Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

serial_if.c File Reference

ATPL230 Serial Interface for Physical layer.

Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

#include <stdio.h>
#include "string.h"
#include "conf_board.h"
#include "atpl230.h"
#include "conf_atpl230.h"
#include "conf_phy.h"
#include "serial_if.h"


static void _memcpy_rev (uint8_t *puc_dst, uint8_t *puc_buf, uint16_t us_len)
 Memcopy with byte order reversal. More...
static void _serial_if_get_rx_task (void *pvParameters)
 Task to manage the serialization of the reception message through USI. More...
static void _serial_if_get_tx_result_task (void *pvParameters)
 Task to manage the serialization of the result of transmission through USI. More...
int8_t Dummy_serial_send_cmd (void *msg)
 Default serial interface for unused USI. More...
uint8_t serial_if_api_parser (uint8_t *puc_rx_msg, uint16_t us_len)
 Received message. More...
void serial_if_check_rx_msg (void)
 Interface to manage the serialization of the reception message through USI. More...
void serial_if_check_tx_result (void)
 Interface to manage the serialization of the reception message through USI. More...
void serial_if_init (void)
 Initialize serial interface. More...
Universal Serial Interface API functions
int8_t usi_send_cmd (void *msg)
 Function to transmit data through USI. More...


static uint8_t uc_serial_rsp_buf [808]
static uint8_t uc_serial_data_buf [808]
static x_usi_serial_cmd_params x_phy_serial_msg