Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

sam4l/sysclk.h File Reference

Chip-specific system clock management functions.

Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

#include <board.h>
#include <compiler.h>
#include <dfll.h>
#include <osc.h>
#include <pll.h>
#include <genclk.h>


 Configuration symbol for dividing the CPU clock frequency by \(2^{CONFIG\_SYSCLK\_CPU\_DIV}\). More...
 Configuration symbol for the CPU clocks enabled at power-on after the sysclock module has been initialized. More...
 Configuration symbol for the HSB clocks enabled at power-on after the sysclock module has been initialized. More...
 Configuration symbol for the PBA clocks enabled at power-on after the sysclock module has been initialized. More...
 Configuration symbol for the PBB clocks enabled at power-on after the sysclock module has been initialized. More...
 Configuration symbol for the PBC clocks enabled at power-on after the sysclock module has been initialized. More...
 Configuration symbol for the PBD clocks enabled at power-on after the sysclock module has been initialized. More...
 Configuration symbol for dividing the PBA clock frequency by \(2^{CONFIG\_SYSCLK\_PBA\_DIV}\). More...
 Configuration symbol for dividing the PBB clock frequency by \(2^{CONFIG\_SYSCLK\_PBB\_DIV}\). More...
 Configuration symbol for dividing the PBC clock frequency by \(2^{CONFIG\_SYSCLK\_PBC\_DIV}\). More...
 Configuration symbol for dividing the PBD clock frequency by \(2^{CONFIG\_SYSCLK\_PBD\_DIV}\). More...
 Configuration symbol for the USB generic clock divider setting. More...
 Configuration symbol for the USB generic clock source. More...
 Number of us to wait for USB clock to start. More...
System clock source
#define SYSCLK_SRC_RCSYS   0
 System RC oscillator. More...
#define SYSCLK_SRC_OSC0   1
 Oscillator 0. More...
#define SYSCLK_SRC_PLL0   2
 Phase Locked Loop 0. More...
#define SYSCLK_SRC_DFLL   3
 Digital Frequency Locked Loop. More...
#define SYSCLK_SRC_RC80M   4
 80 MHz RC oscillator More...
 4-8-12 MHz RC oscillator More...
#define SYSCLK_SRC_RC1M   6
 1 MHz RC oscillator More...
USB Clock Sources
 Use OSC0. More...
 Use PLL0. More...
 Use DFLL. More...
 Use GCLKIN0. More...
Bus index of maskable module clocks
#define PM_CLK_GRP_CPU   0
#define PM_CLK_GRP_HSB   1
#define PM_CLK_GRP_PBA   2
#define PM_CLK_GRP_PBB   3
#define PM_CLK_GRP_PBC   4
#define PM_CLK_GRP_PBD   5
Clocks derived from the CPU clock
#define SYSCLK_OCD   0
 On-Chip Debug system. More...
Clocks derived from the HSB clock
#define SYSCLK_PDCA_HSB   0
 PDCA memory interface. More...
 Flash data interface. More...
#define SYSCLK_HRAMC1_DATA   2
 HRAMC data interface. More...
#define SYSCLK_USBC_DATA   3
 USBC DMA and FIFO interface. More...
 CRCCU data interface. More...
 HSB<->PBA bridge. More...
 HSB<->PBB bridge. More...
 HSB<->PBC bridge. More...
 HSB<->PBD bridge. More...
#define SYSCLK_AESA_HSB   9
 Advanced Encryption Standard. More...
Clocks derived from the PBA clock
#define SYSCLK_IISC   0
 IISC Controller. More...
#define SYSCLK_SPI   1
 SPI Controller. More...
#define SYSCLK_TC0   2
 Timer/Counter 0. More...
#define SYSCLK_TC1   3
 Timer/Counter 1. More...
#define SYSCLK_TWIM0   4
 TWI Master 0. More...
#define SYSCLK_TWIS0   5
 TWI Slave 0. More...
#define SYSCLK_TWIM1   6
 TWI Master 1. More...
#define SYSCLK_TWIS1   7
 TWI Slave 1. More...
#define SYSCLK_USART0   8
 USART 0. More...
#define SYSCLK_USART1   9
 USART 1. More...
#define SYSCLK_USART2   10
 USART 2. More...
#define SYSCLK_USART3   11
 USART 3. More...
#define SYSCLK_ADCIFE   12
 A/D Converter. More...
#define SYSCLK_DACC   13
 D/A Converter. More...
#define SYSCLK_ACIFC   14
 Analog Comparator. More...
#define SYSCLK_GLOC   15
 Glue Logic Controller. More...
#define SYSCLK_ABDACB   16
 ABDACB Controller. More...
#define SYSCLK_TRNG   17
 TRNG Controller. More...
#define SYSCLK_PARC   18
 PARC Controller. More...
#define SYSCLK_CATB   19
 Capacitive Touch. More...
#define SYSCLK_TWIM2   21
 TWI Master 2. More...
#define SYSCLK_TWIM3   22
 TWI Master 3. More...
#define SYSCLK_LCDCA   23
 LCD Controller. More...
Clocks derived from the PBB clock
 Flash Controller registers. More...
#define SYSCLK_HRAMC1_REGS   1
 HRAMC Controller registers. More...
#define SYSCLK_HMATRIX   2
 HSB Matrix configuration. More...
#define SYSCLK_PDCA_PB   3
 PDCA peripheral bus interface. More...
 CRCCU registers. More...
#define SYSCLK_USBC_REGS   5
 USBC registers. More...
#define SYSCLK_PEVC   6
 PEVC Controller. More...
Clocks derived from the PBC clock
#define SYSCLK_PM   0
 PM configuration. More...
#define SYSCLK_CHIPID   1
 CHIPID Controller. More...
#define SYSCLK_SCIF   2
 System Control Interface. More...
#define SYSCLK_FREQM   3
 Frequency Meter. More...
#define SYSCLK_GPIO   4
 General-Purpose I/O. More...
Clocks derived from the PBD clock
#define SYSCLK_BPM   0
 BPM configuration. More...
#define SYSCLK_BSCIF   1
 BSCIF configuration. More...
#define SYSCLK_AST   2
 Asynchronous Timer. More...
#define SYSCLK_WDT   3
 Watchdog Timer. More...
#define SYSCLK_EIC   4
 External Interrupt Controller. More...
 PICOUART. More...
Divided clock mask derived from the PBA clock
#define PBA_DIVMASK_TIMER_CLOCK2   (1u << 0)
 TIMER_CLOCK2 mask. More...
#define PBA_DIVMASK_TIMER_CLOCK3   (1u << 2)
 TIMER_CLOCK3 mask. More...
#define PBA_DIVMASK_CLK_USART   (1u << 2)
 CLK_USART/DIV mask. More...
#define PBA_DIVMASK_TIMER_CLOCK4   (1u << 4)
 TIMER_CLOCK4 mask. More...
#define PBA_DIVMASK_TIMER_CLOCK5   (1u << 6)
 TIMER_CLOCK5 mask. More...
#define PBA_DIVMASK_Msk   (0x7Fu << 0)
 Bitfield mask. More...


void sysclk_disable_usb (void)
 Disable the USB generic clock. More...
void sysclk_enable_usb (void)
 Enable the USB generic clock. More...
void sysclk_priv_disable_module (uint32_t bus_id, uint32_t module_index)
 Disable a maskable module clock. More...
void sysclk_priv_enable_module (uint32_t bus_id, uint32_t module_index)
 Enable a maskable module clock. More...
Querying the system clock and its derived clocks

The following functions may be used to query the current frequency of the system clock and the CPU and bus clocks derived from it.

sysclk_get_main_hz() and sysclk_get_cpu_hz() can be assumed to be available on all platforms, although some platforms may define additional accessors for various chip-internal bus clocks. These are usually not intended to be queried directly by generic code.

static uint32_t sysclk_get_main_hz (void)
 Return the current rate in Hz of the main system clock. More...
static uint32_t sysclk_get_cpu_hz (void)
 Return the current rate in Hz of the CPU clock. More...
static uint32_t sysclk_get_hsb_hz (void)
 Return the current rate in Hz of the High-Speed Bus clock. More...
static uint32_t sysclk_get_pba_hz (void)
 Return the current rate in Hz of the Peripheral Bus A clock. More...
static uint32_t sysclk_get_pbb_hz (void)
 Return the current rate in Hz of the Peripheral Bus B clock. More...
static uint32_t sysclk_get_pbc_hz (void)
 Return the current rate in Hz of the Peripheral Bus C clock. More...
static uint32_t sysclk_get_pbd_hz (void)
 Return the current rate in Hz of the Peripheral Bus D clock. More...
uint32_t sysclk_get_peripheral_bus_hz (const volatile void *module)
 Retrieves the current rate in Hz of the Peripheral Bus clock attached to the specified peripheral. More...
Enabling and disabling synchronous clocks
static void sysclk_enable_cpu_module (uint32_t module_index)
 Enable a module clock derived from the CPU clock. More...
static void sysclk_disable_cpu_module (uint32_t module_index)
 Disable a module clock derived from the CPU clock. More...
static void sysclk_enable_hsb_module (uint32_t module_index)
 Enable a module clock derived from the HSB clock. More...
static void sysclk_disable_hsb_module (uint32_t module_index)
 Disable a module clock derived from the HSB clock. More...
void sysclk_enable_pba_module (uint32_t module_index)
 Enable a module clock derived from the PBA clock. More...
void sysclk_disable_pba_module (uint32_t module_index)
 Disable a module clock derived from the PBA clock. More...
void sysclk_enable_pbb_module (uint32_t module_index)
 Enable a module clock derived from the PBB clock. More...
void sysclk_disable_pbb_module (uint32_t module_index)
 Disable a module clock derived from the PBB clock. More...
static void sysclk_enable_pbc_module (uint32_t module_index)
 Enable a module clock derived from the PBC clock. More...
static void sysclk_disable_pbc_module (uint32_t module_index)
 Disable a module clock derived from the PBC clock. More...
static void sysclk_enable_pbd_module (uint32_t module_index)
 Enable a module clock derived from the PBD clock. More...
static void sysclk_disable_pbd_module (uint32_t module_index)
 Disable a module clock derived from the PBD clock. More...
static void sysclk_enable_pba_divmask (uint32_t mask)
 Enable divided clock mask derived from the PBA clock. More...
static void sysclk_disable_pba_divmask (uint32_t mask)
 Disable divided clock mask derived from the PBA clock. More...
void sysclk_enable_peripheral_clock (const volatile void *module)
 Enable a peripheral's clock from its base address. More...
void sysclk_disable_peripheral_clock (const volatile void *module)
 Disable a peripheral's clock from its base address. More...
System Clock Source and Prescaler configuration
void sysclk_set_prescalers (uint32_t cpu_shift, uint32_t pba_shift, uint32_t pbb_shift, uint32_t pbc_shift, uint32_t pbd_shift)
 Set system clock prescaler configuration. More...
void sysclk_set_source (uint32_t src)
 Change the source of the main system clock. More...
System Clock Initialization
void sysclk_init (void)
 Initialize the synchronous clock system. More...