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Template of a user-defined protocol for PLC USI service for SAM4SD32C Documentation


This an example of how to use PLC Universal SerialInterface service" to communicate with the target through a user-defined protocol.

In this file, a template for the serialization of a user-defined protocol is provided. It can be used as a basis to further implement a given desired functionality.

Main Files

Device Info

SAM4CP and SAM4S devices can be used.


This template can be used as basis to implement USI support for any user-defined protocol. This is done through the function:

uint8_t serial_if_user_def_api_parser(uint8_t *puc_rx_msg, uint16_t us_len);

This function is used as a callback by USI whenever a message with: TYPE_PROTOCOL = PROTOCOL_USER_DEFINED is received, in order to process it. By extending the capabilities of that function to the user-defined protocol, the USI is provided with the intelligence to support it.

This function receives two parameters:

uint8_t *puc_rx_msg Pointer to the message payload. uint16_t us_len Length of the payload.

As a basis of the user-defined protocol, two primitives have been defined:

SERIAL_IF_USER_DEF_GET_CMD: this primitive gets the value in a given memory address of the target. SERIAL_IF_USER_DEF_SET_CMD: this primitive stores a value in a given memory address of the target.

Respectively, the target will respond to them with:

SERIAL_IF_USER_DEF_GET_CMD_RSP: this primitive contains the value stored in the requested memory address of the target. SERIAL_IF_USER_DEF_SET_CMD_RSP: this primitive simply acknowledges the execution of the set command.

The message format of this protocol template is defined as:

Read command:


<–1Byte–><–4 Bytes–>

Write command:


<–1Byte–><–4 Bytes–><–4 Bytes–>

The list of supported primitives can be extended in the function serial_if_user_def_api_parser() and in the typedef serial_if_user_def_cmd_t as needed by the user-defined protocol.


This template depends on the following modules:

Compilation information

This software was written for the IAR for ARM. Other compilers may or may not work.

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