Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

api_msg_msg Struct Reference

This struct includes everything that is necessary to execute a function for a netconn in another thread context (mainly used to process netconns in the tcpip_thread context to be thread safe).

#include <api_msg.h>

Data Fields

struct netconnconn
 The netconn which to process - always needed: it includes the semaphore which is used to block the application thread until the function finished. More...
err_t err
 The return value of the function executed in tcpip_thread. More...
union {
   struct {
      ip_addr_t *   ipaddr
      u8_t   local
      u16_t *   port
   }   ad
 used for do_getaddr More...
   struct netbuf *   b
 used for do_send More...
   struct {
      ip_addr_t *   ipaddr
      u16_t   port
   }   bc
 used for do_bind and do_connect More...
   struct {
      u8_t   proto
   }   n
 used for do_newconn More...
   struct {
      u32_t   len
   }   r
 used for do_recv More...
   struct {
      u8_t   shut
   }   sd
 used for do_close (/shutdown) More...
   struct {
      u8_t   apiflags
      const void *   dataptr
      size_t   len
   }   w
 used for do_write More...
 Depending on the executed function, one of these union members is used. More...

struct { ... } api_msg_msg::ad

used for do_getaddr

Referenced by do_getaddr(), and netconn_getaddr().

u8_t api_msg_msg::apiflags
struct netbuf* api_msg_msg::b

used for do_send

Referenced by do_send(), and netconn_send().

struct { ... } api_msg_msg::bc

used for do_bind and do_connect

Referenced by do_bind(), do_connect(), netconn_bind(), and netconn_connect().

const void* api_msg_msg::dataptr
ip_addr_t* api_msg_msg::ipaddr
size_t api_msg_msg::len
u32_t api_msg_msg::len
u8_t api_msg_msg::local
struct { ... } api_msg_msg::n

used for do_newconn

Referenced by netconn_new_with_proto_and_callback(), and pcb_new().

u16_t api_msg_msg::port
u16_t* api_msg_msg::port
u8_t api_msg_msg::proto
struct { ... } api_msg_msg::r

used for do_recv

Referenced by do_recv(), netconn_recv_data(), and netconn_recved().

struct { ... } api_msg_msg::sd

used for do_close (/shutdown)

Referenced by do_close(), do_close_internal(), do_delconn(), and netconn_close_shutdown().

u8_t api_msg_msg::shut
struct { ... } api_msg_msg::w

used for do_write

Referenced by do_write(), do_writemore(), and netconn_write_partly().