Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

Parallel Capture (PARC) - Example Using GPIO as Stimuli


This example demonstrates the data capture function provided by the PARC module.


This example can be used with the following evaluation kits with PARC and PDCA modules:

  • SAM4L Xplained Pro
  • SAM4L8 Xplained Pro


In this example the GPIO pins on the same evaluation board act as the signal source which provides the PARC module with data, clock, and EN signals.

The GPIO pins should be connected to the PARC pins through the development kit's on-board connectors. These pins can be connected easily by using interconnect wires on the SAM4L Xplained Pro and SAM4L8 Xplained Pro evaluation kits.

The connection list on SAM4L Xplained Pro or SAM4L8 Xplained Pro is shown in the figure below.

The PCDATA5 signal is only connected to the LCD connector (EXT5) which cannot be connected to easily using interconnect wires. In this example PCDATA5 is not required so can be left unconnected.

Main Files

  • parc.c: Parallel Capture driver
  • parc.h: Parallel Capture driver header file
  • parc_example.c: Parallel Capture example application

Compilation Information

This software is written for GNU GCC and IAR Embedded Workbench® for Atmel®. Other compilers may or may not work.


  1. Connect the GPIO pins and PARC port according to the above connection list.
  2. Build the program and download it into the evaluation kit.
  3. On the computer, open and configure a terminal application (e.g., HyperTerminal on Microsoft® Windows®) with these settings:
    • 115200 baud
    • 8 bits of data
    • No parity
    • 1 stop bit
    • No flow control
  4. Start the application.
  5. In the terminal window, the following text should appear:
        -- SAM PARC Example --
        -- xxxxxx-xx
        -- Compiled: xxx xx xxxx xx:xx:xx -- 
  6. Select the PARC configuration by inputing 'y' or 'n' when the following information is displayed on the terminal:
      Press y to sample the data when both data enable pins are enabled.
      Press n to sample the data, don't care the status of the data enable pins.
      Press y to sample all the data.
      Press n to sample the data only one out of two. 
  7. PARC captures data and sends the captured data to the terminal.