Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

twim.h File Reference

TWIM driver for SAM.

This file defines a useful set of functions for the TWIM on SAM4L devices.

Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

#include "compiler.h"
#include "status_codes.h"

Data Structures

struct  twim_config
 Input parameters when initializing the TWIM module mode. More...
struct  twim_package
 Information concerning the data transmission. More...


 Interrupt Enable Register Mask for No Acknowledgements. More...
 Frequently used Interrupt Enable Register Mask. More...
 Enable TWIM Low Power Transfer in default. More...
 Status Clear Register Mask for No Acknowledgements. More...
 Status Register Mask for No Acknowledgements. More...
 Frequently used Status Clear Register Mask. More...
TWI transfer speed definitions
#define TWI_STD_MODE_SPEED   ( 100000 /* kbit/s */)
 TWI Standard Mode. More...
#define TWI_FAST_MODE_SPEED   ( 400000 /* kbit/s */)
 TWI Fast Mode. More...
#define TWI_FAST_MODE_PLUS_SPEED   (1000000 /* kbit/s */)
 TWI Fast Mode Plus. More...
#define TWI_HIGH_SPEED_MODE_SPEED   (3400000 /* kbit/s */)
 TWI High Speed Mode. More...
TWI Driver Compatibility

Codes for SAM devices using TWI modules can easily be ported to SAM devices with TWIM module

#define twi_options_t   struct twim_config
#define twi_package_t   struct twim_package
#define twi_master_init   twim_set_config
#define twi_probe   twim_probe


typedef void(* twim_callback_t )(Twim *)


status_code_t twi_master_read (Twim *twim, struct twim_package *package)
 Read multiple bytes from a TWI compatible slave device. More...
status_code_t twi_master_write (Twim *twim, struct twim_package *package)
 Write multiple bytes to a TWI compatible slave device. More...
void twim_clear_status (Twim *twim, uint32_t clear_status)
 Clear the current status of the TWIM. More...
void twim_default_callback (Twim *twim)
 TWIM default callback function. More...
static void twim_disable (Twim *twim)
 Disable Master Mode of the TWI. More...
void twim_disable_interrupt (Twim *twim, uint32_t interrupt_source)
 Disable the TWIM interrupts and clear their status. More...
static void twim_enable (Twim *twim)
 Enable Master Mode of the TWI. More...
void twim_enable_interrupt (Twim *twim, uint32_t interrupt_source)
 Enable the TWIM interrupts. More...
uint32_t twim_get_interrupt_mask (Twim *twim)
 Get the TWIM interrupt mask. More...
uint32_t twim_get_status (Twim *twim)
 Information about the current status of the TWIM. More...
void twim_pdca_transfer_prepare (Twim *twim, twi_package_t *package, bool read)
 Set TWIM for PDCA transfer. More...
status_code_t twim_probe (Twim *twim, uint32_t chip_addr)
 Test if a chip answers for a given TWI address. More...
void twim_set_callback (Twim *twim, uint32_t interrupt_source, twim_callback_t callback, uint8_t irq_level)
 Set callback for TWIM. More...
status_code_t twim_set_config (Twim *twim, struct twim_config *config)
 Initialize the TWIM module. More...
status_code_t twim_set_hsmode_speed (Twim *twim, uint32_t speed, uint32_t clk, uint8_t cycles)
 Set the TWI bus speed in conjunction with the clock frequency in high speed mode. More...
status_code_t twim_set_speed (Twim *twim, uint32_t speed, uint32_t clk, uint8_t cycles)
 Set the TWI bus speed in conjunction with the clock frequency. More...
enum  twim_transfer_status {
 Status Codes for TWI Transfer. More...
typedef enum twim_transfer_status twim_transfer_status_t