Handles all the serial input and output commands.
It de-serializes the incoming Performance Analyzer Req Msg packets and calls the corresponding Performance Analyzer APIs to process the request. It also serializes the Performance Analyzer confirmation and indication Msgs which are generated by the application. It expects the packet to be received or send the packets through serial interface in the following format.
| SOT | Length | Protocol Id | Msg Id | Msg Payload | EOT |
Data Structures | |
union | param_value_t |
Parameter value types. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | PROTOCOL_ID |
This indicates the PROTOCOL_ID field in the Serial Parser frame format. More... | |
#define | PROTOCOL_ID |
This indicates the PROTOCOL_ID field in the Serial Parser frame format. More... | |
Functions | |
void | sio_write (uint8_t *message) |
Function to write messages into UART/USB, used to send assert messages. More... | |
Variables | |
bool | cw_ack_sent |
uint8_t | cw_start_mode |
uint16_t | cw_tmr_val |
uint8_t | op_mode |
uint16_t | param_value_t::param_value_16bit |
Parameter 16-bit. More... | |
uint32_t | param_value_t::param_value_32bit |
Parameter 32-bit. More... | |
uint64_t | param_value_t::param_value_64bit |
Parameter 64-bit. More... | |
uint8_t | param_value_t::param_value_8bit |
Parameter 8-bit. More... | |
bool | param_value_t::param_value_bool |
Parameter Bool. More... | |
float | param_value_t::param_value_float |
Parameter float. More... | |
bool | peer_found |
uint32_t | pkt_stream_gap_time |
bool | pkt_stream_stop |
bool | pulse_mode |
bool | rdy_to_tx |
bool | remote_cw_start |
bool | remote_pulse_cw_start |
bool | remote_serial_tx_failure |
bool | rx_on_mode |
frame_info_t * | stream_pkt |
static uint8_t | sio_rx_buf [SIO_RX_BUF_SIZE] |
This is the receive buffer of the UART. More... | |
static uint8_t | sio_tx_buf [SIO_BUF_COUNT][SIO_TX_BUF_SIZE] |
This is the transmit buffer of the UART. More... | |
static uint8_t * | sio_rx_ptr |
This pointer points to the next free element inside the receive buffer of the UART. More... | |
static uint8_t | sio_rx_state |
This is the receiver state of the UART. More... | |
static uint8_t | sio_rx_length |
This is the transmit state of the UART. More... | |
static uint8_t | data [SIO_RX_BUF_SIZE] |
This is the buffer to hold the frame received through serial interface. More... | |
static uint8_t | data_length = 0 |
This is length variable to keep track of no of received bytes. More... | |
static uint8_t | rx_index = 0 |
This is index used to validate the received bytes based on their position. More... | |
static uint8_t | head = 0 |
This is head of the queue of buffers to be transmitted. More... | |
static uint8_t | buf_count = 0 |
This is buffer count to keep track of the available bufer for transmission. More... | |
bool | remote_cmd_rcvd = false |
This flag is used to check if a remote_test command has been received or not. More... | |
static uint8_t | curr_tx_buffer_index = 0 |
static void | process_incoming_sio_data (void) |
Process data received from SIO. More... | |
static uint8_t * | get_next_tx_buffer (void) |
get the new buffer for next transmission through serial More... | |
static void | handle_incoming_msg (void) |
Parses the Received Data in the Buffer and Process the Commands accordingly. More... | |
void | init_sio (void) |
This function does the initialization of the Serial handler state Machine. More... | |
void | serial_data_handler (void) |
Function to handle the state machine serial data exchange. More... | |
void | convert_ota_serial_frame_rx (uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len) |
void | usr_perf_start_confirm (uint8_t status, uint8_t start_mode, trx_config_params_t *trx_config_params, uint8_t peer_ic_type, char *peer_soc_mcu_name, char *peer_trx_name, char *peer_board_name, uint64_t peer_mac_address, float peer_fw_version, uint32_t peer_feature_mask) |
Function to generate Perf Start confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_per_test_start_confirm (uint8_t status) |
Function to generate Per Test Start confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_range_test_beacon_tx (uint8_t *frame) |
Function to send the transmitted frame to the Host application. More... | |
void | usr_range_test_beacon_rsp (uint8_t *mpdu, uint8_t lqi_h, int8_t ed_h, uint8_t lqi_r, int8_t ed_r) |
Function to send the Received Range Test Response frame to the Host application. More... | |
void | usr_range_test_marker_ind (uint8_t *mpdu, uint8_t lqi, int8_t ed_value) |
Function to send the Marker Indication frame to the Host application. More... | |
void | usr_range_test_start_confirm (uint8_t status) |
Function to generate Range Test Start confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | convert_ota_serial_frame_tx (uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len) |
The Received Remote Reply Command is converted into Serial Data and sent to the Host interface. More... | |
void | usr_range_test_stop_confirm (uint8_t status) |
Function to generate Range Test Stop confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_perf_set_confirm (uint8_t status, uint8_t param_type, param_value_t *param_value) |
Function to generate Perf Set confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_perf_get_confirm (uint8_t status, uint8_t param_type, param_value_t *parame_value) |
Function to generate Perf Get confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_identify_peer_node_confirm (uint8_t status) |
Function to generate Identify_peer_cnode_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_cont_pulse_tx_confirm (uint8_t status) |
Function to generate cont_pulse_tx_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_cont_wave_tx_confirm (uint8_t status, bool start_stop_param, uint8_t tx_mode) |
Function to generate cont_wave_tx_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_register_read_confirm (uint8_t status, uint16_t reg_addr, uint8_t reg_val) |
Function to generate usr_register_read_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_register_write_confirm (uint8_t status, uint16_t reg_addr, uint8_t reg_val) |
Function to generate usr_register_write_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_register_dump_confirm (uint8_t status, uint16_t start_reg_addr, uint16_t end_reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_val) |
Function to generate usr_register_dump_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_per_test_end_indication (uint8_t status, int8_t rssi_val, uint8_t aver_lqi, uint32_t frames_transmitted, uint32_t frames_received, uint32_t frames_failure, uint32_t frames_no_ack, uint32_t frames_channel_access_failure, uint32_t frames_with_wrong_crc, float test_duration_sec, float test_net_data_rate) |
Function to generate Per test End Indication frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_ed_scan_start_confirm (uint8_t status, uint8_t scan_time_min, float scan_time_sec) |
Function to generate ED scan confirm test End Indication frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_pkt_stream_confirm (uint8_t status, bool start_stop) |
void | usr_rx_on_confirm (uint8_t status, bool start_stop) |
void | usr_ed_scan_end_indication (uint8_t no_of_channels, ed_scan_result_t *ed_scan_result) |
Function to generate ED scan Indication frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_sensor_data_get_confirm (uint8_t status, float bat_voltage, float temperature) |
Function to generate Sensor data confirm frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_peer_disconnect_confirm (uint8_t status) |
Function to generate Disconnect Confirm frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_set_default_config_confirm (uint8_t status, trx_config_params_t *default_trx_config_params) |
Function to generate Set default config Confirm frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_identify_board_confirm (uint8_t status, uint8_t ic_type, const char *mcu_soc_name, const char *trx_name, const char *board_name, uint64_t mac_address, float fw_version, uint32_t fw_feature_mask) |
Function to generate Identify Board confirm frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_get_current_config_confirm (uint8_t status, trx_config_params_t *curr_trx_conf_params) |
Function to generate Get Current config Confirm frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
#define | SOT (1) |
The start of transmission delimiter. More... | |
#define | EOT (4) |
The end of transmission delimiter. More... | |
#define | UART_RX_STATE_SOT (1) |
A UART state that expects a SOT to be received as the next character. More... | |
#define | UART_RX_STATE_LENGTH (2) |
A UART state that expects the length to be received as the next character. More... | |
#define | UART_RX_STATE_DATA (3) |
A UART state that expects the next data character to be received. More... | |
#define | UART_RX_STATE_EOT (4) |
A UART state that expects a EOT to be received as the next character. More... | |
#define | SIO_BUF_COUNT (3) |
#define | SIO_RX_BUF_SIZE (32) |
#define | SIO_TX_BUF_SIZE (156) |
Functions for User Request Primitives | |
void | perf_set_req (uint8_t set_param_type, param_value_t *param_value) |
void | perf_get_req (uint8_t param_type_data) |
Function to get the various configuaration paramters for PER Test. More... | |
void | initiate_per_test (void) |
Initiates the test procedure. More... | |
void | initiate_range_test (void) |
Initiates the Range test procedure. More... | |
void | start_ed_scan (uint8_t scan_duration, uint32_t channel_sel_mask) |
Function to start the ED scan. More... | |
void | get_sensor_data (void) |
Function to get the Sensor data like Battery volatge. More... | |
void | get_board_details (void) |
prints the hardware details More... | |
void | stop_range_test (void) |
Function to Stop the range Test in PER Mode. More... | |
void | identify_peer_node (void) |
Identifying peer node. More... | |
void | send_remote_cmd (uint8_t *serial_buf, uint8_t len, bool ack_req) |
Function to send the command to Remote node to perform remote test. More... | |
void | read_trx_registers (uint16_t reg_addr) |
Read transceiver register. More... | |
void | write_trx_registers (uint16_t reg_addr, uint8_t reg_val) |
write Transceiver registers More... | |
void | dump_trx_register_values (uint16_t start_reg_addr, uint16_t end_reg_addr) |
Read a set of registers. More... | |
void | disconnect_peer_node (void) |
Function to request the peer to get disconnected from source node. More... | |
void | set_default_configuration (void) |
Function to set the default values of. More... | |
void | config_per_test_parameters (void) |
Function to set trx configure parameters. More... | |
void | get_current_configuration (void) |
Function to get the current values of the all configurable parameters. More... | |
uint8_t | check_error_conditions (void) |
Function used to check the error conditions before. More... | |
uint8_t | get_param_length (uint8_t parameter_type) |
void | pktstream_test (uint16_t gap_time, uint16_t timeout, bool start_stop, uint16_t frame_len) |
Starts Packet streaming test. More... | |
void | led_blinker_timer_handler_cb (void *parameter) |
Timer Callback function if identify command is received on air by a node in reflector configuration. More... | |
void | rx_on_test (bool start_stop_param) |
This function is called to initiate the RX_ON test The transceiver is put into the RX_ON mode and no requests are handled until this mode is stopped. More... | |
Error Codes | |
#define | INVALID_CMD (0x20) |
#define | ED_SCAN_UNDER_PROGRESS (0x21) |
#define | NO_PEER_FOUND (0x24) |
#define | UNABLE_TO_CONTACT_PEER (0x25) |
#define | INVALID_ARGUMENT (0x26) |
#define | VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE (0x27) |
#define | INVALID_REGISTER_ORDER (0x28) |
#define | TRANSCEIVER_IN_SLEEP (0x29) |
#define | TRANSMISSION_FAILURE (0x30) |
#define | RANGE_TEST_IN_PROGRESS (0x31) |
#define | PKT_STREAM_IN_PROGRESS (0x32) |
#define | RX_ON_MODE_IN_PROGRESS (0x33) |
Parameter Identifiers | |
#define | PARAM_CHANNEL (0x00) |
#define | PARAM_CHANNEL_PAGE (0x01) |
#define | PARAM_TX_POWER_DBM (0x03) |
#define | PARAM_CSMA (0x04) |
#define | PARAM_FRAME_RETRY (0x05) |
#define | PARAM_ACK_REQUEST (0x06) |
#define | PARAM_ANT_DIVERSITY (0x07) |
#define | PARAM_ANT_DIVERSITY_ON_PEER (0x08) |
#define | PARAM_DESENSITIZATION (0x09) |
#define | PARAM_TRX_STATE (0x0a) |
#define | PARAM_CRC_ON_PEER (0x0b) |
#define | PARAM_NO_OF_TEST_FRAMES (0x0c) |
#define | PARAM_PHY_FRAME_LENGTH (0x0d) |
#define | PARAM_RPC (0x0e) |
#define | PARAM_ISM_FREQUENCY (0x0f) |
MACROS to set the specific features supported | |
#define | MULTI_CHANNEL_SELECT ((uint32_t)(1) << 0) |
#define | PER_RANGE_TEST_MODE ((uint32_t)(1) << 1) |
#define | PER_REMOTE_CONFIG_MODE ((uint32_t)(1) << 2) |
#define | PKT_STREAMING_MODE ((uint32_t)(1) << 3) |
#define | CONTINUOUS_RX_ON_MODE ((uint32_t)(1) << 4) |
#define | TX_OP_MODE (0x01) |
#define | TEST_FRAMES_SENT (0x02) |
#define | WAIT_FOR_TEST_RES (0x03) |
#define | SET_PARAMETER (0x04) |
#define | CONTINUOUS_TX_MODE (0x07) |
#define | IDENTIFY_PEER (0x08) |
#define | PEER_INFO_RSP_WAIT (0x0B) |
#define | DISCONNECT_PEER (0x0C) |
#define | SET_DEFAULT_CONFIG_PEER (0x0D) |
#define | PER_TEST_START (0x0E) |
#define | RANGE_TEST_START (0x0F) |
#define | RANGE_TEST_TX (0x10) |
#define | RANGE_TEST_STOP (0x11) |
#define | REMOTE_TEST_MODE (0X12) |
#define | PKT_STREAM_MODE (0X13) |
#define | RANGE_TST_PKT_SEQ_POS (11) |
#define | MAX_REG_ADDRESS (0x1ff) |
#define | MIN_REG_ADDRESS (0x141) |
#define | RX_DESENSITIZE_LEVEL (0x08) |
#define | NO_RX_DESENSITIZE_LEVEL (0x00) |
#define | INVALID_VALUE (0xff) |
#define | TRX_RESET (0) |
#define | BIT_COUNT (32) |
#define | MAX_SCAN_DURATION (14) |
#define | NO_OF_REGISTERS (65) |
#define | RANGE_TX_BEACON_INTERVAL (3000000) |
#define | MICRO_SEC_MULTIPLIER (1.0 / 1000000) |
#define | MILLI_VOLT_MULTIPLIER (1.0 / 1000) |
static uint8_t | sio_rx_buf [NUM_TRX][SIO_RX_BUF_SIZE] |
This is the receive buffer of the UART. More... | |
static uint8_t | sio_tx_buf [NUM_TRX][SIO_BUF_COUNT][SIO_TX_BUF_SIZE] |
This is the transmit buffer of the UART. More... | |
static uint8_t * | sio_rx_ptr [NUM_TRX] |
This pointer points to the next free element inside the receive buffer of the UART. More... | |
static uint8_t | sio_rx_state [NUM_TRX] |
This is the receiver state of the UART. More... | |
static uint8_t | sio_rx_length [NUM_TRX] |
This is the transmit state of the UART. More... | |
static uint8_t | data [NUM_TRX][SIO_RX_BUF_SIZE] |
This is the buffer to hold the frame received through serial interface. More... | |
static uint8_t | data_length [NUM_TRX] = {0, 0} |
This is length variable to keep track of no of received bytes. More... | |
static uint8_t | rx_index [NUM_TRX] = {0, 0} |
This is index used to validate the received bytes based on their position. More... | |
static uint8_t | head [NUM_TRX] = {0, 0} |
This is head of the queue of buffers to be transmitted. More... | |
static uint8_t | buf_count [NUM_TRX] = {0, 0} |
This is buffer count to keep track of the available bufer for transmission. More... | |
uint32_t | rcvd_channel_mask [NUM_TRX] = {0, 0} |
static uint8_t | curr_tx_buffer_index [NUM_TRX] = {0, 0} |
static void | process_incoming_sio_data (trx_id_t trx) |
Process data received from SIO. More... | |
static uint8_t * | get_next_tx_buffer (trx_id_t trx) |
get the new buffer for next transmission through serial More... | |
static void | handle_incoming_msg (trx_id_t trx) |
Parses the Received Data in the Buffer and Process the Commands accordingly. More... | |
void | init_sio (trx_id_t trx) |
This function does the initialization of the Serial handler state Machine. More... | |
void | usr_perf_start_confirm (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t status, uint8_t start_mode, trx_config_params_t *trx_config_params, uint8_t peer_ic_type, char *peer_soc_mcu_name, char *peer_trx_name, char *peer_board_name, uint64_t peer_mac_address, float peer_fw_version, uint32_t peer_feature_mask) |
Function to generate Perf Start confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_per_test_start_confirm (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t status) |
Function to generate Per Test Start confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_range_test_beacon_tx (trx_id_t trx, frame_info_t *frame) |
Function to send the transmitted frame to the Host application. More... | |
void | usr_range_test_beacon_rsp (trx_id_t trx, frame_info_t *frame, uint8_t lqi_h, int8_t ed_h, uint8_t lqi_r, int8_t ed_r) |
Function to send the Received Range Test Response frame to the Host application. More... | |
void | usr_range_test_marker_ind (trx_id_t trx, frame_info_t *frame, uint8_t lqi, int8_t ed_value) |
Function to send the Marker Indication frame to the Host application. More... | |
void | usr_range_test_start_confirm (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t status) |
Function to generate Range Test Start confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_range_test_stop_confirm (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t status) |
Function to generate Range Test Stop confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_perf_set_confirm (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t status, uint8_t param_type, param_value_t *param_value) |
Function to generate Perf Set confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_perf_get_confirm (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t status, uint8_t parameter_type, param_value_t *parame_value) |
Function to generate Perf Get confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_identify_peer_node_confirm (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t status) |
Function to generate Identify_peer_cnode_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_cont_pulse_tx_confirm (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t status) |
Function to generate cont_pulse_tx_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_cont_wave_tx_confirm (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t status, bool start_stop_param, uint8_t tx_mode) |
Function to generate cont_wave_tx_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_register_read_confirm (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t status, uint16_t reg_addr, uint8_t reg_val) |
Function to generate usr_register_read_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_register_write_confirm (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t status, uint16_t reg_addr, uint8_t reg_val) |
Function to generate usr_register_write_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_register_dump_confirm (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t status, uint16_t start_reg_addr, uint16_t end_reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_val) |
Function to generate usr_register_dump_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_per_test_end_indication (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t status, int8_t rssi_val, uint8_t aver_lqi, uint32_t frames_transmitted, uint32_t frames_received, uint32_t frames_failure, uint32_t frames_no_ack, uint32_t frames_channel_access_failure, uint32_t frames_with_wrong_crc, float test_duration_sec, float test_net_data_rate) |
Function to generate Per test End Indication frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_ed_scan_start_confirm (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t status, uint8_t scan_time_min, float scan_time_sec) |
Function to generate ED scan confirm test End Indication frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_ed_scan_end_indication (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t no_of_channels, ed_scan_result_t *ed_scan_result) |
Function to generate ED scan Indication frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_sensor_data_get_confirm (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t status, float bat_voltage, float temperature) |
Function to generate Sensor data confirm frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_peer_disconnect_confirm (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t status) |
Function to generate Disconnect Confirm frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_set_default_config_confirm (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t status, trx_config_params_t *default_trx_config_params) |
Function to generate Set default config Confirm frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_identify_board_confirm (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t status, uint8_t ic_type, const char *mcu_soc_name, const char *trx_name, const char *board_name, uint64_t mac_address, float fw_version, uint32_t fw_feature_mask) |
Function to generate Identify Board confirm frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
void | usr_get_current_config_confirm (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t status, trx_config_params_t *curr_trx_conf_params) |
Function to generate Get Current config Confirm frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface. More... | |
#define | SOT (1) |
The start of transmission delimiter. More... | |
#define | EOT (4) |
The end of transmission delimiter. More... | |
#define | UART_RX_STATE_SOT (1) |
A UART state that expects a SOT to be received as the next character. More... | |
#define | UART_RX_STATE_LENGTH (2) |
A UART state that expects the length to be received as the next character. More... | |
#define | UART_RX_STATE_DATA (3) |
A UART state that expects the next data character to be received. More... | |
#define | UART_RX_STATE_EOT (4) |
A UART state that expects a EOT to be received as the next character. More... | |
#define | SIO_BUF_COUNT (3) |
#define | SIO_RX_BUF_SIZE (32) |
#define | SIO_TX_BUF_SIZE (156) |
Functions for User Request Primitives | |
void | perf_set_req (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t set_param_type, param_value_t *param_value) |
void | perf_set_sun_page (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t *sun_page) |
void | perf_get_req (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t param_type) |
Function to get the various configuration parameters for PER Test. More... | |
void | initiate_per_test (trx_id_t trx) |
Initiates the test procedure. More... | |
void | start_ed_scan (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t scan_duration, uint32_t channel_sel_mask) |
Function to start the ED scan. More... | |
void | get_sensor_data (trx_id_t trx) |
Function to get the Sensor data like Battery volatge. More... | |
void | get_board_details (trx_id_t trx) |
prints the hardware details More... | |
void | identify_peer_node (trx_id_t trx) |
Identifying peer node. More... | |
void | read_trx_registers (trx_id_t trx, uint16_t reg_addr) |
Read transceiver register. More... | |
void | write_trx_registers (trx_id_t trx, uint16_t reg_addr, uint8_t reg_val) |
write Transceiver registers More... | |
void | dump_trx_register_values (trx_id_t trx, uint16_t start_reg_addr, uint16_t end_reg_addr) |
Read a set of registers. More... | |
void | disconnect_peer_node (trx_id_t trx) |
Function to request the peer to get disconnected from source node. More... | |
void | set_default_configuration (trx_id_t trx) |
Function to set the default values of. More... | |
void | get_current_configuration (trx_id_t trx) |
Function to get the current values of the all configurabel patameters. More... | |
uint8_t | check_error_conditions (trx_id_t trx) |
Function used to check the error conditions before. More... | |
Functions for User Confirm/Indication Messages generated in response | |
void | initiate_range_test (trx_id_t trx) |
Initiates the Range test procedure. More... | |
void | stop_range_test (trx_id_t trx) |
Function to Stop the range Test in PER Mode. More... | |
float | reverse_float (const float float_val) |
The reverse_float is used for reversing a float variable for supporting BIG ENDIAN systems. More... | |
Error Codes | |
#define | INVALID_CMD (0x20) |
#define | ED_SCAN_UNDER_PROGRESS (0x21) |
#define | NO_PEER_FOUND (0x24) |
#define | UNABLE_TO_CONTACT_PEER (0x25) |
#define | INVALID_ARGUMENT (0x26) |
#define | VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE (0x27) |
#define | INVALID_REGISTER_ORDER (0x28) |
#define | TRANSCEIVER_IN_SLEEP (0x29) |
#define | TRANSMISSION_FAILURE (0x30) |
#define | RANGE_TEST_IN_PROGRESS (0x31) |
Parameter Identifiers | |
#define | PARAM_CHANNEL (0x00) |
#define | PARAM_CHANNEL_PAGE (0x01) |
#define | PARAM_TX_POWER_DBM (0x03) |
#define | PARAM_CSMA (0x04) |
#define | PARAM_FRAME_RETRY (0x05) |
#define | PARAM_ACK_REQUEST (0x06) |
#define | PARAM_ANT_DIVERSITY (0x07) |
#define | PARAM_ANT_DIVERSITY_ON_PEER (0x08) |
#define | PARAM_DESENSITIZATION (0x09) |
#define | PARAM_TRX_STATE (0x0a) |
#define | PARAM_CRC_ON_PEER (0x0b) |
#define | PARAM_NO_OF_TEST_FRAMES (0x0c) |
#define | PARAM_PHY_FRAME_LENGTH (0x0d) |
#define | PARAM_RPC (0x0e) |
#define | PARAM_ISM_FREQUENCY (0x0f) |
MACROS to set the specific features supported | |
#define | MULTI_CHANNEL_SELECT ((uint32_t)(1) << 0) |
#define | PER_RANGE_TEST_MODE ((uint32_t)(1) << 1) |
Generic | |
#define | FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXIST (0xFF) |
#define | BYTE_LEN (0x08) |
#define | NUL_VAL (0) |
#define | START_MODE_PER (1) |
#define | START_MODE_SINGLE_NODE (2) |
#define | START_CWT (1) |
#define | STOP_CWT (0) |
#define | TX_POWER_FORMAT_REG (0) |
#define | TX_POWER_FORMAT_DBM (1) |
#define | MESSAGE_ID_POS (2) |
#define | PARAM_TYPE_POS (3) |
#define | PARAM_LEN_POS (4) |
#define | PARAM_VALUE_POS (5) |
#define | START_MODE_POS (3) |
#define | START_STOP_POS (3) |
#define | TX_MODE_POS (4) |
#define | REGISTER_ADDR_POS (3) |
#define | REGISTER_VAL_POS (5) |
#define | START_REG_ADDR_POS (3) |
#define | END_REG_ADDR_POS (5) |
#define | MSG_LEN_ED_SCAN_POS (0) |
#define | SCAN_DURATION_POS (3) |
#define | CHANNELS_SELECT_POS (4) |
#define | MSG_LEN_ED_SCAN_REQ (7) |
#define BIT_COUNT (32) |
Referenced by set_channel().
#define BYTE_LEN (0x08) |
#define BYTE_LEN (0x08) |
Referenced by usr_register_dump_confirm(), usr_register_read_confirm(), and usr_register_write_confirm().
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
#define CMD_ID_LEN (1) |
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_rx_cb(), per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb(), and per_mode_receptor_rx_cb().
#define CMD_POS (3) |
Referenced by serial_data_handler(), wpan_mcps_data_req(), wpan_mlme_gts_req(), wpan_mlme_reset_req(), and wpan_mlme_set_req().
Referenced by usr_cont_pulse_tx_confirm().
Referenced by usr_cont_wave_tx_confirm().
#define CONTINUOUS_RX_ON_MODE ((uint32_t)(1) << 4) |
Referenced by get_board_details(), and get_node_info().
#define CONTINUOUS_TX_MODE (0x07) |
Referenced by check_error_conditions(), per_mode_initiator_task(), and per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb().
Referenced by check_error_conditions(), and handle_incoming_msg().
#define DISCONNECT_PEER (0x0C) |
Referenced by disconnect_peer_node(), per_mode_initiator_task(), and per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb().
Referenced by usr_ed_scan_end_indication().
Referenced by usr_ed_scan_start_confirm().
#define ED_SCAN_UNDER_PROGRESS (0x21) |
#define ED_SCAN_UNDER_PROGRESS (0x21) |
Referenced by check_error_conditions().
#define END_REG_ADDR_POS (5) |
#define END_REG_ADDR_POS (5) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
#define EOT (4) |
The end of transmission delimiter.
Referenced by api_process_incoming_sio_data(), convert_ota_serial_frame_tx(), process_incoming_sio_data(), process_rf_serial_byte(), usr_cont_pulse_tx_confirm(), usr_cont_wave_tx_confirm(), usr_ed_scan_end_indication(), usr_ed_scan_start_confirm(), usr_get_current_config_confirm(), usr_identify_board_confirm(), usr_identify_peer_node_confirm(), usr_mcps_data_conf(), usr_mcps_data_ind(), usr_mlme_reset_conf(), usr_mlme_set_conf(), usr_mlme_sync_loss_ind(), usr_peer_disconnect_confirm(), usr_per_test_end_indication(), usr_per_test_start_confirm(), usr_perf_get_confirm(), usr_perf_set_confirm(), usr_perf_start_confirm(), usr_pkt_stream_confirm(), usr_range_test_beacon_rsp(), usr_range_test_beacon_tx(), usr_range_test_marker_ind(), usr_range_test_start_confirm(), usr_range_test_stop_confirm(), usr_register_dump_confirm(), usr_register_read_confirm(), usr_register_write_confirm(), usr_rx_on_confirm(), usr_sensor_data_get_confirm(), usr_set_default_config_confirm(), wpan_mcps_data_req(), wpan_mlme_gts_req(), wpan_mlme_reset_req(), and wpan_mlme_set_req().
#define EOT (4) |
The end of transmission delimiter.
Referenced by process_incoming_sio_data(), usr_cont_pulse_tx_confirm(), usr_cont_wave_tx_confirm(), usr_ed_scan_end_indication(), usr_ed_scan_start_confirm(), usr_get_current_config_confirm(), usr_identify_board_confirm(), usr_identify_peer_node_confirm(), usr_peer_disconnect_confirm(), usr_per_test_end_indication(), usr_per_test_start_confirm(), usr_perf_get_confirm(), usr_perf_set_confirm(), usr_perf_start_confirm(), usr_range_test_beacon_rsp(), usr_range_test_beacon_tx(), usr_range_test_marker_ind(), usr_range_test_start_confirm(), usr_range_test_stop_confirm(), usr_register_dump_confirm(), usr_register_read_confirm(), usr_register_write_confirm(), usr_sensor_data_get_confirm(), and usr_set_default_config_confirm().
Referenced by usr_get_current_config_confirm(), usr_perf_start_confirm(), and usr_set_default_config_confirm().
#define FRAME_LEN_1 (4) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
#define FRAME_LEN_2 (5) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
#define GAP_TIME_1 (6) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
#define GAP_TIME_2 (7) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
Referenced by usr_get_current_config_confirm().
Referenced by usr_identify_board_confirm().
#define IDENTIFY_PEER (0x08) |
Referenced by identify_peer_node(), per_mode_initiator_task(), and per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb().
Referenced by usr_identify_peer_node_confirm().
#define INVALID_ARGUMENT (0x26) |
#define INVALID_ARGUMENT (0x26) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), perf_get_req(), perf_set_req(), and pktstream_test().
#define INVALID_CMD (0x20) |
#define INVALID_CMD (0x20) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), initiate_per_test(), initiate_range_test(), start_test(), and stop_range_test().
Referenced by dump_trx_register_values().
#define INVALID_VALUE (0xff) |
#define MAX_REG_ADDRESS (0x1ff) |
Referenced by read_trx_registers(), and write_trx_registers().
#define MAX_SCAN_DURATION (14) |
Referenced by start_ed_scan().
#define MESSAGE_ID_MASK (0x7F) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
#define MESSAGE_ID_POS (2) |
#define MESSAGE_ID_POS (2) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), and per_mode_receptor_rx_cb().
#define MICRO_SEC_MULTIPLIER (1.0 / 1000000) |
Referenced by calculate_time_duration(), per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb(), and start_test().
#define MILLI_VOLT_MULTIPLIER (1.0 / 1000) |
Referenced by get_sensor_data().
#define MIN_REG_ADDRESS (0x141) |
#define MSG_LEN_ED_SCAN_POS (0) |
#define MSG_LEN_ED_SCAN_POS (0) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
#define MSG_LEN_ED_SCAN_REQ (7) |
#define MSG_LEN_ED_SCAN_REQ (7) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
#define MULTI_CHANNEL_SELECT ((uint32_t)(1) << 0) |
#define MULTI_CHANNEL_SELECT ((uint32_t)(1) << 0) |
Referenced by get_board_details(), and get_node_info().
#define NO_OF_REGISTERS (65) |
Referenced by dump_trx_register_values().
#define NO_PEER_FOUND (0x24) |
#define NO_PEER_FOUND (0x24) |
Referenced by peer_rsp_rcvd_init(), peer_rsp_rcvd_tx_cb(), and wait_for_reply_timer_handler_cb().
#define NO_RX_DESENSITIZE_LEVEL (0x00) |
Referenced by config_per_test_parameters().
#define NUL_VAL (0) |
#define NUL_VAL (0) |
#define OCTET_STR_LEN_BYTE_LEN (1) |
#define OCTET_STR_LEN_BYTE_LEN (1) |
Referenced by usr_identify_board_confirm(), usr_perf_get_confirm(), and usr_perf_set_confirm().
#define PARAM_ACK_REQUEST (0x06) |
#define PARAM_ACK_REQUEST (0x06) |
Referenced by config_ack_request(), perf_get_req(), and perf_set_req().
#define PARAM_ANT_DIVERSITY (0x07) |
#define PARAM_ANT_DIVERSITY (0x07) |
Referenced by perf_get_req(), and perf_set_req().
#define PARAM_CHANNEL (0x00) |
#define PARAM_CHANNEL (0x00) |
Referenced by perf_get_req(), perf_set_req(), set_channel(), set_channel_app(), and set_parameter_on_transmitter_node().
#define PARAM_CHANNEL_PAGE (0x01) |
#define PARAM_CHANNEL_PAGE (0x01) |
#define PARAM_CRC_ON_PEER (0x0b) |
#define PARAM_CRC_ON_PEER (0x0b) |
#define PARAM_CSMA (0x04) |
#define PARAM_CSMA (0x04) |
Referenced by config_csma(), perf_get_req(), and perf_set_req().
Referenced by config_rx_desensitization(), perf_get_req(), and perf_set_req().
#define PARAM_FRAME_RETRY (0x05) |
#define PARAM_FRAME_RETRY (0x05) |
Referenced by config_frame_retry(), perf_get_req(), and perf_set_req().
#define PARAM_ISM_FREQUENCY (0x0f) |
#define PARAM_ISM_FREQUENCY (0x0f) |
Referenced by config_frequency(), perf_get_req(), perf_set_req(), and set_parameter_on_transmitter_node().
#define PARAM_LEN_POS (4) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
#define PARAM_NO_OF_TEST_FRAMES (0x0c) |
#define PARAM_NO_OF_TEST_FRAMES (0x0c) |
Referenced by perf_get_req(), and perf_set_req().
#define PARAM_PHY_FRAME_LENGTH (0x0d) |
#define PARAM_PHY_FRAME_LENGTH (0x0d) |
Referenced by perf_get_req(), perf_set_req(), and set_phy_frame_length().
#define PARAM_RPC (0x0e) |
#define PARAM_RPC (0x0e) |
Referenced by config_rpc_mode(), perf_get_req(), and perf_set_req().
#define PARAM_TRX_STATE (0x0a) |
#define PARAM_TRX_STATE (0x0a) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), perf_get_req(), perf_set_req(), and set_transceiver_state().
#define PARAM_TX_POWER_DBM (0x03) |
#define PARAM_TX_POWER_DBM (0x03) |
Referenced by perf_get_req(), perf_set_req(), set_parameter_on_transmitter_node(), and set_tx_power().
#define PARAM_TYPE_POS (3) |
#define PARAM_TYPE_POS (3) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
#define PARAM_VALUE_POS (5) |
#define PARAM_VALUE_POS (5) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
Referenced by usr_peer_disconnect_confirm().
#define PEER_INFO_RSP_WAIT (0x0B) |
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_init(), per_mode_initiator_rx_cb(), and wait_for_reply_timer_handler_cb().
#define PER_RANGE_TEST_MODE ((uint32_t)(1) << 1) |
#define PER_RANGE_TEST_MODE ((uint32_t)(1) << 1) |
Referenced by get_board_details(), and get_node_info().
#define PER_REMOTE_CONFIG_MODE ((uint32_t)(1) << 2) |
Referenced by get_board_details(), and get_node_info().
Referenced by usr_per_test_end_indication().
#define PER_TEST_START (0x0E) |
Referenced by initiate_per_test(), and per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb().
Referenced by usr_per_test_start_confirm().
#define PERF_GET_CONFIRM_LEN (3) |
#define PERF_GET_CONFIRM_LEN (3) |
Referenced by usr_perf_get_confirm().
#define PERF_SET_CONFIRM_LEN (3) |
#define PERF_SET_CONFIRM_LEN (3) |
Referenced by usr_perf_set_confirm().
Referenced by usr_perf_start_confirm().
Referenced by usr_pkt_stream_confirm().
#define PKT_STREAM_IN_PROGRESS (0x32) |
Referenced by check_error_conditions(), and handle_incoming_msg().
#define PKT_STREAM_MODE (0X13) |
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_task(), per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb(), and pktstream_test().
#define PKT_STREAMING_MODE ((uint32_t)(1) << 3) |
Referenced by get_board_details(), and get_node_info().
#define PKTSTREAM_STOP (0) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
#define PROTOCOL_ID |
This indicates the PROTOCOL_ID field in the Serial Parser frame format.
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), usr_cont_pulse_tx_confirm(), usr_cont_wave_tx_confirm(), usr_ed_scan_end_indication(), usr_ed_scan_start_confirm(), usr_get_current_config_confirm(), usr_identify_board_confirm(), usr_identify_peer_node_confirm(), usr_peer_disconnect_confirm(), usr_per_test_end_indication(), usr_per_test_start_confirm(), usr_perf_get_confirm(), usr_perf_set_confirm(), usr_perf_start_confirm(), usr_pkt_stream_confirm(), usr_range_test_beacon_rsp(), usr_range_test_beacon_tx(), usr_range_test_marker_ind(), usr_range_test_start_confirm(), usr_range_test_stop_confirm(), usr_register_dump_confirm(), usr_register_read_confirm(), usr_register_write_confirm(), usr_rx_on_confirm(), usr_sensor_data_get_confirm(), usr_set_default_config_confirm(), and wpan_init().
#define PROTOCOL_ID |
This indicates the PROTOCOL_ID field in the Serial Parser frame format.
#define PROTOCOL_ID_LEN (1) |
Referenced by usr_cont_pulse_tx_confirm(), usr_cont_wave_tx_confirm(), usr_ed_scan_end_indication(), usr_ed_scan_start_confirm(), usr_get_current_config_confirm(), usr_identify_board_confirm(), usr_identify_peer_node_confirm(), usr_peer_disconnect_confirm(), usr_per_test_end_indication(), usr_per_test_start_confirm(), usr_perf_get_confirm(), usr_perf_set_confirm(), usr_perf_start_confirm(), usr_pkt_stream_confirm(), usr_range_test_beacon_rsp(), usr_range_test_beacon_tx(), usr_range_test_marker_ind(), usr_range_test_start_confirm(), usr_range_test_stop_confirm(), usr_register_dump_confirm(), usr_register_read_confirm(), usr_register_write_confirm(), usr_rx_on_confirm(), usr_sensor_data_get_confirm(), and usr_set_default_config_confirm().
#define PROTOCOL_ID_LEN (1) |
#define RANGE_TEST_IN_PROGRESS (0x31) |
#define RANGE_TEST_IN_PROGRESS (0x31) |
Referenced by check_error_conditions().
#define RANGE_TEST_MARKER_IND_LEN (3) /*Excluding ota packet*/ |
#define RANGE_TEST_MARKER_IND_LEN (3) /*Excluding ota packet*/ |
Referenced by usr_range_test_marker_ind().
Referenced by usr_range_test_beacon_tx().
#define RANGE_TEST_RSP_PKT_LEN (5) /*Excluding ota packet*/ |
#define RANGE_TEST_RSP_PKT_LEN (5) /*Excluding ota packet*/ |
Referenced by usr_range_test_beacon_rsp().
#define RANGE_TEST_START (0x0F) |
Referenced by initiate_range_test(), and per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb().
Referenced by usr_range_test_start_confirm(), and usr_range_test_stop_confirm().
#define RANGE_TEST_STOP (0x11) |
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb(), and stop_range_test().
#define RANGE_TEST_TX (0x10) |
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_rx_cb(), per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb(), start_range_test(), and stop_range_test().
#define RANGE_TST_PKT_SEQ_POS (11) |
#define RANGE_TX_BEACON_INTERVAL (3000000) |
Referenced by range_test_timer_handler_cb().
Referenced by start_range_test().
#define REGISTER_ADDR_POS (3) |
#define REGISTER_ADDR_POS (3) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
Referenced by usr_register_dump_confirm().
Referenced by usr_register_read_confirm().
#define REGISTER_VAL_POS (5) |
#define REGISTER_VAL_POS (5) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
Referenced by usr_register_write_confirm().
#define REMOTE_CMD_MASK (0x80) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), per_mode_receptor_rx_cb(), and serial_data_handler().
#define REMOTE_TEST_MODE (0X12) |
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb(), send_remote_cmd(), and wait_for_reply_timer_handler_cb().
Referenced by usr_ed_scan_end_indication().
#define RX_DESENSITIZE_LEVEL (0x08) |
#define RX_ON_CONFIRM_LEN (3) |
Referenced by usr_rx_on_confirm().
#define RX_ON_MODE_IN_PROGRESS (0x33) |
Referenced by check_error_conditions(), and handle_incoming_msg().
#define RX_ON_STOP (0) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
#define SCAN_DURATION_POS (3) |
#define SCAN_DURATION_POS (3) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
Referenced by usr_sensor_data_get_confirm().
Referenced by usr_set_default_config_confirm().
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb(), and set_default_configuration().
#define SET_PARAMETER (0x04) |
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_task(), per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb(), and send_parameters_changed().
#define SIO_BUF_COUNT (3) |
Referenced by get_next_tx_buffer(), and serial_data_handler().
#define SIO_BUF_COUNT (3) |
Referenced by get_next_tx_buffer().
#define SIO_RX_BUF_SIZE (32) |
Referenced by serial_bridge_handler(), and serial_data_handler().
#define SIO_RX_BUF_SIZE (32) |
#define SIO_TX_BUF_SIZE (156) |
#define SIO_TX_BUF_SIZE (156) |
#define SOT (1) |
The start of transmission delimiter.
Referenced by api_process_incoming_sio_data(), get_next_tx_buffer(), process_incoming_sio_data(), process_rf_serial_byte(), and wpan_init().
#define SOT (1) |
The start of transmission delimiter.
Referenced by get_next_tx_buffer(), and process_incoming_sio_data().
#define START_CWT (1) |
#define START_CWT (1) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
#define START_MODE_PER (1) |
#define START_MODE_PER (1) |
#define START_MODE_POS (3) |
#define START_MODE_POS (3) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), and per_mode_initiator_init().
#define START_REG_ADDR_POS (3) |
#define START_REG_ADDR_POS (3) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
#define START_STOP_POS (3) |
#define START_STOP_POS (3) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
#define STOP_CWT (0) |
#define STOP_CWT (0) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
#define TEST_FRAMES_SENT (0x02) |
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_task(), and per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb().
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_init(), per_mode_initiator_task(), and send_remote_cmd().
#define TIMEOUT_VAL_1 (8) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
#define TIMEOUT_VAL_2 (9) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
#define TMR_VAL_1 (5) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
#define TMR_VAL_2 (6) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
#define TRANSCEIVER_IN_SLEEP (0x29) |
#define TRANSCEIVER_IN_SLEEP (0x29) |
Referenced by check_error_conditions(), handle_incoming_msg(), and set_transceiver_state().
Referenced by disconnect_peer_node(), identify_peer_node(), and set_default_configuration().
Referenced by check_error_conditions().
#define TRX_RESET (0) |
Referenced by set_transceiver_state().
#define TX_MODE_POS (4) |
#define TX_MODE_POS (4) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
#define TX_OP_MODE (0x01) |
Referenced by disconnect_peer_node(), identify_peer_node(), initiate_per_test(), initiate_range_test(), per_mode_initiator_rx_cb(), per_mode_initiator_task(), per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb(), pktstream_test(), send_remote_cmd(), set_default_configuration(), start_test(), and wait_for_reply_timer_handler_cb().
#define TX_POWER_FORMAT_DBM (1) |
#define TX_POWER_FORMAT_DBM (1) |
Referenced by set_tx_power().
#define TX_POWER_FORMAT_REG (0) |
#define TX_POWER_FORMAT_REG (0) |
Referenced by set_tx_power().
#define UART_RX_STATE_DATA (3) |
A UART state that expects the next data character to be received.
Referenced by api_process_incoming_sio_data(), process_incoming_sio_data(), and process_rf_serial_byte().
#define UART_RX_STATE_DATA (3) |
A UART state that expects the next data character to be received.
Referenced by process_incoming_sio_data().
#define UART_RX_STATE_EOT (4) |
A UART state that expects a EOT to be received as the next character.
Referenced by api_process_incoming_sio_data(), process_incoming_sio_data(), and process_rf_serial_byte().
#define UART_RX_STATE_EOT (4) |
A UART state that expects a EOT to be received as the next character.
Referenced by process_incoming_sio_data().
#define UART_RX_STATE_LENGTH (2) |
A UART state that expects the length to be received as the next character.
Referenced by api_process_incoming_sio_data(), process_incoming_sio_data(), and process_rf_serial_byte().
#define UART_RX_STATE_LENGTH (2) |
A UART state that expects the length to be received as the next character.
Referenced by process_incoming_sio_data().
#define UART_RX_STATE_SOT (1) |
A UART state that expects a SOT to be received as the next character.
Referenced by api_process_incoming_sio_data(), init_sio(), process_incoming_sio_data(), process_rf_serial_byte(), and serial_interface_init().
#define UART_RX_STATE_SOT (1) |
A UART state that expects a SOT to be received as the next character.
Referenced by init_sio(), and process_incoming_sio_data().
#define UNABLE_TO_CONTACT_PEER (0x25) |
#define UNABLE_TO_CONTACT_PEER (0x25) |
#define VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE (0x27) |
#define VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE (0x27) |
#define WAIT_FOR_TEST_RES (0x03) |
enum msg_code |
enum msg_code |
uint8_t check_error_conditions | ( | trx_id_t | trx | ) |
Function used to check the error conditions before.
processing the received command
Function used to check the error conditions before.
processing the received command
uint8_t check_error_conditions | ( | void | ) |
Function used to check the error conditions before.
processing the received command
Function used to check the error conditions before.
processing the received command
References CONTINUOUS_TX_MODE, CW_TRANSMISSION_UNDER_PROGRESS, ED_SCAN_UNDER_PROGRESS, frames_to_transmit, MAC_SUCCESS, op_mode, PKT_STREAM_IN_PROGRESS, pkt_stream_stop, RANGE_TEST_IN_PROGRESS, range_test_in_progress, remote_serial_tx_failure, rx_on_mode, RX_ON_MODE_IN_PROGRESS, scanning, TRANSCEIVER_IN_SLEEP, TRANSMISSION_UNDER_PROGRESS, trx_sleep_status, and UNABLE_TO_CONTACT_PEER.
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
void config_per_test_parameters | ( | void | ) |
Function to set trx configure parameters.
References trx_config_params_t::ack_request, trx_config_params_t::channel, trx_config_params_t::channel_page, CONV_phyTransmitPower_TO_DBM, trx_config_params_t::csma_enabled, DEFAULT_CHANNEL, DEFAULT_FRAME_LENGTH, DEFAULT_NO_OF_TEST_FRAMES, DISABLE_ALL_RPC_MODES, ENABLE_RX_SAFE_MODE, trx_config_params_t::ism_frequency, NO_RX_DESENSITIZE_LEVEL, trx_config_params_t::number_test_frames, peer_found, trx_config_params_t::phy_frame_length, phyCurrentChannel, phyCurrentPage, phyTransmitPower, pib_value_t::pib_value_8bit, trx_config_params_t::retry_enabled, RG_TRX_CTRL_2, trx_config_params_t::rpc_enable, RX_AACK_ON, tal_ant_div_config(), tal_get_curr_trx_config(), tal_pib_set(), tal_rpc_mode_config(), tal_set_rx_sensitivity_level(), TAL_TRANSMIT_POWER_DEFAULT, tal_trx_reg_write(), temp, TRX_OFF, trx_config_params_t::trx_state, trx_config_params_t::tx_power_dbm, and TX_PWR.
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_init(), per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb(), per_mode_receptor_init(), per_mode_receptor_rx_cb(), and set_default_configuration().
void convert_ota_serial_frame_rx | ( | uint8_t * | buf, |
uint8_t | len | ||
) |
The received over the air payload containing the serial data request for the remote node is converter into serial data to be used by the Serial Handler for processing further requests
buf | pointer to the payload len Length of the Serial Data Payload |
References handle_incoming_msg(), and sio_rx_buf.
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb(), per_mode_receptor_task(), and wait_for_reply_timer_handler_cb().
void convert_ota_serial_frame_tx | ( | uint8_t * | buf, |
uint8_t | len | ||
) |
The Received Remote Reply Command is converted into Serial Data and sent to the Host interface.
References EOT, get_next_tx_buffer(), and NULL.
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_rx_cb().
void disconnect_peer_node | ( | trx_id_t | trx | ) |
Function to request the peer to get disconnected from source node.
References app_reset(), DISCONNECT_PEER, MAC_SUCCESS, node_info, op_mode, peer_found, send_disconnect_command(), TRANSMISSION_FAILURE, TX_OP_MODE, and usr_peer_disconnect_confirm().
void disconnect_peer_node | ( | void | ) |
Function to request the peer to get disconnected from source node.
References app_reset(), DISCONNECT_PEER, MAC_SUCCESS, node_info, op_mode, node_ib_t::peer_found, send_disconnect_command(), TRANSMISSION_FAILURE, TX_OP_MODE, and usr_peer_disconnect_confirm().
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
void dump_trx_register_values | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint16_t | start_reg_addr, | ||
uint16_t | end_reg_addr | ||
) |
Read a set of registers.
start_reg_addr | The start address of the group of registers to be read |
end_reg_addr | The end register of the group of registers to be read |
References INVALID_REGISTER_ORDER, MAC_SUCCESS, NO_OF_REGISTERS, NUL_VAL, status, tal_dump_registers(), usr_register_dump_confirm(), and VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE.
void dump_trx_register_values | ( | uint16_t | start_reg_addr, |
uint16_t | end_reg_addr | ||
) |
Read a set of registers.
start_reg_addr | The start address of the group of registers to be read |
end_reg_addr | The end register of the group of registers to be read |
References INVALID_REGISTER_ORDER, MAC_SUCCESS, NO_OF_REGISTERS, NUL_VAL, status, tal_dump_registers(), usr_register_dump_confirm(), and VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE.
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
void get_board_details | ( | trx_id_t | trx | ) |
prints the hardware details
References BOARD_NAME, FIRMWARE_VERSION, fw_feature_mask, IC_TYPE, MAC_SUCCESS, MCU_SOC_NAME, MULTI_CHANNEL_SELECT, PER_RANGE_TEST_MODE, reverse_float(), RF24, tal_pib, and usr_identify_board_confirm().
void get_board_details | ( | void | ) |
prints the hardware details
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
void get_current_configuration | ( | trx_id_t | trx | ) |
Function to get the current values of the all configurabel patameters.
in the Performance Anlayzer application
Function to get the current values of the all configurabel patameters.
References MAC_SUCCESS, and usr_get_current_config_confirm().
void get_current_configuration | ( | void | ) |
Function to get the current values of the all configurable parameters.
in the Performance Analyzer application
Function to get the current values of the all configurable parameters.
References curr_trx_config_params, MAC_SUCCESS, and usr_get_current_config_confirm().
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
static |
get the new buffer for next transmission through serial
References buf_count, head, NULL, SIO_BUF_COUNT, sio_tx_buf, and SOT.
Referenced by convert_ota_serial_frame_tx(), usr_cont_pulse_tx_confirm(), usr_cont_wave_tx_confirm(), usr_ed_scan_end_indication(), usr_ed_scan_start_confirm(), usr_get_current_config_confirm(), usr_identify_board_confirm(), usr_identify_peer_node_confirm(), usr_peer_disconnect_confirm(), usr_per_test_end_indication(), usr_per_test_start_confirm(), usr_perf_get_confirm(), usr_perf_set_confirm(), usr_perf_start_confirm(), usr_pkt_stream_confirm(), usr_range_test_beacon_rsp(), usr_range_test_beacon_tx(), usr_range_test_marker_ind(), usr_range_test_start_confirm(), usr_range_test_stop_confirm(), usr_register_dump_confirm(), usr_register_read_confirm(), usr_register_write_confirm(), usr_rx_on_confirm(), usr_sensor_data_get_confirm(), and usr_set_default_config_confirm().
static |
get the new buffer for next transmission through serial
References buf_count, head, NULL, SIO_BUF_COUNT, sio_tx_buf, and SOT.
Referenced by usr_cont_pulse_tx_confirm(), usr_cont_wave_tx_confirm(), usr_ed_scan_end_indication(), usr_ed_scan_start_confirm(), usr_get_current_config_confirm(), usr_identify_board_confirm(), usr_identify_peer_node_confirm(), usr_peer_disconnect_confirm(), usr_per_test_end_indication(), usr_per_test_start_confirm(), usr_perf_get_confirm(), usr_perf_set_confirm(), usr_perf_start_confirm(), usr_range_test_beacon_rsp(), usr_range_test_beacon_tx(), usr_range_test_marker_ind(), usr_range_test_start_confirm(), usr_range_test_stop_confirm(), usr_register_dump_confirm(), usr_register_read_confirm(), usr_register_write_confirm(), usr_sensor_data_get_confirm(), and usr_set_default_config_confirm().
uint8_t get_param_length | ( | uint8_t | parameter_type | ) |
References PGM_READ_BYTE.
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), usr_perf_get_confirm(), and usr_perf_set_confirm().
void get_sensor_data | ( | trx_id_t | trx | ) |
Function to get the Sensor data like Battery volatge.
Function to get the Sensor data like Battery volatge.
References MAC_SUCCESS, MILLI_VOLT_MULTIPLIER, reverse_float(), tfa_get_batmon_voltage(), tfa_get_temperature(), and usr_sensor_data_get_confirm().
void get_sensor_data | ( | void | ) |
Function to get the Sensor data like Battery volatge.
Function to get the Sensor data like Battery volatge.
References MAC_SUCCESS, MILLI_VOLT_MULTIPLIER, reverse_float(), tfa_get_batmon_voltage(), tfa_get_temperature(), and usr_sensor_data_get_confirm().
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
inlinestatic |
Parses the Received Data in the Buffer and Process the Commands accordingly.
References AT86RF233, CHANNELS_SELECT_POS, check_error_conditions(), CONT_PULSE_TX_REQ, CONT_WAVE_TX_REQ, CW_TRANSMISSION_UNDER_PROGRESS, disconnect_peer_node(), dump_trx_register_values(), ED_SCAN_START_REQ, END_REG_ADDR_POS, FRAME_LEN_1, FRAME_LEN_2, GAP_TIME_1, GAP_TIME_2, get_board_details(), GET_CURRENT_CONFIG_REQ, get_current_configuration(), get_param_length(), get_sensor_data(), IDENTIFY_BOARD_REQ, identify_peer_node(), IDENTIFY_PEER_NODE_REQ, initiate_per_test(), initiate_range_test(), INVALID_ARGUMENT, INVALID_CMD, MAC_SUCCESS, node_ib_t::main_state, MEMCPY_ENDIAN, MESSAGE_ID_MASK, MESSAGE_ID_POS, MSG_LEN_ED_SCAN_POS, MSG_LEN_ED_SCAN_REQ, node_info, NUL_VAL, NULL, PARAM_TRX_STATE, PARAM_TYPE_POS, param_value_t::param_value_8bit, PARAM_VALUE_POS, PEER_DISCONNECT_REQ, PEER_SEARCH_PER_TX, PEER_SEARCH_RANGE_RX, PEER_SEARCH_RANGE_TX, PER_TEST_INITIATOR, PER_TEST_RECEPTOR, PER_TEST_START_REQ, PERF_GET_REQ, perf_get_req(), PERF_SET_REQ, perf_set_req(), PERF_START_REQ, PKT_STREAM_IN_PROGRESS, PKT_STREAM_REQ, PKTSTREAM_STOP, pktstream_test(), PROTOCOL_ID, RANGE_TEST_START_REQ, RANGE_TEST_STOP_REQ, RANGE_TEST_TX_OFF, RANGE_TEST_TX_ON, rcvd_channel_mask, read_trx_registers(), REGISTER_ADDR_POS, REGISTER_DUMP_REQ, REGISTER_READ_REQ, REGISTER_VAL_POS, REGISTER_WRITE_REQ, REMOTE_CMD_MASK, remote_cmd_rcvd, RX_ON_MODE_IN_PROGRESS, RX_ON_REQ, RX_ON_STOP, rx_on_test(), SCAN_DURATION_POS, send_remote_cmd(), SENSOR_DATA_REQ, SET_DEFAULT_CONFIG_REQ, set_default_configuration(), set_main_state(), SINGLE_NODE_TESTS, sio_rx_buf, START_CWT, start_ed_scan(), START_MODE_PER, START_MODE_POS, START_MODE_SINGLE_NODE, START_REG_ADDR_POS, START_STOP_POS, STOP_CWT, stop_range_test(), TIMEOUT_VAL_1, TIMEOUT_VAL_2, TMR_VAL_1, TMR_VAL_2, TRANSCEIVER_IN_SLEEP, TRX_DEEP_SLEEP, TRX_SLEEP, TRX_SUPPORTED_CHANNELS, TX_MODE_POS, usr_cont_pulse_tx_confirm(), usr_cont_wave_tx_confirm(), usr_ed_scan_start_confirm(), usr_get_current_config_confirm(), usr_identify_peer_node_confirm(), usr_peer_disconnect_confirm(), usr_per_test_start_confirm(), usr_perf_get_confirm(), usr_perf_set_confirm(), usr_perf_start_confirm(), usr_pkt_stream_confirm(), usr_range_test_start_confirm(), usr_register_dump_confirm(), usr_register_read_confirm(), usr_register_write_confirm(), usr_rx_on_confirm(), usr_sensor_data_get_confirm(), usr_set_default_config_confirm(), WAIT_FOR_EVENT, and write_trx_registers().
Referenced by convert_ota_serial_frame_rx(), and process_incoming_sio_data().
inlinestatic |
Parses the Received Data in the Buffer and Process the Commands accordingly.
References CH_PG_SUN, CHANNELS_SELECT_POS, check_error_conditions(), CONT_PULSE_TX_REQ, CONT_WAVE_TX_REQ, CW_TRANSMISSION_UNDER_PROGRESS, disconnect_peer_node(), dump_trx_register_values(), ED_SCAN_START_REQ, END_REG_ADDR_POS, get_board_details(), GET_CURRENT_CONFIG_REQ, get_current_configuration(), get_sensor_data(), IDENTIFY_BOARD_REQ, identify_peer_node(), IDENTIFY_PEER_NODE_REQ, initiate_per_test(), initiate_range_test(), INVALID_ARGUMENT, INVALID_CMD, MAC_SUCCESS, MEMCPY_ENDIAN, MESSAGE_ID_POS, MSG_LEN_ED_SCAN_POS, MSG_LEN_ED_SCAN_REQ, node_info, NUL_VAL, NULL, PARAM_CHANNEL_PAGE, PARAM_LEN_POS, PARAM_TRX_STATE, PARAM_TYPE_POS, param_value_t::param_value_8bit, PARAM_VALUE_POS, PEER_DISCONNECT_REQ, PEER_SEARCH_PER_RX, PEER_SEARCH_PER_TX, PEER_SEARCH_RANGE_RX, PEER_SEARCH_RANGE_TX, PER_TEST_INITIATOR, PER_TEST_RECEPTOR, PER_TEST_START_REQ, PERF_GET_REQ, perf_get_req(), PERF_SET_REQ, perf_set_req(), perf_set_sun_page(), PERF_START_REQ, PROTOCOL_ID, RANGE_TEST_START_REQ, RANGE_TEST_STOP_REQ, RANGE_TEST_TX_OFF, RANGE_TEST_TX_ON, rcvd_channel_mask, read_trx_registers(), REGISTER_ADDR_POS, REGISTER_DUMP_REQ, REGISTER_READ_REQ, REGISTER_VAL_POS, REGISTER_WRITE_REQ, SCAN_DURATION_POS, SENSOR_DATA_REQ, SET_DEFAULT_CONFIG_REQ, set_default_configuration(), set_main_state(), SINGLE_NODE_TESTS, sio_rx_buf, START_CWT, start_ed_scan(), START_MODE_PER, START_MODE_POS, START_MODE_SINGLE_NODE, START_REG_ADDR_POS, START_STOP_POS, STOP_CWT, stop_range_test(), tal_pib, TRANSCEIVER_IN_SLEEP, TRX_SLEEP, TRX_SUPPORTED_CHANNELS_LEG, TX_MODE_POS, usr_cont_pulse_tx_confirm(), usr_cont_wave_tx_confirm(), usr_ed_scan_start_confirm(), usr_get_current_config_confirm(), usr_identify_peer_node_confirm(), usr_peer_disconnect_confirm(), usr_per_test_start_confirm(), usr_perf_get_confirm(), usr_perf_set_confirm(), usr_perf_start_confirm(), usr_range_test_start_confirm(), usr_register_dump_confirm(), usr_register_read_confirm(), usr_register_write_confirm(), usr_sensor_data_get_confirm(), usr_set_default_config_confirm(), WAIT_FOR_EVENT, and write_trx_registers().
Referenced by process_incoming_sio_data().
void identify_peer_node | ( | trx_id_t | trx | ) |
Identifying peer node.
References IDENTIFY_PEER, op_mode, send_identify_command(), TRANSMISSION_FAILURE, TX_OP_MODE, and usr_identify_peer_node_confirm().
void identify_peer_node | ( | void | ) |
Identifying peer node.
References IDENTIFY_PEER, op_mode, send_identify_command(), TRANSMISSION_FAILURE, TX_OP_MODE, and usr_identify_peer_node_confirm().
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
void init_sio | ( | void | ) |
This function does the initialization of the Serial handler state Machine.
References sio_rx_state, and UART_RX_STATE_SOT.
Referenced by init_after_disconnect(), and init_state_init().
void init_sio | ( | trx_id_t | trx | ) |
This function does the initialization of the Serial handler state Machine.
References sio_rx_state, and UART_RX_STATE_SOT.
void initiate_per_test | ( | trx_id_t | trx | ) |
Initiates the test procedure.
References INVALID_CMD, op_mode, PER_TEST_START, send_per_test_start_cmd(), TX_OP_MODE, UNABLE_TO_CONTACT_PEER, and usr_per_test_start_confirm().
void initiate_per_test | ( | void | ) |
Initiates the test procedure.
References op_mode, PER_TEST_START, send_per_test_start_cmd(), and TX_OP_MODE.
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
void initiate_range_test | ( | void | ) |
Initiates the Range test procedure.
References INVALID_CMD, op_mode, RANGE_TEST_START, send_range_test_start_cmd(), TX_OP_MODE, and usr_range_test_start_confirm().
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
void initiate_range_test | ( | trx_id_t | trx | ) |
Initiates the Range test procedure.
References INVALID_CMD, op_mode, RANGE_TEST_START, send_range_test_start_cmd(), TX_OP_MODE, and usr_range_test_start_confirm().
void led_blinker_timer_handler_cb | ( | void * | parameter | ) |
Timer Callback function if identify command is received on air by a node in reflector configuration.
This is used to blink the LED and thus identify itself
parameter | pass parameters to timer handler |
References app_led_event(), APP_TIMER_TO_TX, FUNC_PTR, LED_BLINK_COUNT_FOR_IDENTIFY, LED_BLINK_RATE_IN_MICRO_SEC, led_blinker_timer_handler_cb(), LED_EVENT_ALL_OFF, LED_EVENT_ALL_ON, LED_EVENT_PEER_SEARCH_DONE, NULL, SW_TIMEOUT_RELATIVE, sw_timer_start(), and sw_timer_stop().
Referenced by led_blinker_timer_handler_cb(), per_mode_receptor_rx_cb(), serial_data_handler(), and stop_pkt_streaming().
void perf_get_req | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | param_type | ||
) |
Function to get the various configuration parameters for PER Test.
param_type | Parameter type to be read |
References fsk_tag::bt, CH_PG_SUN, oqpsk_tag::chip_rate, leg_oqpsk_tag::chip_rate, current_channel, leg_oqpsk_tag::data_rate, fsk_tag::fec_enabled, phy_tag::freq_band, FSK, phy_mode_tag::fsk, ofdm_tag::interl, INVALID_ARGUMENT, LEG_OQPSK, phy_mode_tag::leg_oqpsk, MAC_SUCCESS, ofdm_tag::mcs_val, fsk_tag::mod_idx, fsk_tag::mod_type, phy_tag::modulation, OFDM, phy_mode_tag::ofdm, fsk_tag::op_mode, ofdm_tag::option, OQPSK, phy_mode_tag::oqpsk, PARAM_ACK_REQUEST, PARAM_CHANNEL, PARAM_CHANNEL_PAGE, PARAM_CRC_ON_PEER, PARAM_CSMA, PARAM_DESENSITIZATION, PARAM_FRAME_RETRY, PARAM_ISM_FREQUENCY, PARAM_NO_OF_TEST_FRAMES, PARAM_PHY_FRAME_LENGTH, PARAM_RPC, PARAM_TRX_STATE, PARAM_TX_POWER_DBM, phy_tag::phy_mode, phyCurrentChannel, phyCurrentPage, phySetting, phyTransmitPower, oqpsk_tag::rate_mode, fsk_tag::sym_rate, tal_get_curr_trx_config(), tal_get_trx_status(), tal_pib_get(), TX_PWR, and usr_perf_get_confirm().
void perf_get_req | ( | uint8_t | param_type_data | ) |
Function to get the various configuaration paramters for PER Test.
param_type | Parameter type to be read |
References trx_config_params_t::ack_request, CONV_phyTransmitPower_TO_DBM, trx_config_params_t::csma_enabled, curr_trx_config_params, current_channel, INVALID_ARGUMENT, trx_config_params_t::ism_frequency, MAC_SUCCESS, trx_config_params_t::number_test_frames, PARAM_ACK_REQUEST, PARAM_ANT_DIVERSITY, PARAM_ANT_DIVERSITY_ON_PEER, PARAM_CHANNEL, PARAM_CHANNEL_PAGE, PARAM_CRC_ON_PEER, PARAM_CSMA, PARAM_DESENSITIZATION, PARAM_FRAME_RETRY, PARAM_ISM_FREQUENCY, PARAM_NO_OF_TEST_FRAMES, PARAM_PHY_FRAME_LENGTH, PARAM_RPC, PARAM_TRX_STATE, PARAM_TX_POWER_DBM, param_value_t::param_value_16bit, param_value_t::param_value_32bit, param_value_t::param_value_8bit, param_value_t::param_value_bool, param_value_t::param_value_float, trx_config_params_t::phy_frame_length, phyCurrentChannel, phyCurrentPage, phyTransmitPower, trx_config_params_t::retry_enabled, trx_config_params_t::rpc_enable, tal_get_curr_trx_config(), tal_get_trx_status(), tal_pib_get(), trx_state, TX_PWR, and usr_perf_get_confirm().
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
void perf_set_req | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | set_param_type, | ||
param_value_t * | param_value | ||
) |
Function to set the various configuration parameters for PER Test
param_type | Parameter type to be set |
param_value | Pointer to the parameter value to be set |
References config_ack_request(), config_csma(), config_frame_retry(), config_rx_desensitization(), INVALID_ARGUMENT, last_tx_power_format_set, MAC_SUCCESS, MEMCPY_ENDIAN, NUL_VAL, trx_config_params_t::number_test_frames, PARAM_ACK_REQUEST, PARAM_CHANNEL, PARAM_CHANNEL_PAGE, PARAM_CRC_ON_PEER, PARAM_CSMA, PARAM_DESENSITIZATION, PARAM_FRAME_RETRY, PARAM_ISM_FREQUENCY, PARAM_NO_OF_TEST_FRAMES, PARAM_PHY_FRAME_LENGTH, PARAM_RPC, PARAM_TRX_STATE, PARAM_TX_POWER_DBM, param_value_t::param_value_16bit, param_value_t::param_value_32bit, param_value_t::param_value_8bit, param_value_t::param_value_bool, set_channel_app(), set_channel_page(), set_phy_frame_length(), set_transceiver_state(), set_tx_power(), usr_perf_set_confirm(), and VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE.
void perf_set_req | ( | uint8_t | set_param_type, |
param_value_t * | param_value | ||
) |
Function to set the various configuaration paramters for PER Test
param_type | Parameter type to be set |
param_value | Pointer to the parameter value to be set |
References config_ack_request(), config_csma(), config_frame_retry(), config_frequency(), config_rpc_mode(), config_rx_desensitization(), curr_trx_config_params, INVALID_ARGUMENT, last_tx_power_format_set, MAC_SUCCESS, NUL_VAL, trx_config_params_t::number_test_frames, PARAM_ACK_REQUEST, PARAM_ANT_DIVERSITY, PARAM_ANT_DIVERSITY_ON_PEER, PARAM_CHANNEL, PARAM_CHANNEL_PAGE, PARAM_CRC_ON_PEER, PARAM_CSMA, PARAM_DESENSITIZATION, PARAM_FRAME_RETRY, PARAM_ISM_FREQUENCY, PARAM_NO_OF_TEST_FRAMES, PARAM_PHY_FRAME_LENGTH, PARAM_RPC, PARAM_TRX_STATE, PARAM_TX_POWER_DBM, param_value_t::param_value_16bit, param_value_t::param_value_32bit, param_value_t::param_value_8bit, param_value_t::param_value_bool, param_value_t::param_value_float, set_channel(), set_channel_page(), set_phy_frame_length(), set_transceiver_state(), set_tx_power(), usr_perf_set_confirm(), and VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE.
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
void perf_set_sun_page | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t * | param_val | ||
) |
Function to set the various configuration parameters in SUN PAGE for PER Test
sun_page | Pointer to the configurable parameter value structure |
References fsk_tag::bt, CH_PG_SUN, phy_tag::ch_spacing, trx_config_params_t::channel, trx_config_params_t::channel_page, CHINA_470, oqpsk_tag::chip_rate, leg_oqpsk_tag::chip_rate, CHIP_RATE_2000, leg_oqpsk_tag::data_rate, fsk_tag::fec_enabled, phy_tag::freq_band, sun_phy_tag::freq_band, phy_tag::freq_f0, FSK, phy_mode_tag::fsk, FSK_OP_MOD_3, get_fsk_freq_f0(), get_leg_oqpsk_freq_f0(), get_ofdm_freq_f0(), get_oqpsk_freq_f0(), ofdm_tag::interl, INVALID_VALUE, JAPAN_920, LEG_OQPSK, phy_mode_tag::leg_oqpsk, sun_phy_mode_tag::leg_oqpsk, MAC_SUCCESS, MCS1, MCS2, MCS6, ofdm_tag::mcs_val, fsk_tag::mod_idx, fsk_tag::mod_type, phy_tag::modulation, sun_phy_tag::modulation, sun_phy_mode_tag::mr_fsk, sun_phy_mode_tag::mr_ofdm, sun_phy_mode_tag::mr_oqpsk, OFDM, phy_mode_tag::ofdm, OFDM_OPT_3, OFDM_OPT_4, fsk_tag::op_mode, ofdm_tag::option, OQPSK, phy_mode_tag::oqpsk, OQPSK_DATA_RATE_1000, OQPSK_DATA_RATE_250, OQPSK_RATE_MOD_3, OQPSK_RATE_MOD_4, sun_phy_tag::page_no, PARAM_CHANNEL_PAGE, peer_found, phy_tag::phy_mode, phyCurrentChannel, phyFSKFECEnabled, phyHighRateEnabled, phyOFDMMCS, phyOQPSKRateMode, phySetting, oqpsk_tag::rate_mode, send_sun_page_changed(), sun_page_param_val, sun_phy_tag::sun_phy_mode, fsk_tag::sym_rate, tal_pib, tal_pib_get(), tal_pib_set(), and usr_perf_set_confirm().
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
void pktstream_test | ( | uint16_t | gap_time, |
uint16_t | timeout, | ||
bool | start_stop, | ||
uint16_t | frame_len | ||
) |
Starts Packet streaming test.
gap_time | Time between successive packets |
timeout | Time to which packet streaming take place |
start_stop | Parameter to start or stop packet streaming |
frame_len | Length of the frame in bytes |
Starts Packet streaming test.
gap_time | Gap to be provided between consecutive frames in terms of milliseconds : This parameter is used by the receptor node to timeout/stop the packet streaming |
frame_len | Length of the Data frame to be streamed |
References configure_pkt_stream_frames(), CW_TX_TIMER, FUNC_PTR, INVALID_ARGUMENT, MAC_SUCCESS, node_ib_t::main_state, node_info, NULL, op_mode, PER_TEST_RECEPTOR, pkt_stream_gap_time, pkt_stream_gap_timer(), PKT_STREAM_MODE, pkt_stream_stop, rdy_to_tx, serial_data_handler(), stop_pkt_streaming(), SW_TIMEOUT_RELATIVE, sw_timer_start(), sw_timer_stop(), T_APP_TIMER, TX_OP_MODE, and usr_pkt_stream_confirm().
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
inlinestatic |
Process data received from SIO.
References data, EOT, handle_incoming_msg(), rx_index, sio_rx_buf, sio_rx_length, sio_rx_ptr, sio_rx_state, SOT, UART_RX_STATE_DATA, UART_RX_STATE_EOT, UART_RX_STATE_LENGTH, and UART_RX_STATE_SOT.
Referenced by serial_data_handler().
inlinestatic |
Process data received from SIO.
References data, EOT, handle_incoming_msg(), rx_index, sio_rx_buf, sio_rx_length, sio_rx_ptr, sio_rx_state, SOT, UART_RX_STATE_DATA, UART_RX_STATE_EOT, UART_RX_STATE_LENGTH, and UART_RX_STATE_SOT.
void read_trx_registers | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint16_t | reg_addr | ||
) |
Read transceiver register.
reg_addr | The address of the register to be read |
Read transceiver register.
callback_parameter | Pointer to callback, not used here |
References INVALID_VALUE, MAC_SUCCESS, MAX_REG_ADDRESS, tal_trx_reg_read(), usr_register_read_confirm(), and VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE.
void read_trx_registers | ( | uint16_t | reg_addr | ) |
Read transceiver register.
reg_addr | The address of the register to be read |
Read transceiver register.
callback_parameter | Pointer to callback, not used here |
References INVALID_VALUE, MAC_SUCCESS, MAX_REG_ADDRESS, tal_trx_reg_read(), usr_register_read_confirm(), and VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE.
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
float reverse_float | ( | const float | float_val | ) |
The reverse_float is used for reversing a float variable for supporting BIG ENDIAN systems.
float_val | Float variable to be reversed |
Referenced by get_board_details(), get_node_info(), get_sensor_data(), per_mode_initiator_rx_cb(), and start_ed_scan().
void rx_on_test | ( | bool | start_stop_param | ) |
This function is called to initiate the RX_ON test The transceiver is put into the RX_ON mode and no requests are handled until this mode is stopped.
On the receptor ,the mode is stopped only on reception of the RX_ON_STOP command which is sent without ack_req
start_stop_param | Indicates whether the request is to Start or Stop the mode |
References CMD_RX_AACK_ON, CMD_RX_ON, MAC_SUCCESS, node_ib_t::main_state, node_info, PER_TEST_RECEPTOR, RX_AACK_ON, RX_ON, rx_on_mode, set_trx_state(), trx_config_params_t::trx_state, and usr_rx_on_confirm().
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
void send_remote_cmd | ( | uint8_t * | serial_buf, |
uint8_t | len, | ||
bool | ack_req | ||
) |
Function to send the command to Remote node to perform remote test.
serial_buf | Pointer to the serial buffer |
len | Length of the message |
ack_req | specifies ack requested for frame if set to 1 |
References app_payload_t::cmd_id, CW_TX_TIMER, FCF_SHORT_ADDR, FUNC_PTR, MAC_SUCCESS, node_info, op_mode, app_payload_t::payload, node_ib_t::peer_short_addr, REMOTE_MSG_BUF_SIZE, remote_test_req_t::remote_serial_data, REMOTE_TEST_CMD, REMOTE_TEST_MODE, general_pkt_t::remote_test_req_data, app_payload_t::seq_num, seq_num_initiator, SW_TIMEOUT_RELATIVE, sw_timer_start(), TIMEOUT_FOR_RESPONSE_IN_MICRO_SEC, transmit_frame(), TX_OP_MODE, and wait_for_reply_timer_handler_cb().
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
void serial_data_handler | ( | void | ) |
Function to handle the state machine serial data exchange.
Referenced by main(), performance_analyzer_task(), and pktstream_test().
void set_default_configuration | ( | trx_id_t | trx | ) |
Function to set the default values of.
all configurable paramters on source and peer node
Function to set the default values of.
References config_per_test_parameters(), MAC_SUCCESS, op_mode, peer_found, send_set_default_config_command(), SET_DEFAULT_CONFIG_PEER, TRANSMISSION_FAILURE, TX_OP_MODE, and usr_set_default_config_confirm().
void set_default_configuration | ( | void | ) |
Function to set the default values of.
all configurable parameters on source and peer node
Function to set the default values of.
References config_per_test_parameters(), default_trx_config_params, MAC_SUCCESS, op_mode, peer_found, send_set_default_config_command(), SET_DEFAULT_CONFIG_PEER, TRANSMISSION_FAILURE, TX_OP_MODE, and usr_set_default_config_confirm().
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
void sio_write | ( | uint8_t * | message | ) |
Function to write messages into UART/USB, used to send assert messages.
void start_ed_scan | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | ed_scan_duration, | ||
uint32_t | channel_sel_mask | ||
) |
Function to start the ED scan.
scan_duration | paramter which is used to calculate the scan time on each channel |
Function to start the ED scan.
ed_scan_duration | Scan duration parameter which is used to calculate the scan time on each channel |
References aBaseSuperframeDuration, channel_before_scan, MAC_SUCCESS, MAX_SCAN_DURATION, NUL_VAL, num_channels, phyChannelsSupported, phyCurrentChannel, reverse_float(), scan_channel_mask, scan_duration, scanning, TAL_CONVERT_SYMBOLS_TO_US, tal_pib_get(), tal_pib_set(), usr_ed_scan_start_confirm(), and VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE.
void start_ed_scan | ( | uint8_t | ed_scan_duration, |
uint32_t | channel_sel_mask | ||
) |
Function to start the ED scan.
scan_duration | parameter which is used to calculate the scan time on each channel |
channel_sel_mask | Selected channel mask for which the Energy should be detected |
Function to start the ED scan.
ed_scan_duration | Scan duration parameter which is used to calculate the scan time on each channel |
channel_sel_mask | Selected channel mask for which the Energy should be detected |
References aBaseSuperframeDuration, channel_before_scan, MAC_SUCCESS, MAX_CHANNEL, MAX_SCAN_DURATION, MIN_CHANNEL, NUL_VAL, num_channels, phy_tx_power, phyCurrentChannel, phyTransmitPower, pib_value_t::pib_value_8bit, reverse_float(), scan_channel_mask, scan_duration, scanning, TAL_CONVERT_SYMBOLS_TO_US, tal_pib, tal_pib_get(), tal_pib_set(), usr_ed_scan_start_confirm(), and VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE.
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
void stop_range_test | ( | void | ) |
Function to Stop the range Test in PER Mode.
References INVALID_CMD, op_mode, range_test_in_progress, RANGE_TEST_STOP, RANGE_TEST_TX, send_range_test_stop_cmd(), and usr_range_test_start_confirm().
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
void stop_range_test | ( | trx_id_t | trx | ) |
Function to Stop the range Test in PER Mode.
References INVALID_CMD, op_mode, range_test_in_progress, RANGE_TEST_STOP, RANGE_TEST_TX, send_range_test_stop_cmd(), and usr_range_test_start_confirm().
void usr_cont_pulse_tx_confirm | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | status | ||
) |
Function to generate cont_pulse_tx_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as reply to the cont_pulse_tx_req
status | Result for cont_pulse_tx_req |
void usr_cont_pulse_tx_confirm | ( | uint8_t | status | ) |
Function to generate cont_pulse_tx_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as reply to the cont_pulse_tx_req
status | Result for cont_pulse_tx_req |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
void usr_cont_wave_tx_confirm | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | status, | ||
bool | start_stop_param, | ||
uint8_t | tx_mode | ||
) |
Function to generate cont_wave_tx_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as reply to the cont_wave_tx_req
status | Result for cont_wave_tx_req |
start_stop_param | Parameter to start or stop cont tx |
tx_mode | Indicates CW or PRBS |
void usr_cont_wave_tx_confirm | ( | uint8_t | status, |
bool | start_stop_param, | ||
uint8_t | tx_mode | ||
) |
Function to generate cont_wave_tx_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as reply to the cont_wave_tx_req
status | Result for cont_wave_tx_req |
start_stop_param | Parameter to start or stop cont tx |
tx_mode | Indicates CW or PRBS |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
void usr_ed_scan_end_indication | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | no_of_channels, | ||
ed_scan_result_t * | ed_scan_result | ||
) |
Function to generate ED scan Indication frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as Indication after completion of the ED scan
no_of_channels | No. of channels scanned |
ed_scan_result | List of Energy values along with the channel numbers |
References ed_scan_result_t::channel_no, ED_SCAN_END_INDICATION, ED_SCAN_END_INDICATION_LEN, EOT, get_next_tx_buffer(), NULL, ed_scan_result_t::p_in, PROTOCOL_ID, PROTOCOL_ID_LEN, and RESULT_SIZE_PER_CHANNEL.
void usr_ed_scan_end_indication | ( | uint8_t | no_of_channels, |
ed_scan_result_t * | ed_scan_result | ||
) |
Function to generate ED scan Indication frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as Indication after completion of the ED scan
no_of_channels | No. of channels scanned |
ed_scan_result | List of Energy values along with the channel numbers |
References ed_scan_result_t::channel_no, ED_SCAN_END_INDICATION, ED_SCAN_END_INDICATION_LEN, EOT, get_next_tx_buffer(), NULL, ed_scan_result_t::p_in, PROTOCOL_ID, PROTOCOL_ID_LEN, and RESULT_SIZE_PER_CHANNEL.
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_ed_end_cb().
void usr_ed_scan_start_confirm | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | status, | ||
uint8_t | scan_time_min, | ||
float | scan_time_sec | ||
) |
Function to generate ED scan confirm test End Indication frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as Indication before starting the ED scan
status | Confirmation to the ED scan req |
scan_time_min | Approx time to be taken for ed can if timme is more than a minute |
scan_time_sec | Approx time to be taken for ed can if timme is less than a minute |
void usr_ed_scan_start_confirm | ( | uint8_t | status, |
uint8_t | scan_time_min, | ||
float | scan_time_sec | ||
) |
Function to generate ED scan confirm test End Indication frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as Indication before starting the ED scan
status | Confirmation to the ED scan req |
scan_time_min | Approx time to be taken for ed scan if time is more than a minute |
scan_time_sec | Approx time to be taken for ed scan if time is less than a minute |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), and start_ed_scan().
void usr_get_current_config_confirm | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | status, | ||
trx_config_params_t * | curr_trx_conf_params | ||
) |
Function to generate Get Current config Confirm frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation after getting the all configurable paramters on source and peer node, if exists
status | Result for the set default config req |
curr_trx | config params structure of configurable paramters with current values |
References trx_config_params_t::ack_request, AT86RF230B, CH_PG_SUN, trx_config_params_t::channel, trx_config_params_t::channel_page, trx_config_params_t::csma_enabled, EOT, FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXIST, sun_phy_tag::freq_band, FSK, GET_CURRENT_CONFIG_CONFIRM, GET_CURRENT_CONFIG_CONFIRM_LEN, get_next_tx_buffer(), if(), LEG_OQPSK, sun_phy_tag::modulation, NULL, trx_config_params_t::number_test_frames, OFDM, OQPSK, sun_phy_tag::page_no, trx_config_params_t::phy_frame_length, PROTOCOL_ID, PROTOCOL_ID_LEN, trx_config_params_t::retry_enabled, status, trx_config_params_t::sun_phy_page, temp, trx_config_params_t::trx_state, and trx_config_params_t::tx_power_dbm.
void usr_get_current_config_confirm | ( | uint8_t | status, |
trx_config_params_t * | curr_trx_conf_params | ||
) |
Function to generate Get Current config Confirm frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation after getting the all configurable parameters on source and peer node, if exists
status | Result for the set default config req |
curr_trx | config params structure of configurable parameters with current values |
References trx_config_params_t::ack_request, AT86RF230B, AT86RF233, ATMEGARFR2, trx_config_params_t::channel, trx_config_params_t::channel_page, trx_config_params_t::csma_enabled, EOT, FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXIST, GET_CURRENT_CONFIG_CONFIRM, GET_CURRENT_CONFIG_CONFIRM_LEN, get_next_tx_buffer(), if(), trx_config_params_t::ism_frequency, NULL, trx_config_params_t::number_test_frames, trx_config_params_t::phy_frame_length, PROTOCOL_ID, PROTOCOL_ID_LEN, trx_config_params_t::retry_enabled, trx_config_params_t::rpc_enable, status, temp, trx_config_params_t::trx_state, and trx_config_params_t::tx_power_dbm.
Referenced by get_current_configuration(), and handle_incoming_msg().
void usr_identify_board_confirm | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | status, | ||
uint8_t | ic_type, | ||
const char * | mcu_soc_name, | ||
const char * | trx_name, | ||
const char * | board_name, | ||
uint64_t | mac_address, | ||
float | fw_version, | ||
uint32_t | fw_feature_mask | ||
) |
Function to generate Identify Board confirm frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation to the board identify req
status | Result for the set default config req |
ic_type | Ic Type whether it is SOC or MCU |
mcu_soc_name | MCU or SOC name as string |
trx_name | Transceiver's name as string |
Board | Name HW Board name as string |
mac_address | MAC address of the source node |
fw_version | Firmware version |
fw_feature_mask | Features supported by the firmware |
void usr_identify_board_confirm | ( | uint8_t | status, |
uint8_t | ic_type, | ||
const char * | mcu_soc_name, | ||
const char * | trx_name, | ||
const char * | board_name, | ||
uint64_t | mac_address, | ||
float | fw_version, | ||
uint32_t | fw_feature_mask | ||
) |
Function to generate Identify Board confirm frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation to the board identify req
status | Result for the set default config req |
ic_type | Ic Type whether it is SOC or MCU |
mcu_soc_name | MCU or SOC name as string |
trx_name | Transceiver's name as string |
Board | Name HW Board name as string |
mac_address | MAC address of the source node |
fw_version | Firmware version |
Referenced by get_board_details().
void usr_identify_peer_node_confirm | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | status | ||
) |
Function to generate Identify_peer_cnode_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as reply to the identify_peer_node_req
status | Result for identify_peer_node_req |
void usr_identify_peer_node_confirm | ( | uint8_t | status | ) |
Function to generate Identify_peer_cnode_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as reply to the identify_peer_node_req
status | Result for identify_peer_node_req |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), identify_peer_node(), and per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb().
void usr_peer_disconnect_confirm | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | status | ||
) |
Function to generate Disconnect Confirm frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation after disconnecting from the peer node, if exists
status | Result for the Peer Disconnect Req |
void usr_peer_disconnect_confirm | ( | uint8_t | status | ) |
Function to generate Disconnect Confirm frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation after disconnecting from the peer node, if exists
status | Result for the Peer Disconnect Req |
Referenced by disconnect_peer_node(), handle_incoming_msg(), and per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb().
void usr_per_test_end_indication | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | status, | ||
int8_t | rssi_val, | ||
uint8_t | aver_lqi, | ||
uint32_t | frames_transmitted, | ||
uint32_t | frames_received, | ||
uint32_t | frames_failure, | ||
uint32_t | frames_no_ack, | ||
uint32_t | frames_channel_access_failure, | ||
uint32_t | frames_with_wrong_crc, | ||
float | test_duration_sec, | ||
float | test_net_data_rate | ||
) |
Function to generate Per test End Indication frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as Indication afetr completion of PER test
status | Result for PER test intiated by per_test_start_req |
avg_rssi | Average RSSI meausred for PER Test |
avg_lqi | Average LQI meausred for PER Test |
frames_transmitted | No.of transmitted pkts in the PER Test |
frames_received | No.of received pkts in the PER Test |
frames_failure | No. Of pkts failed to transmit |
frames_no_ack | No. Of pkts transmitted without ACK |
frames_channel_access_failure | No. Channel access failures |
test_duration_sec | Time taken for the PER test |
test_net_data_rate | Net data rate for the test |
void usr_per_test_end_indication | ( | uint8_t | status, |
int8_t | rssi_val, | ||
uint8_t | aver_lqi, | ||
uint32_t | frames_transmitted, | ||
uint32_t | frames_received, | ||
uint32_t | frames_failure, | ||
uint32_t | frames_no_ack, | ||
uint32_t | frames_channel_access_failure, | ||
uint32_t | frames_with_wrong_crc, | ||
float | test_duration_sec, | ||
float | test_net_data_rate | ||
) |
Function to generate Per test End Indication frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as Indication afetr completion of PER test
status | Result for PER test intiated by per_test_start_req |
avg_rssi | Average RSSI meausred for PER Test |
avg_lqi | Average LQI meausred for PER Test |
frames_transmitted | No.of transmitted pkts in the PER Test |
frames_received | No.of received pkts in the PER Test |
frames_failure | No. Of pkts failed to transmit |
frames_no_ack | No. Of pkts transmitted without ACK |
frames_channel_access_failure | No. Channel access failures |
test_duration_sec | Time taken for the PER test |
test_net_data_rate | Net data rate for the test |
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_rx_cb(), per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb(), and wait_for_reply_timer_handler_cb().
void usr_per_test_start_confirm | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | status | ||
) |
Function to generate Per Test Start confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation for per_test_start_req request
status | Result for requested per_test_start_req |
void usr_per_test_start_confirm | ( | uint8_t | status | ) |
Function to generate Per Test Start confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation for per_test_start_req request
status | Result for requested per_test_start_req |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), initiate_per_test(), and start_test().
void usr_perf_get_confirm | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | status, | ||
uint8_t | parameter_type, | ||
param_value_t * | parame_value | ||
) |
Function to generate Perf Get confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation for perf_get_req request
status | Result for requested perf_get_req |
param_type | Type of the parameter that has been read |
parame_value | Pointer to the value of the parameter has been read |
References EOT, FSK, get_next_tx_buffer(), get_param_length(), LEG_OQPSK, MEMCPY_ENDIAN, NULL, OCTET_STR_LEN_BYTE_LEN, OFDM, OQPSK, PARAM_CHANNEL_PAGE, param_value_t::param_value_32bit, param_value_t::param_value_8bit, PERF_GET_CONFIRM, PERF_GET_CONFIRM_LEN, PROTOCOL_ID, PROTOCOL_ID_LEN, status, and SUN_PAGE_NO.
void usr_perf_get_confirm | ( | uint8_t | status, |
uint8_t | param_type, | ||
param_value_t * | parame_value | ||
) |
Function to generate Perf Get confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation for perf_get_req request
status | Result for requested perf_get_req |
param_type | Type of the parameter that has been read |
parame_value | Pointer to the value of the parameter has been read |
References EOT, get_next_tx_buffer(), get_param_length(), MEMCPY_ENDIAN, NULL, OCTET_STR_LEN_BYTE_LEN, PERF_GET_CONFIRM, PERF_GET_CONFIRM_LEN, PROTOCOL_ID, PROTOCOL_ID_LEN, and status.
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), per_mode_initiator_rx_cb(), perf_get_req(), and wait_for_reply_timer_handler_cb().
void usr_perf_set_confirm | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | status, | ||
uint8_t | param_type, | ||
param_value_t * | param_value | ||
) |
Function to generate Perf Set confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation for perf_set_req request
status | Result for requested perf_set_req |
param_type | Type of the parameter that has been set |
parame_value | Pointer to the value of the parameter that has been set |
References EOT, FSK, get_next_tx_buffer(), get_param_length(), LEG_OQPSK, MEMCPY_ENDIAN, NULL, OCTET_STR_LEN_BYTE_LEN, OFDM, OQPSK, PARAM_CHANNEL_PAGE, param_value_t::param_value_32bit, param_value_t::param_value_8bit, PERF_SET_CONFIRM, PERF_SET_CONFIRM_LEN, PROTOCOL_ID, PROTOCOL_ID_LEN, status, and SUN_PAGE_NO.
void usr_perf_set_confirm | ( | uint8_t | status, |
uint8_t | param_type, | ||
param_value_t * | param_value | ||
) |
Function to generate Perf Set confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation for perf_set_req request
status | Result for requested perf_set_req |
param_type | Type of the parameter that has been set |
parame_value | Pointer to the value of the parameter that has been set |
References EOT, get_next_tx_buffer(), get_param_length(), MEMCPY_ENDIAN, NULL, OCTET_STR_LEN_BYTE_LEN, PERF_SET_CONFIRM, PERF_SET_CONFIRM_LEN, PROTOCOL_ID, PROTOCOL_ID_LEN, and status.
Referenced by config_ack_request(), config_csma(), config_frame_retry(), config_frequency(), config_rpc_mode(), config_rx_desensitization(), handle_incoming_msg(), per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb(), perf_set_req(), perf_set_sun_page(), set_channel(), set_channel_app(), set_channel_page(), set_parameter_on_transmitter_node(), set_phy_frame_length(), set_transceiver_state(), and set_tx_power().
void usr_perf_start_confirm | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | status, | ||
uint8_t | start_mode, | ||
trx_config_params_t * | trx_config_params, | ||
uint8_t | peer_ic_type, | ||
char * | peer_soc_mcu_name, | ||
char * | peer_trx_name, | ||
char * | peer_board_name, | ||
uint64_t | peer_mac_address, | ||
float | peer_fw_version, | ||
uint32_t | peer_feature_mask | ||
) |
Function to generate Perf Start confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation for perf_start_req
status | Result for requested Perf start request |
start | mode In which mode the transmitter is started i.e.single node or PER mode |
trx_config_params | configurable param values structure |
peer_ic_type | Peer Ic Type whether it is SOC or MCU |
peer_soc_mcu_name | Peer MCU or SOC name as string |
peer_trx_name | Peer Transceiver's name as string |
peer_board_name | Name Peer HW Board name as string |
peer_mac_address | MAC address of the Peer node |
References trx_config_params_t::ack_request, trx_config_params_t::channel, trx_config_params_t::channel_page, trx_config_params_t::csma_enabled, EOT, EXT_ADDR_LEN, FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXIST, get_next_tx_buffer(), NULL, trx_config_params_t::number_test_frames, PERF_START_CONFIRM, PERF_START_CONFIRM_LEN, trx_config_params_t::phy_frame_length, PROTOCOL_ID, PROTOCOL_ID_LEN, trx_config_params_t::retry_enabled, START_MODE_PER, status, trx_config_params_t::trx_state, and trx_config_params_t::tx_power_dbm.
void usr_perf_start_confirm | ( | uint8_t | status, |
uint8_t | start_mode, | ||
trx_config_params_t * | trx_config_params, | ||
uint8_t | peer_ic_type, | ||
char * | peer_soc_mcu_name, | ||
char * | peer_trx_name, | ||
char * | peer_board_name, | ||
uint64_t | peer_mac_address, | ||
float | peer_fw_version, | ||
uint32_t | peer_feature_mask | ||
) |
Function to generate Perf Start confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation for perf_start_req
status | Result for requested Perf start request |
start | mode In which mode the transmitter is started i.e.single node or PER mode |
trx_config_params | configurable param values structure |
peer_ic_type | Peer Ic Type whether it is SOC or MCU |
peer_soc_mcu_name | Peer MCU or SOC name as string |
peer_trx_name | Peer Transceiver's name as string |
peer_board_name | Name Peer HW Board name as string |
peer_mac_address | MAC address of the Peer node |
References trx_config_params_t::ack_request, AT86RF230B, AT86RF233, ATMEGARFR2, trx_config_params_t::channel, trx_config_params_t::channel_page, trx_config_params_t::csma_enabled, EOT, EXT_ADDR_LEN, FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXIST, get_next_tx_buffer(), if(), NULL, trx_config_params_t::number_test_frames, PERF_START_CONFIRM, PERF_START_CONFIRM_LEN, trx_config_params_t::phy_frame_length, PROTOCOL_ID, PROTOCOL_ID_LEN, trx_config_params_t::retry_enabled, trx_config_params_t::rpc_enable, START_MODE_PER, status, trx_config_params_t::trx_state, and trx_config_params_t::tx_power_dbm.
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), peer_rsp_rcvd_init(), peer_rsp_rcvd_tx_cb(), per_mode_initiator_init(), per_mode_initiator_rx_cb(), and wait_for_reply_timer_handler_cb().
void usr_pkt_stream_confirm | ( | uint8_t | status, |
bool | start_stop | ||
) |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), pktstream_test(), and stop_pkt_streaming().
void usr_range_test_beacon_rsp | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
frame_info_t * | frame, | ||
uint8_t | lqi_h, | ||
int8_t | ed_h, | ||
uint8_t | lqi_r, | ||
int8_t | ed_r | ||
) |
Function to send the Received Range Test Response frame to the Host application.
frame | Pointer to the actual frame Received |
lqi_h | LQI of the received response calculated at host |
ed_h | ED value of the received response calculated at host |
lqi_r | LQI of the sent range test packet calculated at receptor |
ed_r | ED value of the sent range test packet calculated at receptor |
References EOT, get_next_tx_buffer(), LENGTH_FIELD_LEN, frame_info_tag::mpdu, NULL, PROTOCOL_ID, PROTOCOL_ID_LEN, RANGE_TEST_BEACON_RESPONSE, RANGE_TEST_RSP_PKT_LEN, and tal_pib.
void usr_range_test_beacon_rsp | ( | uint8_t * | mpdu, |
uint8_t | lqi_h, | ||
int8_t | ed_h, | ||
uint8_t | lqi_r, | ||
int8_t | ed_r | ||
) |
Function to send the Received Range Test Response frame to the Host application.
frame | Pointer to the actual frame Received |
lqi_h | LQI of the received response calculated at host |
ed_h | ED value of the received response calculated at host |
lqi_r | LQI of the sent range test packet calculated at receptor |
ed_r | ED value of the sent range test packet calculated at receptor |
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_rx_cb().
void usr_range_test_beacon_tx | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
frame_info_t * | frame | ||
) |
Function to send the transmitted frame to the Host application.
frame | Pointer to the actual frame transmitted |
void usr_range_test_beacon_tx | ( | uint8_t * | frame | ) |
Function to send the transmitted frame to the Host application.
frame | Pointer to the actual frame transmitted |
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb().
void usr_range_test_marker_ind | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
frame_info_t * | frame, | ||
uint8_t | lqi, | ||
int8_t | ed_value | ||
) |
Function to send the Marker Indication frame to the Host application.
mpdu | Pointer to the actual marker frame Received |
lqi | LQI of the received marker packet |
ed_value | ED value of the received marker packet |
frame | Pointer to the actual marker frame Received |
lqi | LQI of the received marker packet |
ed_value | ED value of the received marker packet |
References EOT, get_next_tx_buffer(), LENGTH_FIELD_LEN, frame_info_tag::mpdu, NULL, PROTOCOL_ID, PROTOCOL_ID_LEN, RANGE_TEST_MARKER_IND_LEN, RANGE_TEST_MARKER_INDICATION, and tal_pib.
void usr_range_test_marker_ind | ( | uint8_t * | mpdu, |
uint8_t | lqi, | ||
int8_t | ed_value | ||
) |
Function to send the Marker Indication frame to the Host application.
mpdu | Pointer to the actual marker frame Received |
lqi | LQI of the received marker packet |
ed_value | ED value of the received marker packet |
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_rx_cb().
void usr_range_test_start_confirm | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | status | ||
) |
Function to generate Range Test Start confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation for range_test_start_req request
status | Result for requested range_test_start_req |
void usr_range_test_start_confirm | ( | uint8_t | status | ) |
Function to generate Range Test Start confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation for range_test_start_req request
status | Result for requested range_test_start_req |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), initiate_range_test(), per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb(), start_range_test(), and stop_range_test().
void usr_range_test_stop_confirm | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | status | ||
) |
Function to generate Range Test Stop confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation for range_test_start_req request
status | Result for requested range_test_stop_req |
void usr_range_test_stop_confirm | ( | uint8_t | status | ) |
Function to generate Range Test Stop confirmation frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation for range_test_start_req request
status | Result for requested range_test_stop_req |
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb().
void usr_register_dump_confirm | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | status, | ||
uint16_t | start_reg_addr, | ||
uint16_t | end_reg_addr, | ||
uint8_t * | reg_val | ||
) |
Function to generate usr_register_dump_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as reply to the usr_register_dump_req
status | Result for usr_register_dump_req |
start_reg_addr | Start Register address that has to be read |
end_reg_addr | End Register address that has to be read |
*reg_val | Arrray of Register values |
void usr_register_dump_confirm | ( | uint8_t | status, |
uint16_t | start_reg_addr, | ||
uint16_t | end_reg_addr, | ||
uint8_t * | reg_val | ||
) |
Function to generate usr_register_dump_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as reply to the usr_register_dump_req
status | Result for usr_register_dump_req |
start_reg_addr | Start Register address that has to be read |
end_reg_addr | End Register address that has to be read |
*reg_val | Arrray of Register values |
Referenced by dump_trx_register_values(), and handle_incoming_msg().
void usr_register_read_confirm | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | status, | ||
uint16_t | reg_addr, | ||
uint8_t | reg_val | ||
) |
Function to generate usr_register_read_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as reply to the usr_register_read_req
status | Result for usr_register_read_req |
reg_addr | Register address that has been read |
reg_val | Register value |
void usr_register_read_confirm | ( | uint8_t | status, |
uint16_t | reg_addr, | ||
uint8_t | reg_val | ||
) |
Function to generate usr_register_read_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as reply to the usr_register_read_req
status | Result for usr_register_read_req |
reg_addr | Register address that has been read |
reg_val | Register value |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), and read_trx_registers().
void usr_register_write_confirm | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | status, | ||
uint16_t | reg_addr, | ||
uint8_t | reg_val | ||
) |
Function to generate usr_register_write_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as reply to the usr_register_write_req
status | Result for usr_register_write_req |
reg_addr | Register address that has been set |
reg_val | Register value |
void usr_register_write_confirm | ( | uint8_t | status, |
uint16_t | reg_addr, | ||
uint8_t | reg_val | ||
) |
Function to generate usr_register_write_confirm that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as reply to the usr_register_write_req
status | Result for usr_register_write_req |
reg_addr | Register address that has been set |
reg_val | Register value |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), and write_trx_registers().
void usr_rx_on_confirm | ( | uint8_t | status, |
bool | start_stop | ||
) |
References EOT, get_next_tx_buffer(), NULL, PROTOCOL_ID, PROTOCOL_ID_LEN, RX_ON_CONFIRM, RX_ON_CONFIRM_LEN, and status.
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), and rx_on_test().
void usr_sensor_data_get_confirm | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | status, | ||
float | bat_voltage, | ||
float | temperature | ||
) |
Function to generate Sensor data confirm frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation after getting the sensor data
status | Result for the Sensor data get req |
bat_voltage | Battery voltage vlaue |
temperature | temperature value |
void usr_sensor_data_get_confirm | ( | uint8_t | status, |
float | bat_voltage, | ||
float | temperature | ||
) |
Function to generate Sensor data confirm frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation after getting the sensor data
status | Result for the Sensor data get req |
bat_voltage | Battery voltage value |
temperature | temperature value |
Referenced by get_sensor_data(), and handle_incoming_msg().
void usr_set_default_config_confirm | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint8_t | status, | ||
trx_config_params_t * | default_trx_config_params | ||
) |
Function to generate Set default config Confirm frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation after setting the all configurable paramters on source and peer node, if exists
status | Result for the set default config req |
default_trx | config params structure of configurable paramters with default values |
References trx_config_params_t::ack_request, trx_config_params_t::channel, trx_config_params_t::channel_page, trx_config_params_t::csma_enabled, EOT, FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXIST, get_next_tx_buffer(), NULL, trx_config_params_t::number_test_frames, trx_config_params_t::phy_frame_length, PROTOCOL_ID, PROTOCOL_ID_LEN, trx_config_params_t::retry_enabled, SET_DEFAULT_CONFIG_CONFIRM, SET_DEFAULT_CONFIG_CONFIRM_LEN, status, trx_config_params_t::trx_state, and trx_config_params_t::tx_power_dbm.
void usr_set_default_config_confirm | ( | uint8_t | status, |
trx_config_params_t * | default_trx_config_params | ||
) |
Function to generate Set default config Confirm frame that must be sent to host application via serial interface.
Called by Performance application as confirmation after setting the all configurable paramters on source and peer node, if exists
status | Result for the set default config req |
default_trx | config params structure of configurable paramters with default values |
References trx_config_params_t::ack_request, AT86RF230B, AT86RF233, ATMEGARFR2, trx_config_params_t::channel, trx_config_params_t::channel_page, trx_config_params_t::csma_enabled, EOT, FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXIST, get_next_tx_buffer(), if(), NULL, trx_config_params_t::number_test_frames, trx_config_params_t::phy_frame_length, PROTOCOL_ID, PROTOCOL_ID_LEN, trx_config_params_t::retry_enabled, trx_config_params_t::rpc_enable, SET_DEFAULT_CONFIG_CONFIRM, SET_DEFAULT_CONFIG_CONFIRM_LEN, status, trx_config_params_t::trx_state, and trx_config_params_t::tx_power_dbm.
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb(), and set_default_configuration().
void write_trx_registers | ( | trx_id_t | trx, |
uint16_t | reg_addr, | ||
uint8_t | reg_val | ||
) |
write Transceiver registers
reg_addr | The address of the register to be read |
reg_val | The value of the register to be written |
References MAC_SUCCESS, MAX_REG_ADDRESS, tal_trx_reg_write(), usr_register_write_confirm(), and VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE.
void write_trx_registers | ( | uint16_t | reg_addr, |
uint8_t | reg_val | ||
) |
write Transceiver registers
reg_addr | The address of the register to be read |
reg_val | The value of the register to be written |
References MAC_SUCCESS, MAX_REG_ADDRESS, tal_trx_reg_write(), usr_register_write_confirm(), and VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE.
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
static |
This is buffer count to keep track of the available bufer for transmission.
Referenced by get_next_tx_buffer(), and serial_data_handler().
static |
This is buffer count to keep track of the available bufer for transmission.
Referenced by get_next_tx_buffer().
static |
Referenced by serial_data_handler().
static |
bool cw_ack_sent |
Referenced by per_mode_receptor_tx_done_cb().
uint8_t cw_start_mode |
Referenced by per_mode_receptor_task(), and per_mode_receptor_tx_done_cb().
uint16_t cw_tmr_val |
Referenced by per_mode_receptor_tx_done_cb().
static |
This is the buffer to hold the frame received through serial interface.
Referenced by abdac_write_data0(), abdac_write_data1(), api_process_incoming_sio_data(), at25dfx_read(), at25dfx_write(), at45dbx_read_byte(), c42364a_circular_animation_start(), configure_range_test_frame_sending(), iis_write(), nwk_task(), pbuf_put_at(), process_incoming_data(), process_incoming_sio_data(), range_test_frame_tx(), sd_mmc_mci_card_init(), send_parameters_changed(), send_peer_conf(), send_peer_info_rsp(), send_peer_req(), send_peer_rsp(), send_per_test_start_cmd(), send_range_test_marker_cmd(), send_range_test_marker_rsp(), send_range_test_rsp(), send_range_test_start_cmd(), send_range_test_stop_cmd(), send_result_req(), send_result_rsp(), send_sun_page_changed(), serial_data_handler(), spi_at25df_mem_check(), SPI_Handler(), spi_master_transfer(), test_set_data(), twim_probe(), and wpan_task().
static |
This is the buffer to hold the frame received through serial interface.
static |
This is length variable to keep track of no of received bytes.
Referenced by nwk_task(), and serial_data_handler().
static |
This is length variable to keep track of no of received bytes.
static |
This is head of the queue of buffers to be transmitted.
Referenced by get_next_tx_buffer(), and serial_data_handler().
static |
This is head of the queue of buffers to be transmitted.
Referenced by get_next_tx_buffer().
uint8_t op_mode |
Referenced by check_error_conditions(), disconnect_peer_node(), identify_peer_node(), initiate_per_test(), initiate_range_test(), per_mode_initiator_init(), per_mode_initiator_rx_cb(), per_mode_initiator_task(), per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb(), pktstream_test(), send_parameters_changed(), send_remote_cmd(), send_sun_page_changed(), set_default_configuration(), start_range_test(), start_test(), stop_range_test(), and wait_for_reply_timer_handler_cb().
uint16_t param_value_t::param_value_16bit |
Parameter 16-bit.
Referenced by perf_get_req(), perf_set_req(), set_channel(), set_parameter_on_transmitter_node(), and set_phy_frame_length().
uint32_t param_value_t::param_value_32bit |
Parameter 32-bit.
Referenced by perf_get_req(), perf_set_req(), usr_perf_get_confirm(), and usr_perf_set_confirm().
uint64_t param_value_t::param_value_64bit |
Parameter 64-bit.
uint8_t param_value_t::param_value_8bit |
Parameter 8-bit.
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), perf_get_req(), perf_set_req(), set_channel_page(), set_parameter_on_transmitter_node(), set_transceiver_state(), set_tx_power(), usr_perf_get_confirm(), and usr_perf_set_confirm().
bool param_value_t::param_value_bool |
Parameter Bool.
Referenced by config_ack_request(), config_csma(), config_frame_retry(), config_rpc_mode(), per_mode_initiator_rx_cb(), per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb(), perf_get_req(), perf_set_req(), and wait_for_reply_timer_handler_cb().
float param_value_t::param_value_float |
Parameter float.
Referenced by config_frequency(), perf_get_req(), perf_set_req(), and set_parameter_on_transmitter_node().
bool peer_found |
uint32_t pkt_stream_gap_time |
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_task(), per_mode_receptor_task(), and pktstream_test().
bool pkt_stream_stop |
bool pulse_mode |
uint32_t rcvd_channel_mask[NUM_TRX] = {0, 0} |
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg().
bool rdy_to_tx |
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_task(), per_mode_receptor_task(), pkt_stream_gap_timer(), and pktstream_test().
This flag is used to check if a remote_test command has been received or not.
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), and serial_data_handler().
bool remote_cw_start |
Referenced by per_mode_receptor_task(), and per_mode_receptor_tx_done_cb().
bool remote_pulse_cw_start |
Referenced by per_mode_receptor_tx_done_cb().
bool remote_serial_tx_failure |
static |
This is index used to validate the received bytes based on their position.
Referenced by process_incoming_sio_data(), and serial_data_handler().
static |
This is index used to validate the received bytes based on their position.
Referenced by process_incoming_sio_data().
bool rx_on_mode |
static |
This is the receive buffer of the UART.
Referenced by convert_ota_serial_frame_rx(), handle_incoming_msg(), and process_incoming_sio_data().
static |
This is the receive buffer of the UART.
Referenced by handle_incoming_msg(), and process_incoming_sio_data().
static |
This is the transmit state of the UART.
(UART_TX_STATE_SOT, UART_TX_STATE_LENGTH, UART_TX_STATE_DATA, or UART_TX_STATE_EOT) This is the length of the message should be received.
Referenced by process_incoming_sio_data().
static |
This is the transmit state of the UART.
(UART_TX_STATE_SOT, UART_TX_STATE_LENGTH, UART_TX_STATE_DATA, or UART_TX_STATE_EOT) This is the length of the message should be received.
Referenced by process_incoming_sio_data().
static |
This pointer points to the next free element inside the receive buffer of the UART.
Referenced by process_incoming_sio_data().
static |
This pointer points to the next free element inside the receive buffer of the UART.
Referenced by process_incoming_sio_data().
static |
This is the receiver state of the UART.
Referenced by init_sio(), and process_incoming_sio_data().
static |
This is the receiver state of the UART.
Referenced by init_sio(), and process_incoming_sio_data().
static |
This is the transmit buffer of the UART.
Referenced by get_next_tx_buffer(), and serial_data_handler().
static |
This is the transmit buffer of the UART.
Referenced by get_next_tx_buffer().
frame_info_t* stream_pkt |
Referenced by per_mode_initiator_task(), and per_mode_receptor_task().