Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

inc Directory Reference


file  abstractSerializer.h
 Declaration of abstract serialize interface.
file  app_info.h
 Application info table structure and parameters.
file  appEntry.h
 entry point for jumping to application.
file  boot_version.h
 bootloader information structure and parameters.
file  bootStructure.h
 Declaration of common types for bootloader.
file  eepromLoader.h
 Declaration api of eeprom loader.
file  fcpu.h
 Hardware initialization routine header file.
file  flashLoader.h
 Declaration api of flash loader.
file  hardwareInit.h
 Hardware initialization routine header file.
file  moveIntVector.h
 Moving the interrupt vector from app to boot section and vice versa.
file  preparser.h
 Declaration of the preparser interface.
file  srecParser.h
 Declaration of parser of the srec format interface.
file  types.h
 The header file describes global system types and pre-processor words which depends on compiler or platform.
file  uartSerializer.h
 Declaration of uart serialize interface.