic example |
sam_low_power/main_sam4l.c | Low Power Application |
getting-started/main_sam4l.c | Getting Started Application |
arm_convolution_example/math_helper.c | |
arm_fir_example/math_helper.c | |
arm_signal_converge_example/math_helper.c | |
arm_matrix_example/math_helper.c | |
arm_graphic_equalizer_example/math_helper.c | |
arm_convolution_example/math_helper.h | |
arm_fir_example/math_helper.h | |
arm_signal_converge_example/math_helper.h | |
arm_matrix_example/math_helper.h | |
arm_graphic_equalizer_example/math_helper.h | |
src/core/mem.c | Dynamic memory manager |
dev/src/core/mem.c | Dynamic memory manager |
src/include/lwip/mem.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/mem.h | |
membag.c | Memory bag allocator |
membag.h | Memory Bag allocator for 8-bit AVR, 32-bit AVR, SAM |
msc/device/example/memories_initialization_sam.c | Initialization of memories Specific SAM functions to initialize the memories |
composite/device/example1/memories_initialization_sam.c | Initialization of memories Specific SAM functions to initialize the memories |
composite/device/example4/memories_initialization_sam.c | Initialization of memories Specific SAM functions to initialize the memories |
composite/device/example3/memories_initialization_sam.c | Initialization of memories Specific SAM functions to initialize the memories |
msc/device/unit_tests/memories_initialization_sam.c | Initialization of memories Specific SAM functions to initialize the memories |
src/core/memp.c | Dynamic pool memory manager |
dev/src/core/memp.c | Dynamic pool memory manager |
src/include/lwip/memp.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/memp.h | |
src/include/lwip/memp_std.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/memp_std.h | |
message_buffer.h | |
mevents.h | |
mld6.c | Multicast listener discovery for IPv6 |
mld6.h | Multicast listener discovery for IPv6 |
freertos-7.3.0/source/include/mpu_wrappers.h | |
freertos-7.0.0/source/include/mpu_wrappers.h | |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/include/mpu_wrappers.h | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/include/mpu_wrappers.h | |
mrepeat.h | Preprocessor macro repeating utils |
nd6.c | Neighbor discovery and stateless address autoconfiguration for IPv6 |
nd6.h | Neighbor discovery and stateless address autoconfiguration for IPv6 |
src/api/netbuf.c | Network buffer management |
dev/src/api/netbuf.c | Network buffer management |
src/include/lwip/netbuf.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/netbuf.h | |
src/api/netdb.c | API functions for name resolving |
dev/src/api/netdb.c | API functions for name resolving |
src/include/lwip/netdb.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/netdb.h | |
dev/src/include/posix/netdb.h | This file is a posix wrapper for lwip/netdb.h |
src/core/netif.c | LwIP network interface abstraction |
dev/src/core/netif.c | LwIP network interface abstraction |
src/include/lwip/netif.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/netif.h | |
src/api/netifapi.c | Network Interface Sequential API module |
dev/src/api/netifapi.c | Network Interface Sequential API module |
src/include/lwip/netifapi.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/netifapi.h | |
zrc/tgt/config/node_config.h | |
zrc/ctr/config/node_config.h | |
nwk/config/node_config.h | These are application-specific resources which are used in the example application of the coordinator in addition to the underlaying stack |
nwk.c | Network layer management functions implementation |
nwk.h | Network layer public interface |
nwk_build_config.h | This header file declares macros for various build configurations |
nwk_config.h | This module includes the Buffer and timer configuration for RF4Control stack |
nwk_internal.h | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
nwk_msg_code.h | This file defines all message constants |
nwk_msg_types.h | This file defines all message structures for the RF4control stack |
nwkCommand.h | Network commands interface |
nwkDataReq.c | NWK_DataReq() implementation |
nwkDataReq.h | NWK_DataReq() interface |
nwkFrame.c | Frame buffers management implementation |
nwkFrame.h | Frame buffers management interface |
nwkGroup.c | Multicast group management implementation |
nwkGroup.h | Multicast group management implementation |
nwkRoute.c | Routing implementation |
nwkRoute.h | Routing interface |
nwkRouteDiscovery.c | Route discovery implementation |
nwkRouteDiscovery.h | Route discovery interface |
nwkRx.c | Receive routines implementation |
nwkRx.h | Receive routines interface |
nwkSecurity.c | Security routines implementation |
nwkSecurity.h | Network layer security interface |
nwkTx.c | Transmit routines implementation |
nwkTx.h | Transmit routines interface |
src/include/lwip/opt.h | LwIP Options Configuration |
dev/src/include/lwip/opt.h | LwIP Options Configuration |
osc.c | Chip-specific oscillator management functions |
osc.h | Oscillator management |
sam4l/osc.h | Chip-specific oscillator management functions |
osprintf.c | Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
osprintf.h | Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
pal.c | |
pal.h | PAL related APIs |
pal_generic.h | PAL Generic APIs |
parc.c | SAM4L PARC driver |
parc.h | SAM4L PARC driver |
parc_callback.c | SAM4L PARC driver (callback) |
parc_callback.h | SAM4L PARC driver(callback) for SAM |
parc_example.c | PARC example |
parc_example.h | PARC example |
partest.h | |
parts.h | Atmel part identification macros |
pb_pairing.h | Declarations of API functions to access push button pairing functionality |
src/core/pbuf.c | Packet buffer management |
dev/src/core/pbuf.c | Packet buffer management |
src/include/lwip/pbuf.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/pbuf.h | |
pdca.c | PDCA driver for SAM4L |
pdca.h | PDCA driver for SAM4L |
pdca_usart_example.c | Peripheral DMA Controller Example for SAM4L |
Peer2Peer.c | Peer2Peer application implementation |
src/peer_search_initiator.c | |
2/src/peer_search_initiator.c | |
src/peer_search_receptor.c | |
2/src/peer_search_receptor.c | |
src/per_mode_common_utils.c | |
2/src/per_mode_common_utils.c | |
src/per_mode_initiator.c | |
2/src/per_mode_initiator.c | |
src/per_mode_receptor.c | |
2/src/per_mode_receptor.c | |
sam/include/arch/perf.h | LwIP abstraction layer for SAM |
dev/sam/include/arch/perf.h | LwIP abstraction layer for SAM |
inc/perf_api.h | |
2/inc/perf_api.h | |
src/perf_api_serial_handler.c | |
2/src/perf_api_serial_handler.c | |
inc/perf_api_serial_handler.h | |
2/inc/perf_api_serial_handler.h | |
inc/perf_msg_const.h | |
2/inc/perf_msg_const.h | |
src/performance_main.c | Main of Performance_Analyzer application |
2/src/performance_main.c | |
inc/performance_main.h | |
2/inc/performance_main.h | |
at86rf231/src/phy.c | |
at86rf212b/src/phy.c | |
at86rf212/src/phy.c | |
at86rf233/src/phy.c | |
at86rf231/inc/phy.h | |
at86rf212b/inc/phy.h | |
at86rf212/inc/phy.h | |
at86rf233/inc/phy.h | |
picouart.c | PICOUART driver for SAM |
picouart.h | PICOUART driver for SAM |
picouart_example1.c | PICOUART example 1 for SAM |
ping.c | Ping sender module |
ping.h | Ping sender module |
pll.c | Chip-specific PLL implementation |
pll.h | PLL management |
sam4l/pll.h | Chip-specific PLL definitions |
PollQ.c | |
PollQ.h | |
freertos-7.3.0/source/include/portable.h | |
freertos-7.0.0/source/include/portable.h | |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/include/portable.h | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/include/portable.h | |
ppp.h | |
ppp_impl.h | |
ppp_oe.h | |
pppapi.c | Point To Point Protocol Sequential API module |
pppapi.h | |
pppdebug.h | |
pppoe.h | |
pppol2tp.h | Network Point to Point Protocol over Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol header file |
preprocessor.h | Preprocessor utils |
print.h | |
private_const.h | This header holds all Atmel private constants and attribute identifiers |
freertos-7.3.0/source/include/projdefs.h | |
freertos-7.0.0/source/include/projdefs.h | |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/include/projdefs.h | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/include/projdefs.h | |
QDebug_sam4l.c | This file contains the QDebug public API that can be used to transfer data from a Touch Device to QTouch Studio using the QT600 USB Bridge |
QDebug_sam4l.h | This file contains the QDebug public API that can be used to transfer data from a Touch Device to QTouch Studio using the QT600 USB Bridge |
sam/applications/sam4l_qtouch_demo/qtouch/QDebugSettings.h | QTouch debug settings |
thirdparty/qtouch/devspecific/sam4/sam4l/examples/qtouch/QDebugSettings.h | QTouch debug settings |
QDebugTransport.c | |
QDebugTransport.h | |
qmm.c | This file implements the functions for initializing the queues, appending a buffer into the queue, removing a buffer from the queue and reading a buffer from the queue as per the search criteria |
QPeek.c | |
QPeek.h | |
QT2160.h | Header file for the AT42QT2160 device |
qt_i2c.c | QTouch component driver with I2C interface |
qt_i2c.h | QTouch component driver with I2C interface |
freertos-7.3.0/source/queue.c | |
freertos-7.0.0/source/queue.c | |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/queue.c | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/queue.c | |
freertos-7.3.0/source/include/queue.h | |
freertos-7.0.0/source/include/queue.h | |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/include/queue.h | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/include/queue.h | |
src/range_measure.c | |
2/src/range_measure.c | |
src/core/raw.c | Implementation of raw protocol PCBs for low-level handling of different types of protocols besides (or overriding) those already available in lwIP |
dev/src/core/raw.c | Implementation of raw protocol PCBs for low-level handling of different types of protocols besides (or overriding) those already available in lwIP |
src/include/lwip/raw.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/raw.h | |
read.c | System-specific implementation of the _read function used by the standard library |
recmutex.c | |
recmutex.h | |
reset_cause.h | CPU reset cause functions |
reset_cause_example_sam4l.c | CPU reset cause example for SAM4L |
return_val.h | Return values of APIs |
rf4ce.h | This header file declares the interface for the RF4Control stack |
sal.c | Low-level crypto API for an AES unit implemented in AT86RF2xx |
sal.h | Declarations for low-level security API |
sal_generic.h | Declarations for low-level security API |
sal_types.h | This file contains defines for SAL types |
sam4l_reset_cause.h | Chip-specific reset cause functions |
sam_spi_ksz8851snl.c | KSZ8851SNL SAM driver for lwIP |
sam_spi_ksz8851snl.h | KSZ8851SNL SAM driver for lwIP |
sbc_protocol.h | SCSI Block Commands |
sd_mmc.c | Common SD/MMC stack |
sd_mmc.h | Common SD/MMC stack header file |
sd_mmc_mem.c | CTRL_ACCESS interface for common SD/MMC stack |
sd_mmc_mem.h | CTRL_ACCESS interface for common SD/MMC stack |
sd_mmc_protocol.h | SD/MMC protocol definitions |
sd_mmc_spi.c | Common SPI interface for SD/MMC stack |
sd_mmc_spi.h | Common SPI interface for SD/MMC stack |
freertos-7.3.0/source/include/semphr.h | |
freertos-7.0.0/source/include/semphr.h | |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/include/semphr.h | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/include/semphr.h | |
semtest.c | |
semtest.h | |
common/services/serial/serial.h | Serial Mode management |
thirdparty/freertos/demo/common/include/serial.h | |
serial_bridge.c | |
serial_bridge.h | |
avr2102_rf4control/addons/serial_interface/serial_interface.c | |
avr2025_mac/addons/serial_if/src/serial_interface.c | |
avr2102_rf4control/addons/serial_interface/serial_interface.h | |
avr2025_mac/addons/serial_if/inc/serial_interface.h | |
sinewave_example.c | DAC Sinewave Example |
src/include/lwip/sio.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/sio.h | |
usb/sio2host.c | |
uart/sio2host.c | |
usb/sio2host.h | |
uart/sio2host.h | |
sio2ncp.c | Handles Serial I/O Functionalities |
sio2ncp.h | Handles Serial I/O Functionalities |
sleepmgr.c | Chip-specific sleep manager configuration |
sleepmgr.h | Sleep manager |
sam4l/sleepmgr.h | Chip-specific sleep manager configuration |
sleepmgr_example_sam4l_ast.c | Sleep manager example for SAM4L series |
slipif.c | SLIP Interface |
slipif.h | |
sn65hvd234.c | CAN transceiver SN65HVD234 driver |
sn65hvd234.h | CAN transceiver SN65HVD234 driver |
src/include/lwip/snmp.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/snmp.h | |
snmp_asn1.h | Abstract Syntax Notation One (ISO 8824, 8825) codec |
src/include/lwip/snmp_msg.h | SNMP Agent message handling structures |
dev/src/include/lwip/snmp_msg.h | SNMP Agent message handling structures |
src/include/lwip/snmp_structs.h | Generic MIB tree structures |
dev/src/include/lwip/snmp_structs.h | Generic MIB tree structures |
socket.h | This file is a posix wrapper for lwip/sockets.h |
src/api/sockets.c | Sockets BSD-Like API module |
dev/src/api/sockets.c | Sockets BSD-Like API module |
src/include/lwip/sockets.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/sockets.h | |
sound.h | |
spc_protocol.h | SCSI Primary Commands |
specific_tal_config.h | This file defines specific TAL configuration parameters |
spi.c | Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) driver for SAM |
spi.h | Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) driver for SAM |
spi_example.c | Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) example for SAM |
spi_master.c | SPI master common service for SAM |
sam_spi/spi_master.h | SPI master common service for SAM |
spi_master.h | SPI Master Mode management |
spi_master_example_sam.c | Example of usage of the SPI Master Mode Basic Services |
ssd1306.c | SSD1306 display controller driver |
ssd1306.h | SSD1306 OLED display controller driver |
ssd1306_example.c | SSD1306 display controller driver example |
stack_config.h | Stack configuration parameters |
stack_macros.h | |
freertos-7.3.0/source/include/StackMacros.h | |
freertos-7.0.0/source/include/StackMacros.h | |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/include/StackMacros.h | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/include/StackMacros.h | |
src/core/stats.c | Statistics module |
dev/src/core/stats.c | Statistics module |
src/include/lwip/stats.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/stats.h | |
status_codes.h | Status code definitions |
stb.c | High-level security tool box |
stb.h | Declarations for security tool box |
stb_armcrypto.c | |
stb_armcrypto.h | Declarations for security tool box required for ARM crypto engine |
stb_help.c | |
stb_internal.h | Declarations for security tool box |
stdio_serial.h | Common Standard I/O Serial Management |
stdio_usb.c | USB CDC Standard I/O Serial Management |
stdio_usb.h | USB Standard I/O Serial Management |
stream_buffer.c | |
stream_buffer.h | |
stringz.h | Preprocessor stringizing utils |
suite.c | Test suite core functionality |
suite.h | Test suite core declarations |
lwip/lwip-1.4.1/src/core/sys.c | LwIP Operating System abstraction |
lwip/lwip-1.4.1-dev/src/core/sys.c | LwIP Operating System abstraction |
wireless/avr2130_lwmesh/source/sys/src/sys.c | |
lwip/lwip-1.4.1/src/include/lwip/sys.h | |
lwip/lwip-1.4.1-dev/src/include/lwip/sys.h | |
wireless/avr2130_lwmesh/source/sys/inc/sys.h | |
sam/sys_arch.c | |
dev/sam/sys_arch.c | LwIP system architecture layer for SAM |
sam/include/arch/sys_arch.h | LwIP abstraction layer for SAM |
dev/sam/include/arch/sys_arch.h | LwIP abstraction layer for SAM |
sysclk.c | Chip-specific system clock management functions |
sysclk.h | System clock management |
sam4l/sysclk.h | Chip-specific system clock management functions |
sysConfig.h | Main system configyration file |
sysEncrypt.c | System encryption routines implementation |
sysEncrypt.h | System encryption routines interface |
sysTimer.c | System timer implementation |
sysTimer.h | System timer interface |
at86rf231/src/tal.c | |
at86rf212/src/tal.c | |
at86rf215/src/tal.c | |
at86rf212b/src/tal.c | |
at86rf233/src/tal.c | |
at86rf232/src/tal.c | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
tal.h | This file contains TAL API function declarations |
tal_4g_utils.c | This file supports the TAL PIB attributes by providing 4g specific information |
tal_auto_ack.c | This file implements acknowledgement handling |
tal_auto_csma.c | This file handles CSMA / CA before frame transmission within the TAL |
tal_auto_rx.c | This file implements function to handle received frames |
tal_auto_tx.c | This file handles the frame transmission within the TAL |
tal_build_config.h | This file contains TAL API function declarations |
at86rf231/inc/tal_config.h | |
at86rf212/inc/tal_config.h | |
at86rf215/inc/tal_config.h | |
at86rf212b/inc/tal_config.h | |
at86rf233/inc/tal_config.h | |
at86rf232/inc/tal_config.h | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
at86rf231/inc/tal_constants.h | |
at86rf212/inc/tal_constants.h | |
at86rf212b/inc/tal_constants.h | |
at86rf233/inc/tal_constants.h | |
at86rf232/inc/tal_constants.h | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
at86rf231/src/tal_ed.c | |
at86rf212/src/tal_ed.c | |
at86rf215/src/tal_ed.c | |
at86rf212b/src/tal_ed.c | |
at86rf233/src/tal_ed.c | |
at86rf232/src/tal_ed.c | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
tal_fe.c | This file handles the front-end configuration |
tal_fe_fsk_params.h | Parameter mapping of function fsk_rfcfg |
tal_ftn.c | This file implements the filter periodic tuning |
tal_generic.h | This file contains defines for TAL types |
tal_helper.c | |
tal_helper.h | This file contains TAL helper function declarations |
tal_helper_2.c | This file implements helper functions to configure transceiver |
tal_helper_2.h | This file contains TAL helper function declarations |
at86rf231/src/tal_init.c | |
at86rf212/src/tal_init.c | |
at86rf215/src/tal_init.c | |
at86rf212b/src/tal_init.c | |
at86rf233/src/tal_init.c | |
at86rf232/src/tal_init.c | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
at86rf231/inc/tal_internal.h | |
at86rf212/inc/tal_internal.h | |
at86rf215/inc/tal_internal.h | |
at86rf212b/inc/tal_internal.h | |
at86rf233/inc/tal_internal.h | |
at86rf232/inc/tal_internal.h | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
at86rf231/src/tal_irq_handler.c | |
at86rf212/src/tal_irq_handler.c | |
at86rf215/src/tal_irq_handler.c | |
at86rf212b/src/tal_irq_handler.c | |
at86rf233/src/tal_irq_handler.c | |
at86rf232/src/tal_irq_handler.c | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
at86rf231/inc/tal_irq_handler.h | |
at86rf212/inc/tal_irq_handler.h | |
at86rf212b/inc/tal_irq_handler.h | |
at86rf233/inc/tal_irq_handler.h | |
at86rf232/inc/tal_irq_handler.h | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
tal_mode_switch.c | This file handles the mode switch feature |
tal_multi_trx.h | This file contains TAL API function declaration for multi trx support |
tal_phy_cfg.c | This file handles the PHY configuration |
at86rf231/src/tal_pib.c | |
at86rf212/src/tal_pib.c | |
at86rf215/src/tal_pib.c | |
at86rf212b/src/tal_pib.c | |
at86rf233/src/tal_pib.c | |
at86rf232/src/tal_pib.c | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
at86rf231/inc/tal_pib.h | |
at86rf212/inc/tal_pib.h | |
at86rf215/inc/tal_pib.h | |
at86rf212b/inc/tal_pib.h | |
at86rf233/inc/tal_pib.h | |
at86rf232/inc/tal_pib.h | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
at86rf231/src/tal_pwr_mgmt.c | |
at86rf212/src/tal_pwr_mgmt.c | |
at86rf215/src/tal_pwr_mgmt.c | |
at86rf212b/src/tal_pwr_mgmt.c | |
at86rf233/src/tal_pwr_mgmt.c | |
at86rf232/src/tal_pwr_mgmt.c | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
tal_rand.c | This file implements the random seed function |
tal_rf215.h | This file contains types and variable definition that are used within the TAL only |
at86rf231/src/tal_rx.c | |
at86rf212/src/tal_rx.c | |
at86rf212b/src/tal_rx.c | |
at86rf233/src/tal_rx.c | |
at86rf232/src/tal_rx.c | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
at86rf231/inc/tal_rx.h | |
at86rf212/inc/tal_rx.h | |
at86rf212b/inc/tal_rx.h | |
at86rf233/inc/tal_rx.h | |
at86rf232/inc/tal_rx.h | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
at86rf231/src/tal_rx_enable.c | |
at86rf212/src/tal_rx_enable.c | |
at86rf215/src/tal_rx_enable.c | |
at86rf212b/src/tal_rx_enable.c | |
at86rf233/src/tal_rx_enable.c | |
at86rf232/src/tal_rx_enable.c | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
at86rf231/src/tal_slotted_csma.c | |
at86rf212/src/tal_slotted_csma.c | |
at86rf212b/src/tal_slotted_csma.c | |
at86rf233/src/tal_slotted_csma.c | |
at86rf232/src/tal_slotted_csma.c | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
at86rf231/inc/tal_slotted_csma.h | |
at86rf212/inc/tal_slotted_csma.h | |
at86rf212b/inc/tal_slotted_csma.h | |
at86rf233/inc/tal_slotted_csma.h | |
at86rf232/inc/tal_slotted_csma.h | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
tal_timer_config.h | File contains TAL timer configuration parameters |
at86rf231/src/tal_tx.c | |
at86rf212/src/tal_tx.c | |
at86rf212b/src/tal_tx.c | |
at86rf233/src/tal_tx.c | |
at86rf232/src/tal_tx.c | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
at86rf231/inc/tal_tx.h | |
at86rf212/inc/tal_tx.h | |
at86rf212b/inc/tal_tx.h | |
at86rf233/inc/tal_tx.h | |
at86rf232/inc/tal_tx.h | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
tal_types.h | This file contains defines for TAL types |
freertos-7.3.0/source/include/task.h | |
freertos-7.0.0/source/include/task.h | |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/include/task.h | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/include/task.h | |
freertos-7.3.0/source/tasks.c | |
freertos-7.0.0/source/tasks.c | |
freertos-8.2.3/Source/tasks.c | |
freertos-10.0.0/Source/tasks.c | |
tc.c | SAM Timer Counter (TC) driver |
tc.h | SAM Timer Counter (TC) driver |
tc_capture_waveform_example.c | TC Capture Waveform Example for SAM |
tc_capture_waveform_example.h | TC Capture Waveform Example for SAM |
src/core/tcp.c | Transmission Control Protocol for IP |
dev/src/core/tcp.c | Transmission Control Protocol for IP |
src/include/lwip/tcp.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/tcp.h | |
src/include/lwip/tcp_impl.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/tcp_impl.h | |
src/core/tcp_in.c | Transmission Control Protocol, incoming traffic |
dev/src/core/tcp_in.c | Transmission Control Protocol, incoming traffic |
src/core/tcp_out.c | Transmission Control Protocol, outgoing traffic |
dev/src/core/tcp_out.c | Transmission Control Protocol, outgoing traffic |
src/api/tcpip.c | Sequential API Main thread module |
dev/src/api/tcpip.c | Sequential API Main thread module |
src/include/lwip/tcpip.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/tcpip.h | |
at86rf212/src/tfa.c | |
at86rf212b/src/tfa.c | |
at86rf233/src/tfa.c | |
at86rf232/src/tfa.c | Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc |
at86rf231/src/tfa.c | |
tfa.h | This file is the interface for Transceiver Feature Access (TFA) functionality |
sam/drivers/flashcalw/flash_example3/time_tick.h | Time tick functions |
common/components/memory/sd_mmc/example1/time_tick.h | Time tick functions |
sam/drivers/flashcalw/flash_example3/time_tick_sam.c | Time tick for SAM |
common/components/memory/sd_mmc/example1/time_tick_sam.c | Time tick for SAM |
lwip/lwip-1.4.1-dev/src/core/timers.c | Stack-internal timers implementation |
freertos/freertos-7.3.0/source/timers.c | |
freertos/freertos-7.0.0/source/timers.c | |
freertos/freertos-8.2.3/Source/timers.c | |
freertos/freertos-10.0.0/Source/timers.c | |
lwip/lwip-1.4.1/src/include/lwip/timers.h | |
lwip/lwip-1.4.1-dev/src/include/lwip/timers.h | |
freertos/freertos-7.3.0/source/include/timers.h | |
freertos/freertos-7.0.0/source/include/timers.h | |
freertos/freertos-8.2.3/Source/include/timers.h | |
freertos/freertos-10.0.0/Source/include/timers.h | |
sam/applications/sam4l_qtouch_demo/qtouch/touch.c | QTouch example for SAM4L |
thirdparty/qtouch/devspecific/sam4/sam4l/examples/qtouch/touch.c | |
touch_api_sam4l.h | This file contains the SAM4L QTouch Libary API interface for QMatrix, QTouch and Autonomous Touch method using the Capacitive Touch (CATB) module |
touch_config_sam4l.h | This file contains the SAM4L QTouch Library pin, register and sensors configuration options for Capacitive Touch acquisition using the CATB module |
tpaste.h | Preprocessor token pasting utils |
trx_access.c | |
trx_access.h | HAL related APIs for externally plugged transceivers |
sam_twim/twi_master.h | |
twi_master.h | TWI Master Mode management |
twi_master_example.c | |
twi_slave_example.c | TWI SLAVE Example for SAM |
twim.c | TWIM driver for SAM |
twim.h | TWIM driver for SAM |
twim_example.c | TWIM Master Example for SAM |
twim_pdca_example.c | TWIM PDCA Example for SAM |
twis.c | TWIS driver for SAM |
twis.h | TWIS driver for SAM |
cdc/host/example/uart.h | UART functions |
composite/device/example4/uart.h | UART functions |
cdc/device/example/uart.h | UART functions |
cdc/host/example/uart_sam.c | UART functions |
composite/device/example4/uart_sam.c | UART functions |
cdc/device/example/uart_sam.c | UART functions |
uart_serial.h | Uart Serial for SAM |
udc.c | USB Device Controller (UDC) |
udc.h | Interface of the USB Device Controller (UDC) |
udc_desc.h | Common API for USB Device Interface |
udc_dfu_small.c | USB Device Controller (UDC) optimized for DFU FLIP Device |
udd.h | Common API for USB Device Drivers (UDD) |
udi.h | Common API for USB Device Interface |
udi_cdc.c | USB Device Communication Device Class (CDC) interface |
udi_cdc.h | USB Device Communication Device Class (CDC) interface definitions |
udi_cdc_conf.h | Default CDC configuration for a USB Device with a single interface |
udi_cdc_desc.c | Default descriptors for a USB Device with a single interface CDC |
udi_composite_conf.h | Descriptors for an USB Composite Device MSC and HID mouse |
udi_composite_desc.c | Descriptors for an USB Composite Device |
udi_hid.c | USB Device Human Interface Device (HID) interface |
udi_hid.h | USB Device Human Interface Device (HID) interface definitions |
udi_hid_generic.c | USB Device Human Interface Device (HID) generic interface |
udi_hid_generic.h | USB Device Human Interface Device (HID) generic interface |
udi_hid_generic_conf.h | Default HID generic configuration for a USB Device with a single interface HID |
udi_hid_generic_desc.c | Default descriptors for a USB Device with a single interface HID generic |
udi_hid_kbd.c | USB Device Human Interface Device (HID) keyboard interface |
udi_hid_kbd.h | USB Device Human Interface Device (HID) keyboard interface |
udi_hid_kbd_conf.h | Default HID keyboard configuration for a USB Device with a single interface HID keyboard |
udi_hid_kbd_desc.c | Default descriptors for a USB Device with a single interface HID keyboard |
udi_hid_mouse.c | USB Device Human Interface Device (HID) mouse interface |
udi_hid_mouse.h | USB Device Human Interface Device (HID) mouse interface |
udi_hid_mouse_conf.h | Default HID mouse configuration for a USB Device with a single interface HID mouse |
udi_hid_mouse_desc.c | Default descriptors for a USB Device with a single interface HID mouse |
udi_hid_multitouch.c | USB Device Human Interface Device (HID) multi-touch interface |
udi_hid_multitouch.h | USB Device Human Interface Device (HID) multi-touch interface |
udi_hid_multitouch_conf.h | Default HID multi-touch configuration for a USB Device with a single interface HID |
udi_hid_multitouch_desc.c | Default descriptors for a USB Device with a single interface HID multi-touch |
udi_msc.c | USB Device Mass Storage Class (MSC) interface |
udi_msc.h | USB Device Mass Storage Class (MSC) interface definitions |
udi_msc_conf.h | Default MSC configuration for a USB Device with a single interface MSC |
udi_msc_desc.c | Default descriptors for a USB Device with a single interface MSC |
udi_phdc.c | USB Device Personal Healthcare Device Class (PHDC) interface |
udi_phdc.h | USB Device Personal Healthcare Device Class (PHDC) interface definitions |
udi_phdc_conf.h | Default PHDC configuration for a USB Device with a single interface |
udi_phdc_desc.c | Default descriptors for a USB Device with a single interface PHDC |
udi_vendor.c | USB Vendor class interface |
udi_vendor.h | USB Vendor class interface definitions |
udi_vendor_conf.h | Default Vendor class configuration for a USB Device with a single interface |
udi_vendor_desc.c | Default descriptors for a USB Device with a single vendor class interface |
src/core/udp.c | User Datagram Protocol module |
dev/src/core/udp.c | User Datagram Protocol module |
src/include/lwip/udp.h | |
dev/src/include/lwip/udp.h | |
uhc.c | USB Host Controller (UHC) |
uhc.h | Interface of the USB Host Controller (UHC) |
uhd.h | Common API for USB Host Drivers (UHD) |
uhi.h | Common API for USB Host Interface |
uhi_aoa.c | Android Open Accessory |
uhi_aoa.h | Android Open Accessory Header File |
uhi_cdc.c | USB host Communication Device Class interface |
uhi_cdc.h | USB host driver for Communication Device Class interface |
uhi_hid_mouse.c | USB host Human Interface Device (HID) mouse driver |
uhi_hid_mouse.h | USB host driver for Human Interface Device (HID) mouse interface |
uhi_msc.c | USB host Mass Storage Class interface |
uhi_msc.h | USB host driver for Mass Storage Class interface |
uhi_msc_mem.c | USB host Mass Storage interface for control access module |
uhi_msc_mem.h | USB host Mass Storage interface for control access module |
uhi_vendor.c | USB host Vendor Interface driver |
uhi_vendor.h | USB host driver for Vendor interface |
ui.c | User Interface |
common/services/usb/class/msc/device/example/ui.h | Common User Interface for MSC application |
common/services/usb/class/phdc/device/example/ui.h | Common User Interface for PHDC application |
common/services/usb/class/composite/host/example2/ui.h | Common User Interface for USB host composite application |
sam/applications/sam4l_qtouch_demo/ui.h | User Interface |
common/services/usb/class/msc/host/example2/ui.h | Common User Interface for USB host MSC application |
common/services/usb/class/composite/device/example1/ui.h | Common User Interface for USB application |
common/services/usb/class/cdc/host/example/ui.h | Common User Interface for USB host MSC application |
common/services/usb/class/hid/device/mouse/example/ui.h | Common User Interface for HID Mouse application |
common/services/usb/class/vendor/device/example/ui.h | Common User Interface for USB vendor class application |
common/services/usb/class/vendor/host/example/ui.h | Common User Interface for USB host MSC application |
common/services/usb/class/composite/device/example4/ui.h | Common User Interface for USB application |
common/services/usb/class/hid/host/mouse/example/ui.h | Common User Interface for USB host HID mouse application |
common/services/usb/class/composite/device/example3/ui.h | Common User Interface for USB application |
common/services/usb/class/cdc/device/example/ui.h | Common User Interface for CDC application |
common/services/usb/class/hid/dual/mouse/example/ui.h | Common User Interface for application |
common/services/usb/class/hid/device/kbd/example/ui.h | Common User Interface for HID Keyboard application |
common/services/usb/class/hid/device/generic/example/ui.h | Common User Interface for HID Mouse application |
sam/drivers/flashcalw/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit tests for flashcalw driver |
sam/drivers/parc/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit test for PARC driver |
sam/drivers/hmatrixb/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit tests for HMATRIX driver |
sam/drivers/adcife/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit tests for ADCIFE driver |
sam/drivers/freqm/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit tests for FREQM driver |
common/services/usb/class/hid/device/kbd/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Main functions for keyboard unit test |
sam/drivers/abdacb/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit tests for ABDAC driver |
common/services/usb/class/cdc/device/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Main functions for CDC unit test |
sam/drivers/gloc/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit tests for GLOC driver |
common/components/memory/serial_flash/at25dfx/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit tests for AT25DFx driver |
sam/drivers/iisc/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit tests for IIS driver |
sam/drivers/picouart/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit tests for PICOUART driver |
common/services/clock/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit tests for common clock service |
sam/drivers/pdca/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit tests for PDCA driver |
sam/drivers/acifc/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit tests for ACIFC driver |
common/services/fifo/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit tests for First In First Out buffer service |
sam/drivers/eic/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit tests for EIC driver |
sam/drivers/events/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit tests for Events driver (PEVC) |
sam/drivers/gpio/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit tests for GPIO driver |
sam/drivers/bpm/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit tests for BPM driver |
common/services/usb/uhc/unit_tests/target/unit_tests.c | Main functions for USB host unit tests |
sam/drivers/lcdca/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit tests for lcdca driver |
sam/drivers/spi/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit tests for SPI driver |
common/components/memory/sd_mmc/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | SD/MMC card unit tests |
common/services/usb/class/hid/device/mouse/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Main functions for Mouse unit test |
sam/drivers/ast/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit tests for AST driver |
common/services/usb/class/msc/device/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Main functions for MSC unit test |
sam/drivers/aesa/unit_tests/unit_tests.c | Unit tests for AES driver |
class/hid/device/kbd/unit_tests/unit_tests.h | Declaration of main function used by HID keyboard unit test |
class/cdc/device/unit_tests/unit_tests.h | Declaration of main function used by CDC unit test |
uhc/unit_tests/target/unit_tests.h | Declaration of main function |
class/hid/device/mouse/unit_tests/unit_tests.h | Declaration of main function used by HID mouse unit test |
class/msc/device/unit_tests/unit_tests.h | Declaration of main function used by MSC unit test |
unit_tests_sam4l.c | Unit tests for WDT-SAM4L driver |
usart.c | Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART) driver for SAM |
usart.h | Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART) driver for SAM |
usart_rs485_example_pdca.c | USART RS485 example with PDCA for SAM |
usart_serial.c | USART Serial driver functions |
usart_serial_example.c | Example of usage of the USART Serial |
usart_serial_example_pdca.c | USART Serial example for SAM |
usart_spi.c | SAM USART in SPI mode driver functions |
usart_spi.h | USART in SPI mode driver functions |
sam_usart_spi/usart_spi.h | SAM USART in SPI mode driver functions |
usb_atmel.h | All USB VIDs and PIDs from Atmel USB applications |
usb_hid.h | USB Human Interface Device (HID) protocol definitions |
usb_protocol.h | USB protocol definitions |
usb_protocol_aoa.h | USB Android Open Accessory protocol definitions |
usb_protocol_cdc.h | USB Communication Device Class (CDC) protocol definitions |
usb_protocol_hid.h | USB Human Interface Device (HID) protocol definitions |
usb_protocol_msc.h | USB Mass Storage Class (MSC) protocol definitions |
usb_protocol_phdc.h | USB Personal Healthcare Device Class (PHDC) protocol definitions |
usb_protocol_vendor.h | USB Vendor class protocol definitions |
usbc_device.c | USB Device driver Compliance with common driver UDD |
usbc_device.h | USBC Device Driver header file |
usbc_host.c | USBC host driver Compliance with common driver UHD |
usbc_host.h | USBC Host Driver header file |
usbc_otg.h | USBC OTG Driver header file |
src/user_interface.c | |
2/src/user_interface.c | |
inc/user_interface.h | |
2/inc/user_interface.h | |
utf8.c | UTF-8 utils |
utf8.h | UTF-8 utils |
terminal_tgt/vendor_data.c | |
single_button_ctr/vendor_data.c | |
vendor_data.h | Declarations of API functions to access vendor specific data functionality |
virtual_mem.c | Management of the virtual memory |
virtual_mem.h | Management of the virtual memory |
src/wait_for_event.c | |
2/src/wait_for_event.c | |
wdt_example_sam4l.c | Watchdog Timer (WDT) example for SAM4L |
wdt_sam4l.c | Watchdog Timer (WDT) driver for SAM4L |
wdt_sam4l.h | Watchdog Timer (WDT) driver for SAM4L |
write.c | System-specific implementation of the _write function used by the standard library |
wsndemo.c | |
wsndemo.h | |
zid.h | API for ZID profile |
zid_adaptor.h | API for ZID profile |
zid_build_config.h | This header file declares macros for various build configurations |
zid_device.h | |
zrc.h | API for ZRC profile includes cmd discovery and RC commands |