Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

lcdca.h File Reference

SAM4L Liquid Crystal Display driver (LCDCA).

Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

#include <compiler.h>
#include <sysclk.h>
#include <conf_lcdca.h>
#include <pdca.h>

Data Structures

struct  lcdca_automated_char_config
 Automated character display configuration structure. More...
struct  lcdca_blink_config
 Blink configuration structure. More...
struct  lcdca_circular_shift_config
 Circular shift configuration structure. More...
struct  lcdca_config
 LCDCA controller configuration structure. More...


 LCDCA automated character DMA Channel (sequential or scrolling) More...
LCDCA Address Limits
#define LCDCA_MAX_NR_OF_COM   4
 Maximum number of common lines. More...
#define LCDCA_MAX_NBR_OF_SEG   40
 Maximum number of segment lines. More...
LCDCA Display Digit
#define LCDCA_TDG_7SEG3COM   0
 7-segment display with three common terminals More...
#define LCDCA_TDG_7SEG4COM   1
 7-segment display with four common terminals More...
#define LCDCA_TDG_14SEG4COM   2
 14-segment display with four common terminals More...
#define LCDCA_TDG_16SEG3COM   3
 16-segment display with three common terminals More...
LCDCA Timer Resource
#define LCDCA_TIMER_FC0   0
 Timer FC0 resource. More...
#define LCDCA_TIMER_FC1   1
 Timer FC1 resource. More...
#define LCDCA_TIMER_FC2   2
 Timer FC2 resource. More...
LCDCA CMCFG Digit Reverse Mode
 Decrement the segment index. More...
 Increment the segment index. More...
LCDCA Duty Selection.
#define LCDCA_DUTY_1_4   0
 Duty=1/4, Bias=1/3, COM0:3. More...
 Duty=Static, Bias=Static, COM0. More...
#define LCDCA_DUTY_1_2   2
 Duty=1/2, Bias=1/3, COM0:1. More...
#define LCDCA_DUTY_1_3   3
 Duty=1/3, Bias=1/3, COM0:2. More...
LCDCA Blink Mode
#define LCDCA_BLINK_FULL   0
 All LCD segments will blink. More...
 Only the selected segment will blink. More...
LCDCA Shift Register Direction
 Right direction. More...
#define LCDCA_CSR_LEFT   0
 Left direction. More...
LCDCA Automated Mode.
 Sequential character string display mode. More...
 Scrolling character string display mode. More...
LCDCA Automated Direction.
 Digit direction is reversed. More...
 Digit direction is not reversed. More...


typedef struct
 Automated character display configuration structure. More...
typedef struct lcdca_blink_config lcdca_blink_config_t
 Blink configuration structure. More...
typedef void(* lcdca_callback_t )(void)
 LCDCA interrupt callback type. More...
typedef struct
 Circular shift configuration structure. More...
typedef struct lcdca_config lcdca_config_t
 LCDCA controller configuration structure. More...


void lcdca_automated_char_reload (const uint8_t *data, size_t width)
 LCDCA automated display reload. More...
void lcdca_automated_char_set_config (struct lcdca_automated_char_config *ac_cfg)
 Configure the LCDCA automated display. More...
void lcdca_automated_char_start (const uint8_t *data, size_t width)
 Start the LCDCA automated display. More...
static void lcdca_automated_char_stop (void)
 Stop the LCDCA automated display mode. More...
static void lcdca_blink_disable (void)
 Disable the LCDCA blink mode. More...
static void lcdca_blink_enable (void)
 Enable the LCDCA blink mode. More...
void lcdca_blink_set_config (struct lcdca_blink_config *blink_cfg)
 Set the LCDCA blink configuration. More...
static void lcdca_circular_shift_disable (void)
 Disable the LCDCA circular shift mode. More...
static void lcdca_circular_shift_enable (void)
 Enable the LCDCA circular shift mode. More...
void lcdca_circular_shift_set_config (struct lcdca_circular_shift_config *cs_cfg)
 Set the LCDCA circular shift configuration. More...
void lcdca_clear_blink_all_pixel (void)
 Stop all LCDCA pixels/segments from blinking. More...
void lcdca_clear_blink_pixel (uint8_t pix_com, uint8_t pix_seg)
 Stop a specified LCDCA pixel/segment from blinking. More...
static void lcdca_clear_display_memory (void)
 Clear all the LCDCA display memory. More...
void lcdca_clear_pixel (uint8_t pix_com, uint8_t pix_seg)
 Disable the specified pixel/segment in the LCDCA display memory. More...
static void lcdca_clear_status (void)
 Clear the LCDCA beginning of frame interrupt status. More...
void lcdca_clk_init (void)
 LCDCA clock initialization. More...
void lcdca_disable (void)
 Disable the LCDCA module. More...
static void lcdca_disable_interrupt (void)
 Disable the LCDCA beginning of frame interrupt. More...
void lcdca_disable_timer (uint8_t lcd_timer)
 Disable the specified LCDCA timer. More...
static void lcdca_disable_wakeup (void)
 Disable the LCDCA wake-up. More...
void lcdca_enable (void)
 Enable the LCDCA module. More...
static void lcdca_enable_interrupt (void)
 Enable the LCDCA beginning of frame interrupt. More...
void lcdca_enable_timer (uint8_t lcd_timer)
 Enable the specified LCDCA timer, and wait until it is running. More...
static void lcdca_enable_wakeup (void)
 Enable the LCDCA wake-up. More...
bool lcdca_get_pixel (uint8_t pix_com, uint8_t pix_seg)
 Get the specified pixel/segment state from the LCDCA display memory. More...
static uint32_t lcdca_get_status (void)
 Get the LCDCA status register. More...
static void lcdca_lock_shadow_dislay (void)
 Lock the LCDCA shadow display memory. More...
void lcdca_set_blink_pixel (uint8_t pix_com, uint8_t pix_seg)
 Start an LCDCA pixel/segment blinking. More...
void lcdca_set_callback (lcdca_callback_t callback, uint8_t irq_line, uint8_t irq_level)
 Set the callback for the LCDCA 'beginning of frame' interrupt. More...
void lcdca_set_config (struct lcdca_config *lcdca_cfg)
 Configure the LCDCA controller. More...
void lcdca_set_contrast (int8_t contrast)
 Set the LCDCA fine contrast. More...
void lcdca_set_display_memory (void)
 Set all bits in the LCDCA display memory high. More...
void lcdca_set_pixel (uint8_t pix_com, uint8_t pix_seg)
 Enable the specified pixel/segment in the LCDCA display memory. More...
void lcdca_toggle_pixel (uint8_t pix_com, uint8_t pix_seg)
 Toggle the specified pixel/segment in the LCDCA display memory. More...
static void lcdca_unlock_shadow_dislay (void)
 Unlock the LCDCA shadow display memory. More...
void lcdca_write_packet (uint8_t lcd_tdg, uint8_t first_seg, const uint8_t *data, size_t width, uint8_t dir)
 Send a sequence of ASCII bytes to the LCDCA via the digit decoder. More...