Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

PACKED Struct Reference

Blue-tooth Low Energy address Type.

The characteristic attribute definition, used at ble_service_t.

The characteristic value attribute definition, used at ble_char_t.

The generic descriptor attribute definition, used at ble_char_t.

The characteristic extended properties descriptor attribute definition, used at ble_char_t.

The characteristic presentation format descriptor attribute definition, used at ble_char_t.

The user descriptor attribute definition, used at ble_char_t.

The private descriptor attribute definition.

The public descriptor attribute definition.

The Presentation format descriptor attribute definition.

The Extended property descriptor attribute definition.

The User descriptor attribute definition.

The Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor attribute definition.

The characteristic value attribute definition.

The characteristic attribute definition.

The service attribute definition.

Discover service, characteristic response event parameters.

BLEDK3 TransparentUART data received event parameters.

BLEDK3 Characteristic value received event parameters.

BLEDK3 Characteristic attribute data parameters used at ble_primary_service_characteristics_discover_event_t.

BLEDK3 Service attribute data parameters used at ble_primary_service_discover_all_event_t.

BLEDK3 Write characteristic value event parameters.

BLEDK3 Command complete event parameters.

BLEDK3 Connection parameter update event parameters.

BLEDK3 Disconnect complete event parameters.

BLEDK3 Advertisement report event parameters.

BLEDK3 Connection complete event parameters.

BLE Connection parameters.

BLEDK3 Set connection parameter command parameters.

BLEDK3 Enable TransparentUART command parameters.

This will be used as part of GATT-Service Create request

#include <multilink_central_app.h>

Data Fields

HCI_DATA_PKT acl_data_pkt
uint16_t additional_desc_count
 generic descriptor list More...
uint8_t addr [BLE_ADDR_LEN]
 48-bit address, LSB format. More...
ble_addr_t addr
uint32_t address
ble_adv_event_type_t adv_event_type
uint8_t attrib_data []
ble_handle_t cccd_handle
uint16_t cccd_value
uint8_t ccd_value [2]
ble_handle_t char_attr_handle
uint16_t char_attribute_handle
uint16_t char_count
 Characteristics list. More...
ble_handle_t char_handle
 < Characteristic handle More...
uint8_t char_property
ble_uuid_val_t char_uuid
ble_char_val_t char_val
 < characteristics value related info More...
uint8_t char_value [MAX_CHAR_WRITE_VALUE]
ble_handle_t char_value_attr_handle
uint8_t char_value_data []
uint16_t char_value_handle
ble_client_char_config_desc_t client_config_desc
 server config descriptor related info More...
uint8_t client_transparent_mode
uint16_t cmd_id
uint8_t cmd_id
uint16_t conn_handle
uint8_t conn_handle
uint16_t conn_interval
uint16_t conn_latency
uint8_t conn_num
ble_conn_param_t conn_param
uint32_t crc_algo
uint8_t data [31]
uint8_t * data
uint16_t data_len
uint8_t data_len
ble_uuid_t desc_uuid
 Descriptor value length. More...
uint16_t desc_val_length
 descriptor value More...
uint8_t desc_value [BLE_ATT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LEN]
uint16_t description
 Namespace. More...
uint8_t dev_role
uint8_t encryption
ble_handle_t end_handle
 Service UUID. More...
bool ep_included
uint8_t error
uint8_t event
uint8_t exponent
 Unit. More...
int8_t exponent
 as defined in GATT spec Part G, Section More...
ble_char_ext_properties_t ext_properties
 Number of generic descriptors included in list. More...
ble_char_ext_prop_t ext_property
 presentation format permissions More...
uint8_t extend_property [2]
uint8_t format
 Exponent. More...
ble_char_pres_format_t format
 value exponent More...
uint16_t group_handle_end
uint16_t group_handle_start
ble_handle_t handle
 Length of the attribute type. More...
uint16_t * handles_list
HCI_COMMAND_PKT hci_command_pkt
HCI_EVENT_PKT hci_event_pkt
uint8_t in_use
uint8_t * init_value
uint16_t len
 a user friendly description, this value will be stored in the relevant descriptor, if no user description is desired set to NULL More...
uint8_t len
 maximum possible length of the char. More...
uint16_t length
uint8_t length
 < Length of the whole attribute. More...
uint16_t link_sv_to
uint8_t link_type
uint16_t max_conn_interval
uint16_t max_len
 initial value of this characteristic More...
uint16_t min_conn_interval
uint8_t mode
uint8_t name_space
 presentation format permissions More...
uint8_t num_of_handles
 Attribute handles list. More...
uint8_t num_of_sensor_chars
uint16_t offset
uint16_t opcode
ble_addr_t peer_addr
ble_attr_permissions_t perm
 Here the stack will store the handle for future use. More...
ble_attr_permissions_t permission
 Attribute start handle. More...
ble_attr_permissions_t permissions
 set this flag, if user descriptor used. More...
bool pf_included
uint16_t pgm_cmd_id
uint16_t pgm_data_len
uint8_t pgm_mem_subtype
uint8_t pgm_mem_type
uint8_t pkt_num
uint16_t pkt_num
ble_char_presentation_format_t presentation_format
 Characteristic extended properties, if no extended properties is necessary then reset ep_included flag. More...
ble_char_properties_t properties
 Attribute value handle. More...
uint8_t property
uint8_t reason
uint8_t role
int8_t rssi
uint8_t rsvd
sensor_char_t sensor_char_list [2]
sensor_service_t sensor_service
ble_server_char_config_desc_t server_config_desc
 user descriptor related info More...
uint8_t server_transparent_cntrl
ble_uuid_t service_uuid
ble_uuid_val_t service_uuid
uint32_t size
ble_handle_t start_handle
 Length of the attribute type. More...
uint8_t state
uint16_t status
uint8_t status
ble_status_t status
uint16_t type
 See at_ble_addr_type_t. More...
uint8_t type [BLE_ATTRIB_UUID_LENGTH_2]
 Attribute end handle. More...
ble_service_type_t type
 < Service type (PRIMARY or SECONDARY ) More...
uint8_t type_length
 The 2 bytes attribute type (UUID) More...
bool ud_included
uint8_t ud_length
 User descriptor. More...
uint16_t unit
 Description. More...
uint8_t user_desc [BLE_ATT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LEN]
ble_user_desc_t user_desc
 Characteristic presentation format, if no presentation format is necessary then reset pf_included flag. More...
uint8_t * user_description
 user descriptor permissions More...
ble_uuid_val_t uuid
 Characteristics count. More...
ble_uuid_t uuid
 initial value length More...
ble_handle_t value_handle
 Service UUID. More...
uint8_t value_length
 Characteristic value. More...

uint16_t PACKED::additional_desc_count

generic descriptor list

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

ble_generic_desc_t* PACKED::additional_desc_list

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

ble_addr_t PACKED::addr
uint32_t PACKED::address
uint8_t PACKED::attrib_data[]

Referenced by app_char_disc_resp_cb().

ble_handle_t PACKED::cccd_handle

Referenced by main().

uint16_t PACKED::cccd_value

Referenced by main().

uint8_t PACKED::ccd_value[2]

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

ble_handle_t PACKED::char_attr_handle

Referenced by app_char_disc_resp_cb().

uint16_t PACKED::char_attribute_handle
uint16_t PACKED::char_count
ble_handle_t PACKED::char_handle

< Characteristic handle

Characteristic properties, values for Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor and Server Characteristic Configuration Descriptor will be decided from this value

Referenced by acc_gyro_sensor_service_init(), ble_gatt_service_create(), and ble_gatt_service_read().

uint8_t PACKED::char_property
ble_uuid_val_t PACKED::char_uuid
ble_char_val_t PACKED::char_val

< characteristics value related info

client config descriptor related info

Referenced by acc_gyro_sensor_service_init(), acce_sensor_data_send(), ble_gatt_service_create(), ble_gatt_service_read(), and gyro_sensor_data_send().

uint8_t PACKED::char_value[MAX_CHAR_WRITE_VALUE]
ble_handle_t PACKED::char_value_attr_handle
uint8_t PACKED::char_value_data[]
uint16_t PACKED::char_value_handle
ble_client_char_config_desc_t PACKED::client_config_desc

server config descriptor related info

Referenced by acc_gyro_sensor_service_init(), ble_gatt_service_create(), and ble_gatt_service_read().

uint8_t PACKED::client_transparent_mode
uint16_t PACKED::cmd_id
uint8_t PACKED::cmd_id
uint16_t PACKED::conn_handle
uint8_t PACKED::conn_num
uint32_t PACKED::crc_algo

Referenced by BM_PROGRAM_CRC_Get().

uint8_t* PACKED::data
uint16_t PACKED::data_len
ble_uuid_t PACKED::desc_uuid

Descriptor value length.

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

uint16_t PACKED::desc_val_length

descriptor value

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

uint8_t PACKED::desc_value

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

uint16_t PACKED::description


as defined in GATT spec Part G, Section

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

uint8_t PACKED::dev_role
uint8_t PACKED::encryption
ble_handle_t PACKED::end_handle

Service UUID.

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

bool PACKED::ep_included

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

uint8_t PACKED::error
uint8_t PACKED::exponent


Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

int8_t PACKED::exponent

as defined in GATT spec Part G, Section

ble_char_ext_properties_t PACKED::ext_properties

Number of generic descriptors included in list.

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

ble_char_ext_prop_t PACKED::ext_property

presentation format permissions

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

uint8_t PACKED::extend_property[2]

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

uint8_t PACKED::format


Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

ble_char_pres_format_t PACKED::format

value exponent

uint16_t PACKED::group_handle_end
uint16_t PACKED::group_handle_start
ble_handle_t PACKED::handle

Length of the attribute type.

UUID of the Service.

< Descriptor handle

< presentation format handle

< user descriptor handle

the user friendly description length, this value will be stored in the relevant descriptor, if no user description is desired set to 0

value format

The attribute permission

Referenced by acc_gyro_sensor_service_init(), ble_gatt_service_create(), and ble_gatt_service_read().

uint16_t* PACKED::handles_list
HCI_COMMAND_PKT PACKED::hci_command_pkt
HCI_EVENT_PKT PACKED::hci_event_pkt
uint8_t PACKED::in_use
uint8_t* PACKED::init_value
uint16_t PACKED::len

a user friendly description, this value will be stored in the relevant descriptor, if no user description is desired set to NULL

Referenced by acc_gyro_sensor_service_init(), and ble_gatt_service_create().

uint8_t PACKED::len

maximum possible length of the char.


uint16_t PACKED::length
uint8_t PACKED::length
uint8_t PACKED::link_type
uint16_t PACKED::max_conn_interval
uint16_t PACKED::max_len

initial value of this characteristic

Referenced by acc_gyro_sensor_service_init().

uint16_t PACKED::min_conn_interval

Referenced by ble_set_connection_params(), and main().

uint8_t PACKED::mode

Referenced by BM_PROGRAM_Connect().

uint8_t PACKED::name_space

presentation format permissions

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

uint8_t PACKED::num_of_handles

Attribute handles list.

uint8_t PACKED::num_of_sensor_chars
uint16_t PACKED::offset

Referenced by BM_PROGRAM_Connect().

uint16_t PACKED::opcode
ble_addr_t PACKED::peer_addr
ble_attr_permissions_t PACKED::perm

Here the stack will store the handle for future use.

Referenced by acc_gyro_sensor_service_init(), and ble_gatt_service_create().

ble_attr_permissions_t PACKED::permission

Attribute start handle.

Descriptor UUID.

Here the stack will store the handle for future use.

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

ble_attr_permissions_t PACKED::permissions

set this flag, if user descriptor used.

Characteristic value handle.

set this flag, if extended properties used.

set this flag, if presentation format used.

Reset otherwise.

Referenced by acc_gyro_sensor_service_init(), and ble_gatt_service_create().

bool PACKED::pf_included

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

uint8_t PACKED::pgm_mem_subtype
uint8_t PACKED::pgm_mem_type
uint8_t PACKED::pkt_num
uint16_t PACKED::pkt_num
ble_char_presentation_format_t PACKED::presentation_format

Characteristic extended properties, if no extended properties is necessary then reset ep_included flag.

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

ble_char_properties_t PACKED::properties

Attribute value handle.

Value permissions.

Referenced by acc_gyro_sensor_service_init(), ble_gatt_service_create(), and ble_gatt_service_read().

uint8_t PACKED::property
uint8_t PACKED::reason
uint8_t PACKED::role
uint8_t PACKED::rsvd
sensor_char_t PACKED::sensor_char_list
sensor_char_t* PACKED::sensor_char_list
sensor_service_t PACKED::sensor_service
ble_server_char_config_desc_t PACKED::server_config_desc

user descriptor related info

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

uint8_t PACKED::server_transparent_cntrl
ble_uuid_t PACKED::service_uuid
ble_uuid_t PACKED::service_uuid

Referenced by main().

uint32_t PACKED::size
ble_handle_t PACKED::start_handle

Length of the attribute type.

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

uint8_t PACKED::state
uint16_t PACKED::status
ble_status_t PACKED::status
uint16_t PACKED::type
uint8_t PACKED::type

See at_ble_addr_type_t.

descriptor value length

Number of attribute handles.


Extended property descriptor.

User descriptor length.

Client/Server Characteristic Configuration Descriptor.

Characteristic value length.

Characteristic properties.

Referenced by acc_gyro_sensor_service_init(), app_connected_cb(), ble_adv_param_set(), ble_create_connection(), ble_gatt_service_create(), BM_PROGRAM_Connect(), BM_PROGRAM_CRC_Get(), BM_PROGRAM_Disconnect(), BM_PROGRAM_Erase(), BM_PROGRAM_Read(), BM_PROGRAM_Write(), and BM_PROGRAM_Write_Continue().

uint8_t PACKED::type

Attribute end handle.

descriptor value length

Number of attribute handles.


Extended property descriptor.

User descriptor length.

Client/Server Characteristic Configuration Descriptor.

Characteristic value length.

Characteristic properties.

ble_service_type_t PACKED::type

< Service type (PRIMARY or SECONDARY )

Service permissions

uint8_t PACKED::type_length

The 2 bytes attribute type (UUID)

The 16 bytes attribute type (UUID)

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

bool PACKED::ud_included
uint8_t PACKED::ud_length

User descriptor.

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

uint16_t PACKED::unit


as defined in GATT spec Part G, Section

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().


Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

ble_user_desc_t PACKED::user_desc

Characteristic presentation format, if no presentation format is necessary then reset pf_included flag.

uint8_t* PACKED::user_description

user descriptor permissions

ble_uuid_t PACKED::uuid

initial value length

Characteristics count.


Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().

uint8_t PACKED::value_length

Characteristic value.

Referenced by ble_gatt_service_create().