Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

Quick Start Guide for the ILI93XX

LCD Glass component.

This is the quick start guide for the Display - ILI93XX Controller, with step-by-step instructions on how to configure and use the driver for a specific use case.The code examples can be copied into e.g the main application loop or any other function that will need to control the ili93xx LCD Glass component module. Now ili9325 and ili9341 are supported.

Use cases

ili93xx LCD Glass basic usage

This use case will demonstrate how to initialize the ili93xx LCD Glass module.

Setup steps


This module requires the following driver

  • smc_group


Add this to the main loop or a setup function:

struct ili93xx_opt_t g_ili93xx_display_opt;
g_ili93xx_display_opt.ul_width = ILI93XX_LCD_WIDTH;
g_ili93xx_display_opt.ul_height = ILI93XX_LCD_HEIGHT;
g_ili93xx_display_opt.foreground_color = COLOR_BLACK;
g_ili93xx_display_opt.background_color = COLOR_WHITE;



Usage steps


  1. Set display on
  2. Turn display off
  3. Draw a pixel
  4. Draw a line and circle
  5. Draw a string of text
    ili93xx_draw_string(10, 20, (uint8_t *)"ili93xx_lcd example");
  6. Fill a rectangle with one certain color
  7. Get device type