Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

atca_host.h File Reference

Definitions and Prototypes for ATCA Utility Functions.

#include <stdint.h>
#include "cryptoauthlib.h"

Data Structures

struct  atca_check_mac_in_out
 Input/output parameters for function atcah_check_mac(). More...
struct  atca_decrypt_in_out
 Input/output parameters for function atca_decrypt(). More...
struct  atca_derive_key_in_out
 Input/output parameters for function atcah_derive_key(). More...
struct  atca_derive_key_mac_in_out
 Input/output parameters for function atcah_derive_key_mac(). More...
struct  atca_gen_dig_in_out
 Input/output parameters for function atcah_gen_dig(). More...
struct  atca_gen_key_in_out
 Input/output parameters for calculating the PubKey digest put into TempKey by the GenKey command with the atcah_gen_key_msg() function. More...
struct  atca_hmac_in_out
 Input/output parameters for function atca_hmac(). More...
struct  atca_include_data_in_out
 Input / output parameters for function atca_include_data(). More...
struct  atca_io_decrypt_in_out
struct  atca_mac_in_out
 Input/output parameters for function atca_mac(). More...
struct  atca_nonce_in_out
 Input/output parameters for function atca_nonce(). More...
struct  atca_secureboot_enc_in_out
struct  atca_secureboot_mac_in_out
struct  atca_sign_internal_in_out
 Input/output parameters for calculating the message and digest used by the Sign(internal) command. More...
struct  atca_temp_key
 Structure to hold TempKey fields. More...
struct  atca_verify_in_out
 Input/output parameters for function atcah_verify(). More...
struct  atca_verify_mac
struct  atca_write_mac_in_out
 Input/output parameters for function atcah_write_auth_mac() and atcah_privwrite_auth_mac(). More...


Definitions for ATECC Message Sizes to Calculate a SHA256 Hash

"||" is the concatenation operator.

The number in braces is the length of the hash input value in bytes.

#define ATCA_MSG_SIZE_NONCE   (55)
 RandOut{32} || NumIn{20} || OpCode{1} || Mode{1} || LSB of Param2{1}. More...
#define ATCA_MSG_SIZE_MAC   (88)
 (Key or TempKey){32} || (Challenge or TempKey){32} || OpCode{1} || Mode{1} || Param2{2} || (OTP0_7 or 0){8} || (OTP8_10 or 0){3} || SN8{1} || (SN4_7 or 0){4} || SN0_1{2} || (SN2_3 or 0){2} More...
#define ATCA_MSG_SIZE_HMAC   (88)
#define ATCA_MSG_SIZE_GEN_DIG   (96)
 KeyId{32} || OpCode{1} || Param1{1} || Param2{2} || SN8{1} || SN0_1{2} || 0{25} || TempKey{32}. More...
 KeyId{32} || OpCode{1} || Param1{1} || Param2{2} || SN8{1} || SN0_1{2} || 0{25} || TempKey{32}. More...
 KeyId{32} || OpCode{1} || Param1{1} || Param2{2} || SN8{1} || SN0_1{2}. More...
 KeyId{32} || OpCode{1} || Param1{1} || Param2{2}|| SN8{1} || SN0_1{2} || 0{25} || TempKey{32}. More...
 KeyId{32} || OpCode{1} || Param1{1} || Param2{2}|| SN8{1} || SN0_1{2} || 0{21} || PlainText{36}. More...
#define HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE   (64)
#define ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE   (64)
Default Fixed Byte Values of Serial Number (SN[0:1] and SN[8])
#define ATCA_SN_0_DEF   (0x01)
#define ATCA_SN_1_DEF   (0x23)
#define ATCA_SN_8_DEF   (0xEE)
Definition for TempKey Mode
#define MAC_MODE_USE_TEMPKEY_MASK   ((uint8_t)0x03)
 mode mask for MAC command when using TempKey More...


typedef struct
 Input/output parameters for function atcah_check_mac(). More...
typedef struct atca_gen_dig_in_out atca_gen_dig_in_out_t
 Input/output parameters for function atcah_gen_dig(). More...
typedef struct atca_gen_key_in_out atca_gen_key_in_out_t
 Input/output parameters for calculating the PubKey digest put into TempKey by the GenKey command with the atcah_gen_key_msg() function. More...
typedef struct
typedef struct atca_mac_in_out atca_mac_in_out_t
typedef struct atca_nonce_in_out atca_nonce_in_out_t
typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef struct
 Input/output parameters for calculating the message and digest used by the Sign(internal) command. More...
typedef struct atca_temp_key atca_temp_key_t
 Structure to hold TempKey fields. More...
typedef struct atca_verify_in_out atca_verify_in_out_t
typedef struct atca_verify_mac atca_verify_mac_in_out_t
typedef struct
 Input/output parameters for function atcah_write_auth_mac() and atcah_privwrite_auth_mac(). More...


ATCA_STATUS atcah_check_mac (struct atca_check_mac_in_out *param)
 This function performs the checkmac operation to generate client response on the host side . More...
ATCA_STATUS atcah_config_to_sign_internal (ATCADeviceType device_type, struct atca_sign_internal_in_out *param, const uint8_t *config)
 Populate the slot_config, key_config, and is_slot_locked fields in the atca_sign_internal_in_out structure from the provided config zone. More...
ATCA_STATUS atcah_decrypt (struct atca_decrypt_in_out *param)
 This function decrypts 32-byte encrypted data received with the Read command. More...
ATCA_STATUS atcah_derive_key (struct atca_derive_key_in_out *param)
 This function derives a key with a key and TempKey. More...
ATCA_STATUS atcah_derive_key_mac (struct atca_derive_key_mac_in_out *param)
 This function calculates the input MAC for a DeriveKey command. More...
ATCA_STATUS atcah_encode_counter_match (uint32_t counter, uint8_t *counter_match)
 Builds the counter match value that needs to be stored in a slot. More...
ATCA_STATUS atcah_gen_dig (struct atca_gen_dig_in_out *param)
 This function combines the current TempKey with a stored value. More...
ATCA_STATUS atcah_gen_key_msg (struct atca_gen_key_in_out *param)
 Calculate the PubKey digest created by GenKey and saved to TempKey. More...
ATCA_STATUS atcah_gen_mac (struct atca_gen_dig_in_out *param)
 This function generates mac with session key with a plain text. More...
ATCA_STATUS atcah_hmac (struct atca_hmac_in_out *param)
 This function generates an HMAC / SHA-256 hash of a key and other information. More...
uint8_t * atcah_include_data (struct atca_include_data_in_out *param)
 This function copies otp and sn data into a command buffer. More...
ATCA_STATUS atcah_io_decrypt (struct atca_io_decrypt_in_out *param)
 Decrypt data that's been encrypted by the IO protection key. More...
ATCA_STATUS atcah_mac (struct atca_mac_in_out *param)
 This function generates an SHA-256 digest (MAC) of a key, challenge, and other information. More...
ATCA_STATUS atcah_nonce (struct atca_nonce_in_out *param)
 This function calculates host side nonce with the parameters passed. More...
ATCA_STATUS atcah_privwrite_auth_mac (struct atca_write_mac_in_out *param)
 This function calculates the input MAC for the PrivWrite command. More...
ATCA_STATUS atcah_secureboot_enc (atca_secureboot_enc_in_out_t *param)
 Encrypts the digest for the SecureBoot command when using the encrypted digest / validating mac option. More...
ATCA_STATUS atcah_secureboot_mac (atca_secureboot_mac_in_out_t *param)
 Calculates the expected MAC returned from the SecureBoot command when verification is a success. More...
ATCA_STATUS atcah_sha256 (int32_t len, const uint8_t *message, uint8_t *digest)
 This function creates a SHA256 digest on a little-endian system. More...
ATCA_STATUS atcah_sign_internal_msg (ATCADeviceType device_type, struct atca_sign_internal_in_out *param)
 Builds the full message that would be signed by the Sign(Internal) command. More...
ATCA_STATUS atcah_verify_mac (atca_verify_mac_in_out_t *param)
 Calculate the expected MAC on the host side for the Verify command. More...
ATCA_STATUS atcah_write_auth_mac (struct atca_write_mac_in_out *param)
 This function calculates the input MAC for the Write command. More...