Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

frame802154.c File Reference

802.15.4 frame creation and parsing functions

This file converts to and from a structure to a packed 802.15.4 frame.

#include "sys/cc.h"
#include "net/mac/frame802154.h"
#include <string.h>

Data Structures

struct  field_length_t
 Structure that contains the lengths of the various addressing and security fields in the 802.15.4 header. More...


static CC_INLINE uint8_t addr_len (uint8_t mode)
static void field_len (frame802154_t *p, field_length_t *flen)
FCF element values definitions

These are some definitions of values used in the FCF.

See the 802.15.4 spec for details.

int frame802154_hdrlen (frame802154_t *p)
 Calculates the length of the frame header. More...
int frame802154_create (frame802154_t *p, uint8_t *buf, int buf_len)
 Creates a frame for transmission over the air. More...
int frame802154_parse (uint8_t *data, int len, frame802154_t *pf)
 Parses an input frame. More...