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Callback timer

The ctimer module provides a timer mechanism that calls a specified C function when a ctimer expires.

Data Structures

struct  ctimer


file  ctimer.c
    Callback timer implementation

file  ctimer.h
    Header file for the callback timer



#define _DEBUG_   0
#define PRINTF(...)


int ctimer_expired (struct ctimer *c)
 Check if a callback timer has expired. More...
void ctimer_init (void)
 Initialize the callback timer library. More...
void ctimer_reset (struct ctimer *c)
 Reset a callback timer with the same interval as was previously set. More...
void ctimer_restart (struct ctimer *c)
 Restart a callback timer from the current point in time. More...
void ctimer_set (struct ctimer *c, clock_time_t t, void(*f)(void *), void *ptr)
 Set a callback timer. More...
void ctimer_stop (struct ctimer *c)
 Stop a pending callback timer. More...
 LIST (ctimer_list)
 PROCESS (ctimer_process,"Ctimer process")
 PROCESS_THREAD (ctimer_process, ev, data)


static char initialized

#define _DEBUG_   0
#define PRINTF (   ...)

Referenced by ctimer_set().

int ctimer_expired ( struct ctimer c)

Check if a callback timer has expired.

cA pointer to the callback timer
Non-zero if the timer has expired, zero otherwise.
        This function tests if a callback timer has expired and
        returns true or false depending on its status.

References etimer, etimer_expired(), initialized, list_head(), next, and NULL.

void ctimer_init ( void  )

Initialize the callback timer library.

This function initializes the callback timer library and should be called from the system boot up code.

References initialized, list_init(), NULL, and process_start().

Referenced by main().

void ctimer_reset ( struct ctimer c)

Reset a callback timer with the same interval as was previously set.

cA pointer to the callback timer.
        This function resets the callback timer with the same
        interval that was given to the callback timer with the
        ctimer_set() function. The start point of the interval
        is the exact time that the callback timer last
        expired. Therefore, this function will cause the timer
        to be stable over time, unlike the ctimer_restart()
See Also

References etimer, etimer_reset(), initialized, list_add(), list_remove(), PROCESS_CONTEXT_BEGIN, and PROCESS_CONTEXT_END.

Referenced by handle_periodic_timer().

void ctimer_restart ( struct ctimer c)

Restart a callback timer from the current point in time.

cA pointer to the callback timer.
        This function restarts the callback timer with the same
        interval that was given to the ctimer_set()
        function. The callback timer will start at the current

        \note A periodic timer will drift if this function is
        used to reset it. For periodic timers, use the
        ctimer_reset() function instead.
See Also

References etimer, etimer_restart(), initialized, list_add(), list_remove(), PROCESS_CONTEXT_BEGIN, and PROCESS_CONTEXT_END.

void ctimer_set ( struct ctimer c,
clock_time_t  t,
void(*)(void *)  f,
void *  ptr 

Set a callback timer.

cA pointer to the callback timer.
tThe interval before the timer expires.
fA function to be called when the timer expires.
ptrAn opaque pointer that will be supplied as an argument to the callback function.
        This function is used to set a callback timer for a time
        sometime in the future. When the callback timer expires,
        the callback function f will be called with ptr as argument.

References etimer, etimer_set(), f, initialized, timer::interval, list_add(), list_remove(), p, PRINTF, PROCESS_CONTEXT_BEGIN, PROCESS_CONTEXT_END, PROCESS_CURRENT, ptr, ptr, and etimer::timer.

Referenced by create_dag_callback(), double_interval(), free_packet(), handle_dao_timer(), handle_dio_timer(), input_packet(), new_dio_interval(), new_interval(), packet_sent(), packetqueue_enqueue_packetbuf(), phase_wait(), route_callback(), rpl_reset_periodic_timer(), schedule_dao(), schedule_for_end(), send_packet(), set_dao_lifetime_timer(), simple_rpl_init_dag(), and uip_packetqueue_alloc().

void ctimer_stop ( struct ctimer c)

Stop a pending callback timer.

cA pointer to the pending callback timer.
        This function stops a callback timer that has previously
        been set with ctimer_set(), ctimer_reset(), or ctimer_restart().
        After this function has been called, the callback timer will be
        expired and will not call the callback function.

References etimer, etimer_stop(), initialized, list_remove(), etimer::next, NULL, etimer::p, and PROCESS_NONE.

Referenced by free_packet(), handle_dao_timer(), input_packet(), packetqueue_dequeue(), remove_queued_packet(), rpl_cancel_dao(), rpl_free_instance(), and uip_packetqueue_free().

LIST ( ctimer_list  )
PROCESS ( ctimer_process  ,
"Ctimer process  