Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

inc Directory Reference


file  app_config.h
 These are application-specific resources which are used in the application in addition to the underlaying stack.
file  app_frame_format.h
 Defines various structure definitions, used to communicate with Peer node over the air - Performance Analyzer application.
file  app_init.h
 Initialization prototypes and enumerations - Performance Analyzer application.
file  app_peer_search.h
 Function prototypes for Peera Search process - Performance Analyzer application Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc.
file  app_per_mode.h
 PER Measuremnt mode prototypes and defines.
file  app_range_mode.h
 Range Measurement mode related prototypes and defines.
file  perf_api.h
 API function protypes - Performance Analyzer application.
file  perf_api_serial_handler.h
 This file contains macros and function prototypes for SIO handling.
file  perf_msg_const.h
 This file defines all Req, confirm, Indication message constants.
file  performance_main.h
 API function protypes - Performance Analyzer application.
file  user_interface.h
 LED,Button,Terminal print event prototypes and defines.