In this section you can find all the projects related to the USB/CDC Standard I/O (stdio).
USB Composite Device CDC serial and MSC for SAM4L Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Composite Device with CDC and Mass Storage interfaces. It relies on native MSC driver and uses memory, uart and buttons or sensors available on the board as a user interface. CDC interface requires to install a specific driver provided within the source code folder where main.c is located. | |
USB Composite Device CDC serial and MSC for SAM4L-EK | |
Provide an application example of USB Composite Device with CDC and Mass Storage interfaces. It relies on native MSC driver and uses memory, uart and buttons or sensors available on the board as a user interface. CDC interface requires to install a specific driver provided within the source code folder where main.c is located. | |
USB Composite Device CDC serial and MSC for SAM4L8 Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Composite Device with CDC and Mass Storage interfaces. It relies on native MSC driver and uses memory, uart and buttons or sensors available on the board as a user interface. CDC interface requires to install a specific driver provided within the source code folder where main.c is located. | |
USB Composite Device HID keyboard and MSC for SAM4L Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Composite Device with HID keyboard and Mass Storage interfaces. It relies on native MSC and HID drivers and uses memory and buttons or sensors available on the board as a user interface. | |
USB Composite Device HID keyboard and MSC for SAM4L-EK | |
Provide an application example of USB Composite Device with HID keyboard and Mass Storage interfaces. It relies on native MSC and HID drivers and uses memory and buttons or sensors available on the board as a user interface. | |
USB Composite Device HID keyboard and MSC for SAM4L8 Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Composite Device with HID keyboard and Mass Storage interfaces. It relies on native MSC and HID drivers and uses memory and buttons or sensors available on the board as a user interface. | |
USB Composite Device HID mouse and MSC for SAM4L Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Composite Device with HID mouse and Mass Storage interfaces. It relies on native MSC and HID drivers and uses memory and buttons or sensors available on the board as a user interface. | |
USB Composite Device HID mouse and MSC for SAM4L-EK | |
Provide an application example of USB Composite Device with HID mouse and Mass Storage interfaces. It relies on native MSC and HID drivers and uses memory and buttons or sensors available on the board as a user interface. | |
USB Composite Device HID mouse and MSC for SAM4L8 Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Composite Device with HID mouse and Mass Storage interfaces. It relies on native MSC and HID drivers and uses memory and buttons or sensors available on the board as a user interface. | |
USB Device CDC Example for SAM4L Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Communication Device Class (CDC) implementation: a bridge between USART and USB CDC interface. | |
USB Device CDC Example for SAM4L-EK | |
Provide an application example of USB Communication Device Class (CDC) implementation: a bridge between USART and USB CDC interface. | |
USB Device CDC Example for SAM4L8 Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Communication Device Class (CDC) implementation: a bridge between USART and USB CDC interface. | |
USB Device HID Generic for SAM4L Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Device HID Generic implementation. Relies on the native HID driver and uses buttons and LEDs available on the board. | |
USB Device HID Generic for SAM4L-EK | |
Provide an application example of USB Device HID Generic implementation. Relies on the native HID driver and uses buttons and LEDs available on the board. | |
USB Device HID Generic for SAM4L8 Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Device HID Generic implementation. Relies on the native HID driver and uses buttons and LEDs available on the board. | |
USB Device HID Keyboard for SAM4L Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Device HID Keyboard implementation. Relies on the native HID driver and uses buttons available on the board as a keyboard interfaces. | |
USB Device HID Keyboard for SAM4L-EK | |
Provide an application example of USB Device HID Keyboard implementation. Relies on the native HID driver and uses buttons available on the board as a keyboard interfaces. | |
USB Device HID Keyboard for SAM4L8 Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Device HID Keyboard implementation. Relies on the native HID driver and uses buttons available on the board as a keyboard interfaces. | |
USB Device HID Mouse for SAM4L Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Device HID Mouse implementation. Relies on the native HID driver and uses buttons available on the board as a mouse interfaces. | |
USB Device HID Mouse for SAM4L-EK | |
Provide an application example of USB Device HID Mouse implementation. Relies on the native HID driver and uses buttons available on the board as a mouse interfaces. | |
USB Device HID Mouse for SAM4L8 Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Device HID Mouse implementation. Relies on the native HID driver and uses buttons available on the board as a mouse interfaces. | |
USB Device Mass Storage for SAM4L Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Device Mass Storage implementation. Relies on the native MSC driver on OS*, displays all available memories of the board as removable disk* (*except for Windows 98). | |
USB Device Mass Storage for SAM4L-EK | |
Provide an application example of USB Device Mass Storage implementation. Relies on the native MSC driver on OS*, displays all available memories of the board as removable disk* (*except for Windows 98). | |
USB Device Mass Storage for SAM4L8 Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Device Mass Storage implementation. Relies on the native MSC driver on OS*, displays all available memories of the board as removable disk* (*except for Windows 98). | |
USB Device PHDC for SAM4L Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Device PHDC implementation. Relies on the PHDC driver and uses buttons available on the board as a sensor interfaces. | |
USB Device PHDC for SAM4L-EK | |
Provide an application example of USB Device PHDC implementation. Relies on the PHDC driver and uses buttons available on the board as a sensor interfaces. | |
USB Device PHDC for SAM4L8 Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Device PHDC implementation. Relies on the PHDC driver and uses buttons available on the board as a sensor interfaces. | |
USB Device Vendor Class Example for SAM4L Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Vendor Class implementation. The example implements a look back application between IN and OUT enpoints of interrupt, bulk and isochronous types. Note that this example relies on a specific driver on the Host Operating System. For more detail documentation and PC drivers and application, please refer to AVR4001 application note. | |
USB Device Vendor Class Example for SAM4L-EK | |
Provide an application example of USB Vendor Class implementation. The example implements a look back application between IN and OUT enpoints of interrupt, bulk and isochronous types. Note that this example relies on a specific driver on the Host Operating System. For more detail documentation and PC drivers and application, please refer to AVR4001 application note. | |
USB Device Vendor Class Example for SAM4L8 Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Vendor Class implementation. The example implements a look back application between IN and OUT enpoints of interrupt, bulk and isochronous types. Note that this example relies on a specific driver on the Host Operating System. For more detail documentation and PC drivers and application, please refer to AVR4001 application note. | |
USB Dual Role (Device and Host) HID mouse for SAM4L Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB host and device (dual role) HID mouse implementation. | |
USB Dual Role (Device and Host) HID mouse for SAM4L-EK | |
Provide an application example of USB host and device (dual role) HID mouse implementation. | |
USB Dual Role (Device and Host) HID mouse for SAM4L8 Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB host and device (dual role) HID mouse implementation. | |
USB Host CDC for SAM4L Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Host Communication Device Class (CDC) implementation: a bridge between USART and a USB device CDC. | |
USB Host CDC for SAM4L-EK | |
Provide an application example of USB Host Communication Device Class (CDC) implementation: a bridge between USART and a USB device CDC. | |
USB Host CDC for SAM4L8 Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB Host Communication Device Class (CDC) implementation: a bridge between USART and a USB device CDC. | |
USB Host HID Mouse for SAM4L Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB host HID mouse implementation. | |
USB Host HID Mouse for SAM4L-EK | |
Provide an application example of USB host HID mouse implementation. | |
USB Host HID Mouse for SAM4L8 Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB host HID mouse implementation. | |
USB Host MSC FatFS and HID Mouse for SAM4L Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB host Mass Storage Class and HID mouse Class implementation. | |
USB Host MSC FatFS and HID Mouse for SAM4L-EK | |
Provide an application example of USB host Mass Storage Class and HID mouse Class implementation. | |
USB Host MSC FatFS and HID Mouse for SAM4L8 Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB host Mass Storage Class and HID mouse Class implementation. | |
USB Host MSC with FatFS for SAM4L Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB host Mass Storage Class implementation. | |
USB Host MSC with FatFS for SAM4L-EK | |
Provide an application example of USB host Mass Storage Class implementation. | |
USB Host MSC with FatFS for SAM4L8 Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB host Mass Storage Class implementation. | |
USB Host Vendor for SAM4L Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB host Vendor implementation. | |
USB Host Vendor for SAM4L-EK | |
Provide an application example of USB host Vendor implementation. | |
USB Host Vendor for SAM4L8 Xplained Pro | |
Provide an application example of USB host Vendor implementation. |
USB Device CDC unit tests for SAM4L-EK | |
Provide an unit test of USB Device CDC implementation. | |
USB Device CDC unit tests for SAM4L8 Xplained Pro | |
Provide an unit test of USB Device CDC implementation. | |
USB Device HID Keyboard unit tests for SAM4L-EK | |
Provide an unit test of USB Device HID keyboard implementation. | |
USB Device HID Keyboard unit tests for SAM4L8 Xplained Pro | |
Provide an unit test of USB Device HID keyboard implementation. | |
USB Device HID Mouse unit tests for SAM4L-EK | |
Provide an unit test of USB Device HID Mouse implementation. | |
USB Device HID Mouse unit tests for SAM4L8 Xplained Pro | |
Provide an unit test of USB Device HID Mouse implementation. | |
USB Device Mass Storage unit tests for SAM4L-EK | |
Provide a unit test of USB Device Mass Storage implementation. Relies on the native MSC driver on OS*, displays all available memories of the board as removable disk* (*except for Windows 98). | |
USB Device Mass Storage unit tests for SAM4L8 Xplained Pro | |
Provide a unit test of USB Device Mass Storage implementation. Relies on the native MSC driver on OS*, displays all available memories of the board as removable disk* (*except for Windows 98). |